D.B. Sayers - The Year of Maybe - Virtual Book Tour

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Act II of Nyra’s Journey

New Adult Romance

Date Published: November, 2022

Publisher: PhoenixPhyre

He’s nothing like her hopeful dream—and everything she wants.

Nyra’s transition from college grad scrambling for her first career job to full independence is as on track as it can be, these days. With her new marketing job is going well, even if she’s still living at home,Nyra’s pretty sure the light at the end of the tunnel is not an onrushing train.

Still, she gets bored, sometimes. A whimsical decision to take up surfing brings her together with Tai Abrega, a professional surfer and shaper so delicious Nyra’s imagination hasn’t even gotten around to fantasizing about a man like him, yet. Surfing awakens a latent, mystical connection with the sea along with a driven passion for the man himself.

But embracing one possibility often demands abandoning another. How can Nyra fit Tai and the seductive siren song of freedom into her “safer” vision of perfect? Can she blend her conventional world with his freespirited lifestyle, or is she doomed to disappointment and heartbreak? New Adult fans of It Ends with Us and Finding Perfect are sure to enjoy this upbeat tale of hope.

The Year of Maybe Act II of Nyra’s Journey continues the story begun in Best-Case Scenario.

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Virtual Book Tour - November 1 - December 2

November 1 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

November 2 - Book Reviews by Virginia Lee - Spotlight

November 3 - Sapphyria's Book Blog - Spotlight

November 4 - Momma and Her Stories - Excerpt

November 7 - Our Town Book Reviews - Spotlight

November 8 - A Life Through Books - Interview

November 9 - Tea Time and Books - Spotlight

November 10 - Texas Book Nook - Review

November 13 - Brittany's Book Blog - Excerpt

November 14 - The Faerie Review - Spotlight

November 15 - The Avid Reader - Interview

November 16 - Book Corner News and Reviews - Spotlight

November 17 - My Reading Addiction - Interview

November 18 - Crossroad Reviews - Spotlight

November 21 - On a Reading Bender - Review

November 22 - Momma Says to Read or not to Read - Spotlight

November 23 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

November 25 - Nana's Book Reviews - Spotlight

November 28 - Novel News Network - Review

November 29 - Susan's Book World - Spotlight

November 30 - The Indie Express - Review

December 1 - Books Blog - Spotlight

December 2 - Valerie Ullmer - Excerpt

December 2 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

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Dirk’s path to authorship wasn’t quite an accident, but almost. Through his two previous careers, first as a Marine officer and subsequently as a corporate trainer, Dirk started way more stories than he finished.

But when his employer filed for Chapter 11 in the backwash of the 2008 financial melt-down, he found himself cordially invited to leave and not return. Out of work and excuses, he focused on finishing his first novel, West of Tomorrow, while looking for another career position.

Since then, Dirk has written and published Best-Case Scenario, Act I of Nyra’s Journey a collection of short fiction entitled, Through the Windshield as well as Tier Zero and Eryinath-5, The Dancer Nebula, Vols. I & II of the Knolan Cycle.

The Year of Maybe, sequel to Best Case Scenario, is due out in Novemeber 2022.

Dirk also contributes to Medium, blogs on his website, and will accept editing work, by special request. Besides his work as a writer, he is an accomplished snow skier, woodworker, photographer and a compulsive gym rat.

Contact Links

Website: https://dirksayers.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DirkSayers.Author/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DirkSayers

Blog: https://dirksayers.com/nobody-asked-me-but/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14825629.Dirk_Sayers

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/dirksayers/

Medium Page: https://medium.com/@dirksayers

Purchase Links

Coming Soon...


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