Kick-off to summer break

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

May 24, 2024

The school year is coming to an end. PMHS is having their last pep rally of the year on Thursday, June 6. At the pep rally there will be many activities, one of which is a game of kickball. 

Each class will have 10 students and two teachers on their team. Classes will compete against each other to see who is the ultimate kickball champion! 

Freshman player Lucas Cooksey said he is “...excited to be showing up for the freshman class” and feels “...pretty confident that my team is going to win”. 

“I think with it being our last pep rally we might do good,” said a senior spectator, Milani McGee. 

Hopefully everyone is able to attend and the whole school has a great time. PMHS cannot wait to see which team takes home the win! 

Summer break is almost here

By Amelia T.

May 24, 2024

On June 17, students and staff are finally getting the long-awaited summer break after two weeks of testing for all grades and many field trips.

But this also means the seniors will be graduating from PMHS as well, so wish them good luck on the path they have chosen for the future. 

Final Pep Rally of the year

By Cameron R.

May 24, 2024

PMHS Student Council has planned an end-of-the-year Pep Rally on Thursday, June 6. It will be held outside at the Lou D’Angelo Football Stadium. 

In between Pep Rally events, there will be a kickball game. Students and teachers will play against each other.

In addition, PMHS will be playing more games and hosting other events. Each class is making a banner to hang up too. 

Freshman Leah Campbell has some ideas for her Class of 2027 banner. “I plan on incorporating our class color and some school spirit.”

Freshman Lucas Thomas is playing in the kickball game and is expecting a win. “I think that the freshmen will dominate every grade we go against.”

Get ready for our last pep rally of the 2023-2024 school year!

Graduates of 2024

By Kayla D.

May 24, 2024

On June 17 the PMHS seniors will be graduating from high school.

Senior Jordynn Danner said, “I'm excited to graduate because I'm looking forward to focusing more on working and just life in general.”

The seniors of 2024 are excited but at the same time very upset about graduating.

Senior Ruby Hassler said, “I plan on working two jobs to save up a bunch of money for college so I don’t have to work for my first semester so I can have more fun and get classes done” But she is also really excited for graduating because she plans to attend Towson University in Maryland because it has one of her favorite programs.

Senior Kaydance Chasmar said, “I'm gonna be bawling my eyes out” as she walks over the stage.

The seniors of 2024 will be missed but be sure to go and cheer them on June 17.

Enchanted evening at prom

By Avery W. and Graillyn W.

May 2, 2024

The PMHS prom was Friday, April 26 and a new venue added to the magic of it all. Kings Mills in Pennsylvania was the location of the 2024 prom night and it definitely did not disappoint. The theme, Enchanted Evening, was said to perfectly match Kings Mills and brought a beautiful night for PMHS students.

Junior Sofia Belitsas said, “My favorite part of the venue was probably the outside waterfall. I think it fit our theme really well, and it just made our night super enchanted.”

The theme also resulted in some enchanted dresses and many students’ favorite part of the night was seeing everyone dressed up in a change of scenery and having fun with friends.

Junior Maddie Wright said, “My favorite part of prom was seeing everybody dressed up.”

Freshman Cameron Robbins said, “My favorite part of prom was dancing with all my friends and hanging out with them.”

PMHS students had a lot of expectations for this year’s prom, and Kings Mills definitely did not disappoint!

Entrance Into an Enchanted Evening

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

May 2, 2024

PMHS’s JuniorProm was held on Friday, April 26. In order for everyone to show off their prom-tastic looks, the Class of 2025 set up Promenade! 

Family and friends of the prom attendees were able to come and watch as students and their dates walked across the auditorium stage, giving them a glimpse into the Enchanted Evening. 

Class of 2025’s president Brenna Emery said, “I am so grateful for our class executive committee, for their donations, time, and effort put into such a beautiful set up!” 

A spectator, Madeline Samuels, expressed that she “...did like the setup, I thought it was very lovely and fit the theme perfectly.”

Should students leave early even if they’re not going to Prom?

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

May 2, 2024

This year’s Promenade was one to remember, all thanks to the efforts of the Junior class! For now though, we can only hope and wait to see what the Class of 2026 will do next year. 

Due to the early dismissal at 12:01 because of prom on Friday, April 26, we wanted to see if the students and teachers of PMHS believed we needed this early dismissal.

Freshman Keagan Kaminski frustratedly said, “I absolutely do not think that, because we need our education. People who are going to Prom deserve the day off but we do not.” 

Spanish teacher Mr. Carter said, “If you’re not going to the prom, I don't really see any justification to getting out early. What would the reason be to get out early if the objective of them attending would be not to leave? We did have a half day and that kinda worked because it gave time for people to prepare.” 

It seems many people at PMHS do not appreciate leaving early for prom when they are not going. 

Seniors take on Disney

By Jordynn D.

May 2, 2024

As the end of the school year approaches, that means it's time for the senior trip! On Monday, April 29, seniors left for Disney World for their week-long stay.  They will return on May 3.

The students have been eagerly waiting for this time to come so it’s very exciting now that it is finally here.

Senior Dylan Gundle said, “I'm glad to be away from school and just going to Florida is pretty cool.”

If you are looking for any more information about this, you can go through your email. There have been multiple sources of information sent out.

Seniors are at Disney

By Amelia T.

May 2, 2024

The majority of the seniors won't be around from April 29 to May 3 because they’ll be having fun at Disney World. The teachers coordinating the trip will be sharing updates and pictures through emails, so people at home will know that their seniors are doing fine.

Since it's the last few months of the school year for the seniors, they deserve to go off with a bang.

Phenomenal “Fiddler”

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

March 28, 2024

“Fiddler on the Roof” was the play of 2024 for PMHS’s Drama Club. There were shows on March 22, 23 and 24. There was a great turnout for all three days!   

Sophomore Abigail Bohn shared her thoughts on PMHS’s take on “Fiddler on the Roof”. “I thought the show was really good, and everyone in it did really well”. 

Students in “Fiddler on the Roof” seemed to have a great time and really enjoyed being a part of this. 

Freshman Ian Peacock, who played Perchik, said, “my favorite part was when we had the wedding scene because it was fun and chaotic.” 

The Drama Club greatly appreciates the love and support everyone has shown towards them and hopes to continue to entertain Pennsville with their plays. 

Upcoming Spring Break starting March 29!

