Tech Programs

The BOCES Tech Center offers an opportunity to receive a technical education in a number of occupational areas. Students attend the Tech Center for part of the school day and take their academic courses at PVHS. The two-hour blocks at Tech may be scheduled in the morning, mid-day, or afternoon sessions depending on the program a student takes. Students receive three credits for each year of the occupational education program. Some of the programs at the Tech Center will allow students to accumulate college credits during 12th grade. Students must complete an application to the Tech Center and be accepted into a particular program. Applications are available from your school counselor.

Tech Center Programs:

Advertising Art and Design

Alternate Options/GED

Auto Body

Auto Mechanics

Baking and Pastry Arts

Building Maintenance

Business and Computer Technology


Certified Nurse Aid

Childcare Worker

Clerical Skills

Commercial Art

Communications Electronics

Computer Assisted Drafting and Design

Computer Graphics

Construction Electricity

Cosmetic Services


Culinary Arts

Emergency Medical Services

Entrepreneurship/Business Management

Environmental Science Academy

Fashion Design

Floral and Greenhouse Services

Food Prep Assistant

Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning

Home Health Aide

Introduction to Teaching


Law Enforcement

Manicuring/Nail Sculpting


Medical Assistant

Microcomputer Technology

New Visions Health

New Visions Education

New Visions Law

Plumbing/Pipe Fitting

Retail Services

Small Engine Technology

Telecommunications Technology

TV Production

Urban Forestry


For more information about specific tech programs please visit the Tech Center's Website here.

To register for a BOCES tech program, talk to your guidance counselor today!