Google Classroom

Create, assign, and grade assignments for your students. Post links, handouts, and videos for your students to access. Have students communicate and collaborate with each other and the teacher.


Teacher Webinar (2020-03-16 at 14:01 GMT-7)

Webinar on Intro to Google Classroom from 3/16

Intermediate Google Classroom Webinar (2020-03-26 at 13:02 GMT-7)

Webinar on Intermediate Google Classroom 3/26

Tutorial documents

Google Classroom start.pdf

Quick Start Guide

How to Create a Google Classroom and Add Students

Create a class

originality reports

*Open with Google Drawings to access links.

Tutorial videos

Beginners- Creating assignments with links

Beginners: Creating a basic assignment using Google docs

Reuse Post in Google Classroom Assignments

Creating a Quiz Assignment - self grading or manual options

Rubric Scoring

*Updated since video: Rubrics can now be reused (re. min 6:00)

Organizing the Classwork Page

How to turn on the new Google Meet feature in Google Classroom

Make a copy for each student.mp4

Why don't I see the "make a copy for each student" option in an assignment?

Adult Ed- Creating Google Classroom and Inviting Students to Join