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

March 28, 2024

Students and teachers of PMHS are excited about their upcoming four-day weekend beginning on March 29!

Freshman Nathan Dowens explained how he was going to spend his Spring Break by saying, “I’m going to do everything! I’m gonna go fishing, I’m gonna play some football, I’m gonna play some Xbox, it's going to be amazing!” Dowens also believes that the break should be longer, “because we barely have any time to do anything!” 

Math teacher Mrs. Fulmer said, “Probably painting my son's bedroom, or maybe going to a Phillies game!” She then explained why a longer break would not be as great as everyone says. “My first year here we had a whole week off and it was hard coming back after a whole week off. Four and a half days I think is perfect. I'd rather get off early in June.”

It appears that the students and teachers will be enjoying their Spring Breaks!

Spring Break is approaching

By Jordynn D. and Joey M.

March 28, 2024

On Thursday, March 28, PMHS students will be released early from school to start off their spring break!

Staff and students are excited and ready for this short break. After leaving early, students will not need to return until Tuesday, April 2.

Sophomore Gracie Gundle stated, “I’m ready for the time off and the time I’ll get to spend with my friends.”

Senior Dylan Gundle said, “I can’t wait to sleep in and focus on video games for a few days.”

The anticipation is definitely getting to us all.

Breaking into Spring!

By Lyla G. and Phoebe O.

March 28, 2024

As Spring Break is approaching quickly for the 2024 school year, the students are looking forward to the things they are going to do with friends and family over spring break this year! 

Freshman Jaelynn Small said, “I’m planning on going to my aunt’s house for Easter and to have a nice dinner.”

Freshman Danny Knight explained, “Personally I would want to have a longer spring break because I don’t feel like having more school at the end of the year and in the heat”

Freshman Laura Tamberella stated, “I plan to eat a lot of chocolate from my easter basket and hang out with my family and my boyfriend. I’d rather have a shorter spring break and get out of school earlier.”

Spring Break is from March 28 to April 1, and takes place over Easter weekend. Hope you have a great Spring Break and a happy Easter, PMHS!

Teacher in-service on March 8! Three-day weekend!

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

March 1, 2024

After seeing that PMHS had a three-day weekend beginning on March 8 because of a teacher in-service we decided to ask around the school how they were going to use it. 

Freshman Liam McCone was indecisive about his weekend saying, “I’ll probably sleep, I don't know. I guess I'll probably go somewhere, my parents will probably want to go to my aunt's house. She parties a lot.”

After asking Spanish teacher Mr. Carter he replied ecstatically with, “You know what? I'm going to the aquarium in Camden. No students, no class trip, just a couple of people. Check out the animals, see what's going on, and see whats swimming.”

We then asked Mr. Carter why in-services are so important. He replied with, “Teacher in-services are very important to maintain the teacher's knowledge of a subject, and also to get information on new techniques, and continues adult education.”

It appears that the people of PMHS are going to enjoy their three-day weekend on March 8!

Fourth marking period here we come

By Joey M.

March 1, 2024

PMHS students are excited to take on the challenges with all they have coming with this new marking period while getting ready for the future ahead.

Senior Kameron Drummon said, “I’m ready to get working. I think it's fun [to] try my hardest in class to really test my limits.”

Senior Adrian Morgan said, “I just can't wait till summer is here so we don't have to wake up early.”

“Family Feud” Festivities!

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

March 1, 2024

On Friday, March 1, PMHS hosted a “Family Feud” event! One student from each grade will be chosen as a class representative to compete against teachers. Players have mixed emotions about how they will do. 

Ahead of the event, freshman class representative Lucas Cooksey is confident that he will do well. “I think I am smart, and I can definitely think quick, so I’m sure I will definitely score my team some points.”  

On the other hand, Ms. Morgan had some doubt in herself. “I’m probably going to make a complete fool of myself, but it's OK.” 

PMHS is looking forward to seeing who will come out on top in this family fun game show! 

“Fiddler on the Roof” arrives this month

By Kaydence C.

March 1, 2024

Pennsville Memorial High School’s Drama Club is having a Spring Musical “Fiddler on the Roof”. There will be a few different dates to go see: March 22 at 6:30 p.m., March 23 at 6:30 p.m. and March 24 at 2:00 p.m. in the auditorium. You can buy tickets to go see it. The adults will be $12 and students are $10. 

Last year’s Drama Club did a play on the same dates as this year's. Last year’s play was “Grease”. 

PMHS second marking period is ending!

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

Feb. 1, 2024

With the upcoming end of the second marking period on Feb. 2 at Pennsville Memorial High School, people are feeling somewhat bleak about their second marking periods.

Freshman Liam McCone said, “I mean, I feel pretty fine about it. I need to work harder though, I guess.” When we asked him what he would change about it he said, “Probably my grades, I don't know. I kinda slacked off a bit.”

Math teacher Mrs. Jackson, when asked about the end of the second marking period, said, “Well it means the year is halfway over, right? The year is halfway over for you… Lyriq did all his work so he's ok he's good to go…it's just the start of a new marking period, and everybody gets to start fresh and start the second half of the year, hopefully on the right foot. Hopefully, people will turn things around if they didn’t do so hot this marking period.”

People at PMHS are feeling concerned, but are mostly excited about the upcoming third marking period. 

Join us for some FUN-draising!

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

Feb. 1, 2024

PMHS class of ‘27 is hosting a “Dine to Donate” fundraiser at the Engine House on Thursday, Feb. 1, from 4 p.m.- 7 p.m. 10% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage proceeds will be donated to this class. Hopes are high for the event. 

Freshman class advisor Mrs. Fulmer said she is wishing “to make a couple hundred bucks for the class with this fundraiser. I’ve heard a lot of people saying that they are going to go after the basketball game.” 

A small group of students will even be working at the event. One of which is class secretary Izzabella Sanders. She said, “It seems like it will be fun.”

Make sure to stop by the Engine House and support. The class of 2027 can’t wait to see you there! 

Celebrating success for marking period two!

By Amber T.

Feb. 1, 2024

Vice principal Ms. Busillo is throwing Renaissance events for those who have great grades and good attendance. 

She’s rewarding students with pancakes, sausage and bacon, as well as a drink option on Feb. 23. 

In the cafeteria students will be able to get out of class and enjoy their time of success. 

