Parent Resources

Accelerated Reader (aka as AR) is a district wide reading program, which will help to "accelerate" the process of learning how to read well and becoming a good reader. AR gives students immediate feedback as to how they are doing. This individualized program is focused on each student's individual reading ability levels.

ZPD Level: (Zone of Proximal Development) Each child is tested on the computer for an individual reading ability range. The students take a 25-question reading comprehension test on-line. The number of correct responses will determine their reading range.

Book Level (Reading Level): A book level is a way to measure the difficulty of a text, which includes both context and vocabulary words.

Points: Each book is assigned a point value based on its reading level, interest level, and book length. Each point is roughly equivalent to one hour of reading practice within a student's reading range. Point levels range between 0.5 and 130 points.

Quizzes: After reading, the student logs the book in their AR folder, and then can take a quiz on the computer. The goal is for students to score 85%. The program allows for children to score a 60% or higher to pass a quiz. Points are prorated based on the percent correct. The higher the score, the better the student has comprehended the text and vocabulary in the book.

Goals: Goals are set each quarter. I will be monitoring progress towards these goals. You are able to log in and check your child's progress from home as well