Week of 6/3/24

Friday, June 7 is a MINIMUM DAY. TK are early bees and grades K-6 release at 12:45pm

The Woodsboro Weekly is a one-stop shop for all events and information that relate to Woodsboro Elementary. 

Please note that certain elements will be included each week for convenience or in case someone did not see it. The new elements will always be at the top.

Congratulations to Us!

Important Events

6/3 Grades 4-6 Vocal and Instrumental Concert (6th Grade - 8:00-8:45am, 5th Grade - 8:50-9:35am, 4th Grade - 9:55-10:40am) | Mrs. Friedrichs'/Farmer's Class Mock Trial Performance @ 10:45am in MPR

6/4 Student Awards Assemblies | Lil Kickers Soccer after school program on primary field @ 2:20-3:20pm 

6/5 Student Awards Assemblies 

6/6 2nd Grade Wax Museum 8:00am in MPR | 6th Grade Knott's Field Trip @ Knott's Berry Farm 8:30am-5:30pm | 3rd Grade County Fair 10:00am

6/7 Minimum Day - TK are early bees and grades K-6 release at 12:45pm | Super Spirit Friday | Woodsboro PTA Fun Day

Coming Soon

6/10 Have a great day!

6/11 6th Grade Park Day @ Yorba Regional Park 9:30am-1:30pm | Lil Kickers Soccer after school program on primary field @ 2:20-3:20pm  

6/12 6th Grade Pancake Breakfast and Yearbook Signing 9:30am

6/13 Last Day of School! TK are early bees and grades K-6 release at 12:00pm | 6th Grade Promotion @ 8:00am on the upper grade blacktop with refreshments to follow


Deadline Extended for Promotion Gifts!

Tips for Guiding Your Child to Build a Healthy Self-Concept

The following is an article from our friends at Love and Logic

Healthy self-concept is only developed when children encounter struggles in the real world, learn how to overcome these struggles, and then see themselves acting in respectful and responsible ways. Stated quite simply, self-concept is an inside job.

Because of its undisputed importance, people have spent tremendous energy trying different approaches to give kids a healthy self-concept. In fact, psychologists place a huge emphasis on the importance of having a positive self-concept and rightly so! How we feel about ourselves may be the single most important factor affecting how motivated we are to succeed in school, the types of friends we select, the person we marry, and our general well-being throughout our lives.

Here are some examples of Self-Concept Builders and comparable Self-Concept Stealers:

Builder:  Focus on children’s strengths.

Stealer:  Focus on children’s weaknesses.

Builder:  Expect children to work for most of the things they want.

Stealer:  Give children everything they want.

Builder:  Set loving limits and expect children respect them.

Stealer:  Be afraid to set limits.

Builder:  Show children that arguing and manipulation don’t work.

Stealer:  Get pulled into arguments and power struggles.

Builder:  Guide children to own and solve the problems that they create.

Stealer:  Rescue or punish children when they create problems.

Builder:  Avoid lectures and repeated warnings.

Stealer:  Use lectures and repeated warnings often.

Parenting style is a critical component of helping kids develop a healthy self-concept. Even though Helicopter Parents (parents who constantly rescue and protect their children) and Drill Sergeant Parents (parents who constantly order and control their children) appear to have dramatically different parenting styles, they both rob children of opportunities to learn from real-world experience. Either they are rescuing them from those opportunities, or they are controlling their response to those opportunities.

Consultant Parents (Love and Logic Parents), on the other hand, help their kids develop a healthy self-concept by guiding and allowing their children to encounter and learn from struggles in the real world. In other words, they use Self-Concept Builders instead of stealers.


We need your help! Our Silent Auction will occur at Fun Day on June 7, 2024. The money raised supports critical needs at Woodsboro such as field trips, reading programs, library books, historical Walk Through programs, supplies for teachers and students, and more!

If you have access to season tickets, own a small business, or provide services like massage therapy, hair styling, etc., we invite you to contribute to our silent auction. Your generous donations will not only support our cause but also showcase the incredible talents within our community.

Your support means the world to us and helps create unforgettable experiences for everyone involved. Here are some additional ideas for silent auction donations.

To donate or learn more, please contact Woodsboro PTA at: Woodsboro7575@gmail.com

All donations are tax deductible.

Info Corner

K_TK_Preschool Eligibility Chart PYL 2024-25 (FINAL 12-19-23).pdf
Woodsboro 3165 1.pdf

Every Day Counts!

DID YOU KNOW? When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating.

PTA Membership 2023.pdf

PTA Corner

Join our Woodsboro Parent Teacher Association! This important group raises money and volunteers to run many of the fun extra-curricular programs we have at our school. Our PTA volunteers also help us during school hours and behind the scenes. You can join online HERE or use the form that was sent home. 

If you have any PTA related questions or for remind app access, please email woodsboro7575@gmail.com 


Open PTA POsitions for 2024-25

Please contact our PTA to nominate yourself or a friend for these open positions. Our current Board is here to answer questions and help our new volunteers. If you have any questions regarding the chair position, please email woodsboro7576@gmail.com:

Spirit Wear Extras

To buy, please contact woodsboro7575@gmail.com

Black stripe shirt $18

Grey bee shirt $18

Remind Flyer.pdf