

Ben McCormac

Being a new tech role this year, the marketing position is responsible for the advertisements and publicity of a given show. This task is delegated to one person, and it allows for a more focus marketing strategies. Marketing for an online show differs drastically than marketing for a show that is performed on the stage. It is cruicial that the right information is conveyed in order to ensure that there is no confusion among potential audience members. With a show like this, marketing tried to do its best to make accessing the show as easy as possible, as well as make the show appealing as possible. Charlotte's Web is a story that most people grew up with, or at least have heard about. With that in mind, marketing tried it's best to convey the themes of childlike innoncence and growing up in the ads, as well as tailor to nostalgia for people who already enjoy the story. There was emphasis on also promoting this show to other troupes in the state, as these times makes it difficult for anybody to put on a show. That being said, we hope you enjoy the show!