Sophomore Alexa Courtney explained, “I think the renaissance event is a good way for kids to value their success.” 

Junior Alyssa Jagger said, “I think it's great for us because its a reward and its fun to be outside of the class.”

As we move out of the second marking period and into the third, students will have the chance to show their success and get a renaissance card. 

Wishing the best to all students. 

Rolling Back into School

By Jordynn D. and Joey M.

Jan. 5, 2024

On Jan. 2 school doors re-opened to welcome the students and staff of PMHS back inside to finish out the remainder of the school year.

The long holiday break has come to an end and teachers and students will return back to their normal school lives and continue with their normal school activities.

Junior Keira Ammon said, “Coming back to school is definitely tiring and an adjustment.”

Senior Dylan Waller said, “The hardest part of coming back is probably having to wake up early everyday again.”

Let's hope the rest of this school year goes by smoothly for all the staff and students of PMHS.

People had great times on their winter breaks!

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

Jan. 5, 2024

Returning from the winter break on Jan. 2 of the new year, 2024, the people of Pennsville Memorial High School had great times on their winter breaks!

Science teacher Mr Coleman said, “I relaxed a little bit with family. For the most part, I visited people for their birthdays over the break, went to festivals of the lights, dropped off gifts, and watched Christmas movies. The days in-between Christmas day and New Year's day was my father's birthday so I took him out to dinner….I watched a Christmas movie a day and cleaned up gifts and put stuff together, and rested.”

Freshman Nathan Dowens said, “Well first of all you got Christmas, opened a bunch of presents, and after that we went to Delaware and Rehoboth Beach and basically just partied. Yeah it was pretty fun.”

It seems like the people of PMHS are feeling amazing about their winter breaks!

Big cheer for the new year!

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

Jan. 5, 2024

PMHS re-opened their doors to welcome students and staff back from winter break on Jan. 2. Many people are coming up with lots of New Year’s resolutions to hopefully accomplish in 2024. 

Freshman Kayla Donelson said, “My New Year’s resolution is to do better in school, get better grades, and study harder.” 

Math teacher Mrs. Chapkowski has goals to “be healthier and try to read two books a month.” 

Hopefully everyone achieves their resolutions and has a wonderful year!

Coming back from winter break

By Amber T.

Jan. 5, 2024

PMHS came back from a long break. Many loved the break and many wish they could have done more. 

Senior Milyannie Rodriguez said, “I wish I didn't have to work as much. I wish I could’ve slept more and had more time to myself.”

Coming back to school with a new year gives everyone a fresh start and a new beginning to reaching whatever goal they’ve made, including making a goal about sleeping more.

Sophomore Audrey Claybourn stated, “I wish I could have hung out with more family over the break, But I thought the New Year get together was way better than anything else.” 

As everyone comes back from the break, we all hope the year can be better than the last and everyone can succeed in their resolutions.

PMHS Winter Break is approaching

By Jordynn D. and Joey M.

Dec. 14, 2023

It’s time for the staff and students of PMHS to get excited because Winter break is right around the corner! 

On Thursday, Dec. 21, students will get a half day to end the week. Students will then have Friday, Dec. 22 all the way up to Jan. 1 off from school. Everyone is ready.

Sophomore Gracie Gundle said, “I’m super excited because I get to sleep.”

Senior Kameron Drummond hopes to be “playing ‘Fortnite’ with the bros and eating a lot of food.”

Volleyball tournament (PMHS Version)

By Kayla D.

Dec. 14, 2023

On Thursday, Dec.21 the volleyball tournament will take place in the high school gym. This game is student's vs. students and the winning grade goes against teachers.

Senior Sky Epps is excited and said, “We're gonna beat the teachers for sure but then the only challenge we really got is the sophomores they always have athletes.”

Students are really excited to see this game and who the winning grade is or the teachers.

Freshman Grady Sanders said he thinks he can beat the teachers “100%, they’re old, they're not diving for balls or doing anything.”

The juniors won dodgeball against students and teachers in November…can teachers get their revenge?

People are ready for the upcoming Christmas Break!

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

Dec. 14, 2023

With the upcoming winter break on Dec. 22 at Pennsville Memorial High School, people are looking forward to chilling and hanging out with the people they love!

Freshman Jesse Thomas said, “I'm ready for it cause I get to sleep in, and I get to open presents, and not got to school, and hang out with friends.” 

Science Teacher Mrs. DuBary-Paul said, “I'm excited for it. I think that we all need a little bit of a… just a reset, and having it at the end of the year is a good time. Looking forward to just sleeping and just not worrying about anything, besides what my kids are getting into. That's about it.” 

It appears that the people of PMHS are ready for the upcoming Christmas break!

PMHS Winter Break

By Amber T.

Dec. 14, 2023

The PMHS district is letting students and staff get out of school from Dec. 22. to Jan. 2.  

Christmas is coming up and we’re getting ready to have seven days off of school. When we come back it will be a new year. 

Librarian Mrs. Baran explained that she wants to read three books over the break and have A Feast of Fishes, which she explained is an Italian tradition. She wants everyone to know that she thinks Feast of Seven Fishes is the best part of Christmas. 

 Sophomore Audrey Claybourn explained, “My favorite part of Christmas is the decorations and the Christmas spirit.” 

PMHS is ready for the long break and for a brand new year. 

It’s almost time for Christmas break!

By Amelia T.

Dec. 14, 2023

Christmas is rapidly approaching PMHS and it’s almost time to empty the halls. There is a half day on Friday, Dec. 15, while the actual break starts on Dec. 22 with a half day on Dec. 21, and ends on Jan. 2.

“For Winter Break, my aunt is coming over with her husband and two kids to celebrate a bit early. Then I’m pretty sure I’m going to New York on Christmas day or having family from there to come over to our house. It’s going to be a blast,” sophomore Elivette Rosario said, describing her exciting plans.

After a week of half days, students and staff all over PMHS are excited to get a week off from the chaos and spend time with family and friends.

Let's put a freeze on school and enjoy the break

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

Dec. 14, 2023

Winter break is arriving quickly here at PMHS. Dec. 22 through Jan. 1, there will be no school. Students and staff both seem thrilled for the break. 

Junior Savanna Gandy said, “I am most excited for skiing, seeing my friends, dancing, and all around just the weather itself is really beautiful. I also hope it snows.”

