
CAASPP Practice Tests: Grades 3-8, 11, 12

Students and parents can experience item types that mirror SBAC-ELA, SBAC-Math, CAST and ELPAC test questions.

Printable Performance Tasks: Grades 2-12

  • ELA: All educators now have access to a selection of free, printable ELA Performance Tasks from our Inspect Plus product from now through 2020. Each performance task allows students to explore concepts, scenarios and texts in depth and includes step-by-step instructions and scoring rubrics, which allow students working from home to check their work.

  • MATHEMATICS: All educators now have access to a selection of free Math Performance Tasks from our Inspect Plus product from now through 2020. Each performance task allows students to explore concepts, scenarios and texts in depth and includes step-by-step instructions and scoring rubrics, which allow students working from home to check their work.

Live Proctoring: All Subjects

Live proctoring in DnA is a key tool used by our virtual school clients. It can be used as a guided lesson with the assessment panel serving as a digital whiteboard and to reinforce active participation by encouraging students to stay on task and work together. To get started, watch a Video Tutorial or review a Quick Start Guide.

Assessments using Illuminate and Google Classroom: All subjects, all grades

  • Online Testing with Google Classroom: Keep a student's learning activities in one online location. As students complete activities, an online assessment from DnA can easily be one of the activities initiated from within Google Classroom. As scores populate in GC, reports populate in DnA seamlessly.

  • Flexible Assessments and Google Drive: The power of ​Flex Assessments​ is not only the ability to have a variety of online question types, but you can upload a test you've created in Google docs. This test can then appear as an online assessment, paired on the screen with the answer sheet you've created without any extra time-consuming copying and pasting. When ​creating the Flexible Assessment​, simply click the Google Drive icon when choosing to ‘upload materials.’ See next entry on How to Create a Flex Assessment.

  • How to Create a Flex Assessment: Assessment creation has been simplified in the new Flex Assessment option. Easier yet, upload a test you've created in Google docs, which will then appear as an online assessment, paired with the existing answer sheets. All this by simply clicking the Google Drive icon when choosing "upload materials".