About this space:

This site will provide students and interested parents that want to know a bit more about what exactly will be happening for Intramural Sports throughout the school year. With some resources and other links that will guide students or parents to a better understanding of the program.


Going into our 3rd year Kraemer Intramural Sports is a program that allows students at our campus to practice with one another in preparation of a Middle School District wide competition at the end of the season. Along with practice, we will be introducing students what sports at the High School level might look like along with the responsibilities a student athlete must manage on and off the court. Our sports follow the same order as the high school which is Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, and Track & Field (see Soccer Page for details if interested in soccer).

Website Slides
KMS Intram Sport Contract

Athletic Code of Conduct:

With having an athletic program here at Kraemer Middle School it is our goal to prepare students for the responsibilities that come along with choosing to be apart of our program and being a student-athlete representing not only themselves but Kraemer as a whole. Wither it be at practices, competitions, the classroom, at home. or wherever they may be. If a student wishes to be apart of the program be sure to bring this with you to practice filled out and signed.  

Joining Members:

Be sure to follow us on Instagram @ kraemer_intramsports

Director: Michael English Email:menglish@pylusd.org