Mrs. Rinnier looks like she’ll be keeping busy over the break. The math teacher said, “I’ll spend it with my kids, doing stuff with them, and going to visit family in Virginia for new years.” 

Freshman Carter Marts is planning on relaxing and spending some quality time with his family. Marts said, “I heard that my older brother is going to be visiting over the break, and I haven’t seen him in a hot minute. It would be pretty nice to see him again.” 

We hope everyone has a holly jolly Christmas break, and PMHS can’t wait to see you next year! 

PMHS Annual Volleyball Tournament

By Lyla G. and Graillyn W.

Dec. 14, 2023

This upcoming Thursday, Dec. 21, PMHS will be holding the annual volleyball tournament in the PMHS gym as a schoolwide activity before Christmas break. Confidence and excitement rises throughout the school.

Sophomore Audrey Claybourn has strong enthusiasm for herself and her class. “The sophomores will win because I am on the team,” stated Claybourn. 

Michael McClincy, however, not so much. McClincy said, “The juniors have the advantage because they have the most spirit.”

History teacher Brian Dalzell also has high hopes for the juniors. “I think the juniors will win because they tend to win everything and get the most participation.”

PMHS seems to have high expectations for the juniors. Will they bring home another win or will another team break the streak?

Thanksgiving break is approaching

By Cameron R.

Nov. 16, 2023

November is a month full of many breaks from school. 

Due to Veteran’s Day, the NJEA Conference, an early dismissal, and Thanksgiving vacation, PMHS only has 16 full days of school in the month of November. 

Many students are looking forward to the upcoming Thanksgiving break. 

Freshman Leah Campbell is excited for our break. “I plan to hang out with my friends and family. And eat lots of food on Thanksgiving.”

Freshman Lucas Thomas said, “I like my Thanksgiving dinners at my Mommom’s, she makes the best food and I like having barely any school.” 

November is a month that students look forward to and enjoy. 

Second marking period begins

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

Nov. 16, 2023

Returning from the five-day weekend, students and teachers alike are excited about the next marking period on Nov. 15!

Gym teacher Mr. Shute said, “I’m excited for the marking period to be ending because it means we got through the beginning of the school year, and everyone is settled in. I know for me, I’ll be taking you freshmen out to health. We've got a lot of stuff to cover. We’ll be out of the gym for the marking period but I feel like having a health class is very beneficial, and I’m excited to do that,”

Junior Maxx Danley said, “I’m excited, my grades are chillin,” 

It seems like people at Pennsville Memorial High School are excited and ready for what the next marking period brings!

Ready, set, Powder Puff!

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

Nov. 16, 2023

PMHS is having their annual Powder Puff game on Thursday, Nov. 16. The girls will play football and the boys will cheer. Students are getting ready for the big game. 

Sophomore football player Madeline Samuels said, “I think my team is prepared. We’ve been practicing and have memorized the plays pretty well.”

The football players won’t be the only entertainment at the Powder Puff game though: the cheerleaders will perform in between the games too! 

Sophomore Rylie Halter, one of the cheer coaches, said, “The cheer routine is coming along just in time for the game, and it is going to be very entertaining.” 

PMHS is looking forward to seeing who takes the win! 

PMHS’ annual Pennsville Powder Puff game this Thursday

By Amber T.

Nov. 16, 2023

PMHS  is hosting its annual Powder Puff game. 

The Powder Puff game will be happening at the football stadium on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 6 p.m.. 

Anyone who is interested in watching you must pay $5 to enter. 

 As for the t-shirts, they're optional, but there will be a $20 fee. There will be three 15 minute games and one championship game.

 Male cheerleaders will be there to cheer the female footballers on.  

Cash bingo at PMHS

By Kaydence C.

Nov. 16, 2023

This upcoming Friday, at the high school there will be a holiday cash bingo for people 18+ and it includes lots of money. It will be $25 per person and $30 to get into the doors. Doors are opening at 6:00 p.m and the bingo games will begin at 7:00 p.m. Prizes will be awarded with over $2,000 in cash. 

All the proceeds will be going to the school Renaissance Club programs. 

Thanksgiving coming right up!

By Amelia T.

Nov. 16, 2023

On Nov. 23 - 27, Thanksgiving break will give students another taste of No School November 2023. 

Students and teachers all around PMHS have plans already for Thanksgiving, whether it be traveling around the world to see family or have a small feast.

“So, this Thanksgiving I’m going for a ride to New York to see my family,” said sophomore Elivette Rosario.

“For Thanksgiving, we really don’t do much traveling. Part of my family goes to North Carolina and we get to have a small get-together,” said junior Mason Eller.

Thanksgiving break will bring another five day weekend, which means the students and staff get to have another long break. 

Powder Puff Approaches for PMHS

By Lyla G., Avery W., Graillyn W.

Nov. 16, 2023

Things are heating up between students at PMHS as Powder Puff approaches. Players and coaches are putting in hours of practice in an effort to win the title of Powder Puff Champions.

Mikey McClincy, a coach for the sophomore class, said, “We’re winning the whole thing. Four years in a row.” 

Player and junior Savanna Gandy said, “I think the juniors are going to do really good this year. Our team has known each other for awhile and we work really well together.”

Clearly teams are very confident and ready for anything to come their way.

PMHS Violence Awareness Week

By Jordynn D. and Joey M.

Oct. 19, 2023

PMHS wants to show their support and compassion for this year's Violence Awareness Week by hosting a school wide poem contest. All poems must be turned in to Ms. Busillo by Friday, Oct. 20!

It will be held by the PMHS Renaissance Club. Students will have to create an acrostic poem using the words peace, respect and safety.

Assistant principal Ms. Busillo said, “My favorite part of this year’s Violence Awareness Week is the poems that I have been receiving from the students. I love seeing all their creativity and just how much they care about other people.”

All of the students are welcome to join if they are interested. There aren’t many rules, except to be creative of course. If you want to find more information, check your email or go to the Pennsville School District app/website.

November is coming with a whole lot of short weeks!

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

Oct. 19, 2023

With the short weeks in November coming up due to the Teacher Convention from Nov. eighth to the twelfth and Thanksgiving from Nov. twenty-third to the twenty-sixth, students and teachers alike are excited to be out of school!

Spanish teacher Wesley Carter said, “My opinion is first of all I’m surprised! I guess it’s a good thing if we can keep being productive but free time is always welcome. I wonder if teachers still have to come into school maybe. We’re learning new methods, but other than that I guess I'll stay healthy and enjoy my free time!”

