Rose Campbell - Dying Inside - Virtual Book Tour

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Literary Fiction / Short Story

Date Published: December 30, 2021

Childhood can be so very difficult! What is supposed to be a period in one’s life defined by innocence and happiness can alternately become a living nightmare for unlucky souls.

Imagine being in foster care. Imagine not feeling loved or connected to anyone. Imagine lonely Christmases, birthdays, Mothers’ Days, and Fathers’ Days. Imagine suffering through the trauma associated with repeated physical, psychological, and even sexual abuse at the hands of your supposed caretakers, while simultaneously seeking and longing for the love and devotion a young child deserves.

The accounts documented within these chapters are based in part on the actual life experiences endured by a foster child who vividly remembers much of the pain associated with being little more than a number in the system. While it is not uncommon for young children to repress traumatic memories, this child remembers many details as well as the cruelty imposed by the people who were supposed to be her “family.” She remembers her overwhelming feelings of loneliness while waiting for her birth mother to show up for the protected visits. She often waited for long periods while weeping, rocking back and forth, and self-soothing by sucking her fingers. Unfortunately, on many occasions, her mother never followed through on her promises. The disappointment this young girl endured was often overwhelming.

She further remembers being sexually abused by multiple men, both before going into protective custody and afterwards. She will never forget being locked in the bathroom for days, the verbal abuse, all of her prayers, and the tears she constantly shed. So many memories. Yes, she remembers everything.

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Virtual Book Tour - November 14 - November 25

November 14 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

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November 25 -

November 25 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

About the Author

Rose Campbell is a mother's advocate, business owner, and Doula turned well-recognized lifestyle and motherhood blogger, and the reigning Mrs. The Woodlands - 2021. She currently co-stars in Stork's Nursery, a YouTube reality nursery design show where she uses her skills and experience to design and build the nursery of every family's dreams! She has been influential across the nation, championing mothers in areas of extreme importance such as postpartum depression, childhood-mortality, and partnering with nonprofits and organizations to impact lasting change and support parents where they need it most. Rose's Reach on social media is 100k.

She and her husband of seven years, John, have five children ranging in age from 2-6. Rose has spent the entirety of her career as a Doula supporting, educating, and advocating for parents. She found herself in need of support when diagnosed with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy in 2019 shortly following the birth of her 5th child. Rose has not only survived her diagnosis but has thrived as she works with charity PPCM Fund to spread information and awareness of this life-threatening condition.

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