Nova Mann - Hope Knocking - Virtual Book Tour

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Fiction/Political fiction

Date Published: May 23, 2022

Publisher: Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc.

Hope Knocking tells the story of 2020 from three different perspectives: Amantha, an opinionated retired educator who considers herself to be half hillbilly and half flatlander; Matthew, her soft-spoken mountain husband; and Nancy Mae, Amantha's charismatic elderly mother who has returned to her East Tennessee roots after leaving nearly seventy years ago. The three live in Mavie, a mere speck on a USGS topographical map, on the banks of the Diamond River.

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Virtual Book Tour - October 17 - October 28

October 17 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

October 17 - Sapphyria's Book Blog - Spotlight

October 18 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

October 19 - Liliyana Shadowlyn - Spotlight

October 20 - Jazzy's Book Reviews - Excerpt

October 21 - Our Town Book Reviews - Spotlight

October 22 - The Avid Reader - Interview

October 24 - Novel News Network - Review

October 25 - Books Blog - Spotlight

October 26 - The Indie Express - Review

October 27 - On a Reading Bender - Review

October 28 - Momma Says to Read or Not to Read - Spotlight

October 28 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

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This is Nova Mann’s first novel, but she is already working on a sequel to Hope Knocking, which will hopefully be released sometime in 2023. Ms. Mann is a former high school teacher who began her career in North Carolina and retired in Tennessee. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia and her graduate degree from Appalachian State University. As a lifelong learner, she continues to explore the world through hiking, sustainable gardening, writing, and playing old-time mountain music. One of her life’s biggest accomplishments was spent as a Fulbright scholar in South America, teaching English at a public high school. She later led many American students on trips throughout Latin America and Europe, believing that travel is the best way to uproot intolerance and replace it with respect for all cultures. She lives with her husband in the mountains of Tennessee, embraced by the Cherokee Forest. You can follow her on facebook: facebook @NovaMann20 by email: or on her website:

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Facebook: @NovaMann20

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