Freshman Grady Sanders said, “I’m a fan of it, definitely. I love a nice short week, not that I don’t like school. Y’know on that 2K grind on the Madden grind, it’s all very beneficial to my gaming career. I think that’s it, just gaming like I said and watching football.” 

It seems like the people at Pennsville Memorial High School are excited and ready for the long weekends!

POP-in to the Thrift Shop

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

Oct. 19, 2023

The PMHS library is holding a pop-up thrift shop for students to stop by and shop at! 

This event should raise lots of money. Mrs. Baran said, “It goes towards the Book Club. We’re planning a field trip to go see the prequel of the ‘Hunger Games.’” 

This week, students can buy new clothes, shoes and accessories from the pop-up thrift stop. It seems most people like this idea. 

Freshman Cameron Robbins said, “I'm not exactly planning on stopping by because I don’t know when I’ll have time, but it’s really cute and I think it’s a really good idea for people that can use it.” 

PMHS can’t wait to see the students rocking their new thrift-tastic clothes. 

PMHS Soccer Pink Out

By Kaydence C. and Amber T.

Oct. 19, 2023

The Pennsville Soccer team invited all students to wear pink for Cancer Awareness Month. They played against Glassboro on Oct. 17, at the Lou D’Angelo Stadium at 5 p.m. It was nice to see people in the crowds wearing pink to represent cancer. 

After the boys the girls played right after at 7 p.m. against Glassboro as well. Sadly the boys lost with a score of 7-3. As for the girls they lost 3-1. 

Violence Awareness Week brings a new challenge to PMHS

By Amelia T.

Oct. 19, 2023

Throughout the week of Oct. 16 - 20, PMHS staff is hosting a schoolwide Violence Awareness Week. Students can create special poems that correlate to this week's theme, which must be turned in to Ms. Busillo by the end of the week. 

“I didn’t really know this was happening this week. They should’ve done more advertising for it. The effort was there,” Ms. Pendleton said for constructive criticism.

“I think it's important that they’re acknowledging the violence in the school, but it shouldn’t be treated as some sort of ‘challenge’ for people to do,” junior Jailyn Halstead said.

While to many students this might seem like just a regular week at PMHS, the staff is doing their very best to make sure students aren’t doing any violence and helping people through it.

Homecoming King & Queen announced

By Lyla G. and Avery W.

Oct. 19, 2023

Homecoming was a blast at PMHS this school year and among the many choices on the ballots, two great seniors were chosen for king and queen.

Along with four other senior pairings, Cara Hoyt and Daniel Saulin stood out the most as the new king and queen. Crowned by previous king and queen Kyle Cahill and Jaida McCaffery, the two celebrated with their friends on the track at the football game two weeks ago.

Freshman Nathan Dowens said, “Daniel and Cara already worked out because they were dating. Daniels pretty cool also.”

Brian Kline, one of the freshmen on homecoming court, said, “The rest of the homecoming court were all pretty cool, I got to hang out with some of the guys when we were sitting on the sideline.”

Congratulations to everyone on the homecoming court!

Class of ‘27 officers revealed

By Leah C. and Sarah W.

Sept. 28, 2023

The freshman class officers were recently announced on Sept. 26. Many students applied for a position but there could only be four officers: President Emma Rodriguez, Vice President Victor Mosher, Secretary Izzabella Sanders, and Treasurer Cameron Robbins. 

The Class of 2027’s president is looking forward to leading the class. 

Rodriguez said, “I am looking forward to organizing school events and making our freshman year as fun as it can be. I also plan on supporting any ideas given by any students in our grade and creating a great highschool experience.”

The Class of 2027 is looking bright for their next four years of high school with their new class officers.

PMHS Spirit Week

By Kaydence C. and Amber T.

Sept. 28, 2023

Next week PMHS is having its first Spirit Week of the year. Students and staff are participating, the event goes off on Oct. 2 to Oct. 5. Spirit Week is having fun dressing up with different themes and participating in school events. Most of the teachers and students enjoy this kind of time and; almost all the teachers dress up all fun and cool when this type of event comes around. Even most of the kids have funny outfits when it's Spirit Week.

Hoco in less than two weeks

By Brooke R.

Sept. 28, 2023

Homecoming is on Saturday, Oct. 7 this year! There are going to be a lot of students attending Hoco. 

Some people have mixed opinions on Homecoming.

“I think I’m going Homecoming… I think the most exciting part is dancing and spending time with my friends and having fun…I think it’s fun but it honestly depends on the people and the vibe because if no one’s dancing or participating then it’s not gonna be fun, but if everyone is and you know having a good time then obviously everyone is gonna have a good time,” said junior Angela Perez. 

Sophomore Yareni Michaca said, “I'm not going, I think it’s just like if you wanna go just go otherwise don’t. I don’t really find it interesting. I mean it’s cool to see people in dresses and like looking your best but I don’t wanna go.” 

The Homecoming reps will be announced on Friday, Sept. 29. 

Homecoming is coming

By Amelia T.

Sept. 28, 2023

The 2023 Homecoming is right around the corner. On Saturday, Oct. 7th, students from all grade levels can attend this mini-prom. The event will be hosted at the Pennsville football field or in the gymnasium if the event gets rained out.

Sophomore Hayley Girtin said, “I’m very excited.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t been there before, but I’m excited too,” said sophomore Jordan Merryfield.

Soon, PMHS students will be dressed up in fancy outfits for the occasion. 

Students face staff in kickball game

By Jordynn D. and Joey M.

Sept. 28, 2023

On Friday Sep. 29, PMHS students get the chance to compete against the staff in a huge kickball game.

Five students from each grade level have been chosen to go head-to-head against the teachers in a competitive game of kickball in their school’s gymnasium.

Senior Adrian Morgan said, “The students are going to dominate, we got the bigger boot and we’re not old.”

Senior Dylan Waller said, “I feel excited to be participating, I think i’m ready for it.”

Students participating are feeling optimistic and ready to go for Friday’s game. They seem to have a pretty good idea of who’s going to take the win. 

Students at PMHS are getting ready for Homecoming!

By Carter M. and Lyriq T.

Sept. 28, 2023

Students at PMHS are getting ready for the upcoming Homecoming on Oct. 7! 

