Induction Process
You made it to the first step in the process to become NHS members!
Please see below for more information on how to become a member.
Step 1: Get Invited!
Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors in good standing with a 3.85 unweighted GPA will be sent an email if they meet the entrance requirements.
Review the Guidelines/By-Laws - Located under "More"
Review Attendance Requirements - This is what you should expect AFTER you become an inducted member
Review Service Opportunities - This is what you should expect AFTER you become an inducted member
Step 2: Evaluations
Invited students will need to request 6 evaluations from different teachers and supervisors: View Additional Information below under "Evaluation Details"! Due on December 13th, 2024.
Evaluation Details
You will be requesting recommendations from 6 different evaluators. These evaluations will be based on your leadership and character.
Your chosen evaluators will need to complete the Horizon NHS Leadership/Character Form . A sample email will be provided below.
When asking for evaluations:
DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to ask for recommendations. Evaluations take time and your evaluators will likely be asked by multiple students.
Pick people that know YOU! All evaluations are confidential.
ASK IN PERSON first. This makes it personal and allows for conversation between you and your evaluator.
If your evaluator say YES, GREAT! Send them a follow-up email with more information (listed below)
If your evaluator says NO, they are doing you a favor and allowing you the opportunity to get a positive recommendation elsewhere - smile and be thankful for their time :)
SEND FOLLOW UP EMAIL. This is critical, this is how the evaluator will get the information from you on what to send.
Here is the form link you will need to submit the evaluation Horizon NHS Leadership/Character Form 22-23
Last but not least, say THANK YOU. Your evaluator is taking time out of their lives to do you a kindness. A simple token of appreciation as a verbal thank you goes a long way.
Sample email to evaluators (you may copy and paste this into the body of an email, CHECK TO MAKE SURE THE Horizon NHS Leadership/Character Form LINK WORKS):
Hello (Enter Evaluators Name and formal title),
Thank you for agreeing to complete an evaluation of me for my induction into Horizon's National Honor Society. I appreciate you taking this time for me.
Here are some pieces of information that you will need to help me complete my requirements for induction:
Evaluations are due no later than December 13th, 2024.
The evaluation I need from you is 11 questions and will ask about my leadership and character.
Here is the form link you will need to submit the evaluation Horizon NHS Leadership/Character Form
Step 3: Complete Service Hours
Inductees are responsible for completing 20 service hours. These hours must be completed between the date of invitation and February 21st, 2025. REVIEW THE SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TAB under "More" for more information. Forms can be found under the "Service Forms" tab.
Step 4: Attend Induction Ceremony
Induction practice and the ceremony will happen during the second week of April.
Induction Ceremony Details
Induction is a semi-formal event. Family and Friends may attend.
Dresses or Slacks, no shorts.
No Tennis Shoes
Dress Shirt (Tie Optional) or Polo
Dress Shoes
No Tennis Shoes will be permitted
Step 5: Pay Dues
You will pay member dues of $30 to the Bookstore. If you are a Sophomore or Junior, these dues will go towards next year's dues. If you are a Senior, they will go to this year's dues to help pay towards your NHS graduation costs.
Step 6: Attend NHS Meetings
Inductees (Now, new NHS Members) will attend the first meeting in May, this is MANDATORY!