Freshman Liam McCone is not excited for Homecoming because “I have nobody to go with.” 

However, freshman Keagan Kaminski is excited about Homecoming because “It’s Homecoming who isn't excited for it?!...Why am I excited? It's a very big event for our school in general.”

Next, there was Nathan Dowens, who was feeling mellow over Homecoming. “I’m kind of excited, it’s just… I’m going to Homecoming, it's mostly just the feeling you get, like the general vibe of it,”

It appears that there are mixed opinions on the upcoming Homecoming dance on Oct. 7!

How much pep will the pep rally provide?

By Kimora G. and Alyssa J.

Sept. 28, 2023

On Thursday, Oct. 5, there will be a pep rally where they also have colors where freshmen wear red, sophomores wear green, juniors wear orange, and seniors wear purple. They also have a band and the cheerleaders come out

There are so  many games like Hungry Hippo. There is another one where you have to put on as many clothes as you can with one hand and there is one where you wrapped a teacher with toilet paper.

The pep rally normally comes after the teachers explain what is going to happen in the rally and once they get the students riled up.

Justine Adams, Advanced Art teacher of PMHS, said, “The seniors would win the pep rally because they have a long standing tradition of winning and they always have the spirit stick. They’re always the most hype.”

Derek Foglein, Math teacher of PMHS, said, “The seniors have more pep because they are excited about the games and that it's their last year in high school.” When it came to the teachers who gets the crowd most riled up he said, “Mrs. Fulmer because she is always loud and she always has a lot of school spirit. Also Mr.Minguez because he's just crazy.” 

Hoco Spirit Week

By Lyla G. and Phoebe O.

Sept. 28, 2023

At PMHS, it’s a tradition to do a Spirit Week and a pep rally the week before homecoming. 

The week of Oct. 2 through Oct. 5, the students and staff at PMHS participate in dressing up for Spirit Week. There is also a pep rally at the end of the week for students to participate in. The students in student council make posters for the school walls to get the information out and put the post around the school to spread the word. The students then decide at the pep rally if they would like to participate in an activity. 

“I would like to participate in volleyball at the pep rally if that is an option because I have had experience and I think I am pretty good at it,” stated freshman Kayla Donelson.

Freshman Leah Campbell said, “I am looking forward to the Barbie vs Ken day the most because I think it will be really funny seeing what everyone decides to dress up as.”

Freshman Laura Tamberella stated, “For the activities, I am probably most excited to get really hype and watch the relay races and seeing people slip and fall.” 

Students at PMHS are getting ready and planning their silly outfits for the first Spirit Week of the 2023-2024 school year.



Pennsville Royalty

By Keira A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

May 11, 2023

PMHS has prom court votes due on April 10 for juniors to decide on who the prom prince and princess are. 

The idea is that the prince and princess will come back to next year's prom and crown the new king and queen. This was created because the old prom king and queen might not be able to crown the new king and queen. The prince and princess will make sure the crowning always happens.

Junior Tyler Warner said, “I’m excited for prom. I think it’s cool that they did the prince and princess but as much as I hope I’ll win, I don’t think I will. But it will be cool for whoever does win.” 

Junior Courtney Banger said, “I’m definitely excited but I don’t think I’ll win. I definitely think it's a cool idea and a cool way to switch things up.”

Senior Gage Santiago said, “I think it’s pretty stupid. I think the old seniors should come back and crown me because I’m gonna win.”

The new idea of having a junior prince and princess seems to be a bit controversial. The winners of the prince and princess will be announced at prom on April 19. 

Sliding into Memorial Day Weekend!

By Connor A. and Chase B.

May 11, 2023

Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner on May 29 and the students of PMHS are excited about the break.

Sophomore Cohen Petrutz Said, “It's a few days off, I get a break from sports and I get to hangout with my friends so 'm excited it's gonna be fun.”

“Me and my family usually go down to the beach but this year is my son’s 1st birthday so were having a party for his birthday so I'm excited for that,” said PMHS history teacher Mr. Healy.

“ Yeah i'm hype, We finna get lit,” said junior Jake Isaac.

The students and faculty of PMHS are having a wide variety of activities to do during the break for Memorial Day Weekend.

Prom night is under the stars!

By Maddy S. and Reagan W.

May 11, 2023

Prom 2023 is almost here. Students of PMHS are excited for the night under the stars. Prom is May 19 at The Waterfall located in Delaware. This night will include food such as chicken parm, caesar salad and salmon,as well as music by DJ Meatz.

Junior Class Advisor Ms. Freas said, “It has been so much fun and enjoyable, I am really looking forward to it.”

Junior Georgia Wilson said, “I'm excited to have a good time with my friends and make some memories.”

Junior Alyssa Aldana said, “Our organizing is going well. We put a lot of work into prom so I hope it comes together.”

As you can see, the junior class has put a lot of time and effort into planning prom. Lots of people are excited to attend this night in hopes of having a good time. Many memories will be made and the crowning of a Junior Prince and Princess as well as a Senior King and Queen. 

Orchestra says “Cello!” to Spring with their final concert  

By Dharma D., Angela P. and Ava S.

May 11, 2023

On May 17, the PMHS Orchestra students will get together to perform their spring concert in the auditorium at 7:00 p.m.

Hopes are high for the Orchestra’s performance.

Orchestra teacher Mrs. Armstrong said, “I expect the Pennsville Memorial High School Orchestra will have a stellar performance for their Spring Concert. I expect that there will be proud parents in the seats watching their children make beautiful music on stage! It will be the last concert for our Orchestra Seniors so I expect them to have some bittersweet feelings.”

Not only are our teachers excited, but so are the performers. 

Sophomore Brody Wiggins said, “I am 100% super excited for our concert and I hope we will do well.” 

The orchestra will be performing songs such as, ‘St.Paul’s Suite “Finale”, ‘La Cinquantaine’, and ‘The Prayer.’

Freshman Audrey Claybourn said, “My favorite piece is probably, ‘Themes from The New World’ out of all of the others.”

Music teachers and students showcase their work!

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

May 11, 2023

Composition Night for music teachers and students is finally happening! The event is to be held June 7 at 7 p.m. in the PHMS Cafeteria. Teachers and students will share their talent and love for music with attendees.

Freshman Ari Matteo said, “I think this is a good event for people to have fun. I also think it’s good that not only students are performing but teachers too.”

“I think it's cool that teachers get to perform too, it's a fun idea and I'm excited for it,” said freshman Alyssa Weiss.

Senior Breanna Delgrippo said, “I'm excited, it's very interesting and I think it’s good for people to watch.”

PMHS students showing off at Promenade!

By Makalya B. and Lizzy W.

May 11, 2023

PMHS is hosting their second Promenade since Covid! Students and staff are excited for this event which is on Friday, May 19 at 5:45 p.m. in the David H. Dilks Auditorium.

Promenade will consist of the students and their dates walking out on stage followed by an announcement of who they are. This is a great opportunity for students to be recognized. 

The PMHS staff are excited about the event. “I am attending not only because I am required, I enjoy seeing everyone ready to go to prom,” said PMHS teacher Mrs. Burns. 

This event is open to the public and some of the PMHS students will be attending. Freshman Rylie Halter said, “I'm going to the Promenade so I can see all the pretty dresses and watch my big sister!”

The 2023 Promenade is expected to be a success!

MDW is NOT a Party in the USA This Year!

By Payton C. and Madison W.

May 11, 2023

It is that time of year again! Memorial Day Weekend is back! Kids all around the high school are excited for their time off before the end of the school year. However, there is a difference this year.

It seems that this year there aren’t as many people leaving town for the weekend as there usually is.

Sophomore Jaeden Bailey said, “I am not doing anything for Memorial Day Weekend.”

But, there are some people strolling back down to the shore!

Sophomore Jack McFarland said, “I am probably going to go to the beach and have some fun, and then go back to the beach and have some more fun.”

Maybe as the date gets closer plans will change and more people will find something fun to do.

The school year is coming to an end, what are your plans for summer?

By Lily T.

May 11, 2023

The end of the school year is nearing and kids are getting excited for summer.

Freshman Izzy Schrenker said, “I can get a break from stress, do things that I normally wouldn't be able to do, I plan on being more active and connecting with friends.”We were originally going to be let out of school June 13, but because of a water pressure problem that happened on May 1, we will be getting out June 14 and the last week or so will be early dismissal.

According to freshman Kaydence Collins, “School is boring and I wanna sleep and hangout with my besties.”

What would you do without your cell phone for three days?

By Lily T.

April 14, 2023

Ms. Busillo and other staff members set up a three day challenge on April 3-5 to promote no cellphone use where students could win a prize by dropping their phone off in the office every morning. The 11 students who participated won lunch from Italian Kitchen and they each received a $25 Applebee's gift card. 

A lot of students thought that it was an awesome idea like Isabell Schrenker, who said, “I think it was a good idea because it showed how much people rely on their phones, and I feel like we need to change that.” 

Others thought differently because according to Brooke Riley, “I didn't do the challenge because I have friends and family that I need to text and I need to be caught up with the drama and the gossip.”

Daughters and Dads Dancing the night away! 

By Makayla B. and Liz W.

April 14, 2023

The Daddy Daughter Dance this year will be hosted by the Class of 2025. The dance is on Friday, April 21 in the Pennsville Middle School Gym and Cafeteria. 

Sophomore class president Brenna Emery said, “We're trying to get in as many donations as possible but I think we are prepared to take on the challenge.”

Class Advisor Mrs. Burns said, “I think it will be very successful. I think it will make a lot of money for our Class of 2025. Closer to time as we get more donations the more money we will make. And I do know we have a large amount of people that have already bought presale tickets so we expect to have some more at the door. Go class of 2025!”

There are expected to be about 300 people attending this event. The Class of 2025 is making a lot of money off this fundraiser and they are going to have a successful outcome! 

A night under the stars at PMHS

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

April 14, 2023

Prom 2023 is on May 19 at 7 p.m. The theme is  “A Night Under The Stars” and it will be held at The Waterfall in Claymont, Delaware. Tickets are $80 per person;; you have to buy them before or after school or during lunch in room 213. The dress code is formal. If you’re bringing someone they must be 14-20 and cannot be a student in middle school.

Senior Mason Tanyer said. “I think it will be fun for certain people. I would choose ancient egypt for a theme.”

“I think prom is going to be very fun. For a theme I would pick a fairytale or Cinderella theme,” said freshman Arianna Matteo.

Prom under the stars, a night to remember!

By Keira A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

April 14, 2023

PMHS is holding a Prom for upperclassmen on May 19 at the Waterfall in Claymont, Deleware. Prom is something most students at PMHS look forward to and enjoy dressing up for the event.

Most students have fun trying to find a date to go to the Prom with. It has become a part of the annual tradition at PMHS.

Senior Aiden Emery said, “Obviously I’m extremely excited, I have a beautiful date. The food should be amazing, the people, the energy. I’m super excited.”

Junior Alyssa Thompson said, “I plan on going and I’m really excited. I’m going with Javier.” 

The theme this year is “A Night Under The Stars” and the dress code is formal. Promenade will be held in the auditorium at 5:30 p.m. This is an event where people can show off their nice outfits to the community.

Tickets are on sale during all lunches and they are $80. Make sure to buy your tickets before it's too late. This should be a night to remember!

PMHS Renaissance hosts a Hawaiian Shirt Spirit Day

By Tessa C.

April 14, 2023

On Friday, April 28 PMHS Renaissance members will be hosting a Hawaiian Shirt Spirit Day.  Students and teachers can participate for the spirit day. 

Freshman Jacob Hand said, “I will participate in Hawaiian Shirt Spirit Day if I can get a shirt by then, but I do not think many people will participate because nobody has participated in a spirit day since the beginning of the year.”

 Sophomore Savanna Gandy said, “I think people are going to participate in the Hawaiian Shirt Spirit Day because it is something new and something we haven’t done before and I am most definitely going to because I have the perfect outfit for it.”

Get ready to bring your best Hawaiian spirit and see who can dress the best. 

Hold your mouse ears, we’re going to Disney!

By Dharma D., Angela P. and Ava S.

April 14, 2023

The Class of 2023 is going on their annual senior trip to the magical world of Disney. 

Leaving on April 24, they will be staying for the rest of the week until that following Friday, April 28. 

Our seniors are excited to be heading down south to enjoy the sun and magic.

Ava Monaghan said, “I’m definitely excited to go to Universal because I want to see Scooby and Shaggy. Universal will always be better than Disney.”

Not only are our fellow students excited, but their chaperones as well. Athletic Department Director Mr. Thomas and Math teacher Mrs. Fulmer are two of the faculty members going with them on this trip. Their schedules aren't too crowded, but enough to keep their spirits going.

Athletic Department Director Mr. Thomas said, “We’re going to the parks just like the seniors do. I have a couple dinner reservations, but it’s nothing different from what the seniors are doing.”

Mr. Pennsville is right around the corner

By Maddy S. and Reagan W.

April 14, 2023

Mr. Pennsville will be held on April 20 in the PMHS auditorium. Seven senior boys will be competing with talents of their choice in order to win a crown. There will be dancing and many other fun acts in the show.

Mrs. Fulmer, organizer of Mr. Pennsville, said, “They are going to crush it, I have been watching them practice and they’re going to do awesome. I’m so excited, I can’t wait for everyone to see them.”

Mr. Pennsville performer Kyle Cahill said, “I don't think you can not be nervous about it. I am just going to try to have fun and that's what it's really about.”

As the performers are perfecting their talents, students and staff are excited for the show. They are working hard and preparing a lot. People are waiting to see who will take the crown for the 2022-2023 school year. 

PMHS hops into Bunny Break

By Keira A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

March 23, 2023

PMHS goes on spring break from April 6 through 10. April 6 is a half day and the rest are no school.  Easter break is the perfect time for a nice little vacation or just some time to spend with family and friends. 

Sophomore Brenna Emery said, “I think I'm gonna head to Fort Lauderdale and I’m really excited to go to the beach. I’m gonna hangout with my dad, my brother and Danielle.”

Senior Yeshua Crespo claimed, “I’m going to Wildwood and renting a place. I’m going with Nick Woodards and Joey Maurer.” 

STEAM teacher Mrs. Yarhling explained,  “I’m gonna work on my 150-year-old house.  I’ll be with my friends and family.” 

It appears that everyone at PMHS is looking forward to this upcoming break!

“Grease” coming to PMHS!

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

March 23, 2023

Pennsville Drama Club students are holding a play this week. The musical is called “Grease”, based on the 1978 film. This will be held March 24 to the 26. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for students and seniors. The times for the days are: 6:30 p.m. on Friday, 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, and 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. 

Freshman Ryleigh Pratz said, “I am going to be in the play…I would be in another play. I would choose ‘Mean Girls’ for the next play.”

Alyssa Weiss said, “I'm going to see the play and I would think about being in a play. I would choose ‘Mean Girls’.”

Students are excited for the play and think it will turn out great!

Pop up for the Renaissance event! 

By Dharma D. and Ava S.

March 23, 2023

The Renaissance Club will be holding the 3rd marking period Renaissance event. Our staff is hosting this event to inspire students to try their hardest, and showing that their good grades really do pay off. 

Sophomore Savannah Brewer-Palverento said, “Considering that a lot of the students are putting hard work to go to these events, I hope that it will be something that will continue to encourage students to do their best.”

This marking period’s event will be a popcorn bar, with different toppings of the students’ choice. Teachers believe that doing this event will help the students receiving good grades motivate themselves to keep up the good work.

Vice Principal Ms. Busillo said, “I believe that students do try and keep getting good grades. When they don’t, I get parents calling about their child not receiving a card. One third of the school always shows up, so I do believe that most students do try their hardest to get one of our Renaissance cards.”

The date has yet to be released, so be sure to watch your email to find out. 

As Spring starts sickness spreads

By Savanna G.

March 23, 2023

With the arrival of spring comes warmer weather, longer days and blooming flowers. Unfortunately, it also brings in a wave of seasonal sickness. Many PMHS students are getting sick, and although some people believe it may just be their allergies, however after asking some of the students how they felt while being sick answers may start to change. 

Freshman Harley Girtain said, “I definitely had a major headache. My stomach hurt and I had a fever. I was sick for five days.” 

Freshman Perry Meranti said, “I knew I was getting sick when I wasn't able to talk without coughing in pain.”

These students are clearly experiencing different symptoms, so are they both sick from a different sickness or just extreme cases of allergies.

“Grease” comes to PMHS!

By Makayla B. and Liz W.

March 23, 2023

This year's play at PMHS will bring you back to the 1950’s with the production of “Grease””! The play will be on March 24 at 6:30 p.m., March 25 at 6:30 pm and March 26 at 2:00 pm in the PMHS Auditorium. 

PMHS staff Ms. Adams has done a lot of work with the plays set. “If I had to break it down into hours it probably took around 35 or 40 hours.” She also said, “I think they will be good. I’ve seen their rehearsals and they've been practicing really hard. I think it will be a really nice show.” 

The PMHS Students are ecstatic to see this year's play. “I'm excited since I think it will be very good since they did so well with last year's play, ‘Mamma Mia!’,” sophomore Payton Cook said. “I feel like this one is going to be even better!!”

“Grease” your wheels and drive over to PMHS

By Lily T.

March 23, 2023

Every year Drama Club members and students get together to perform a play. This year's play is “Grease.” There will be three showings of the play starting Friday, March 24. A few of the actors in this play will be Greg Walker (Danny), Ally Bowman (Sandy), Ahmet Karaburk (Kenickie), and Taylor Noble (Rizzo). 

Telling you about “Grease”, Studs

By Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

March 2, 2023

The PMHS Drama Club will be hosting the musical “Grease” on March 24 - 26 in the auditorium. 

The show holds many emotions for the actors and actresses. The cast members have been putting in the hours and hard work to make the musical the best it can be. 

Sophomore Riley Bowman said, “I’m a little nervous, but excited and I’m looking forward to just finally having a show and feeling confident about it.” 

Sophomore Annabella Cox expressed, “I’m definitely looking forward to one dance in particular the “We Go Together” dance it’s really fun and the song is really nice. I’m a little nervous though as expected!” 

Hopefully the show has a big turnout this year and everyone enjoys the musical! 

No cell phone challenge

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

March 2, 2023

The staff is challenging PMHS students to stay off their phones during the school day. It is a three-day challenge, starting on Monday, April 3, and ending on Wednesday. Students will have to give their phones to the main office and pick them up at the end of the day.  You must participate in all three days to win the prize.

Freshman Ari Matteo said, “I think it will be good so students get less distracted and will get more work done. A disadvantage would be not being able to text people.”


Freshman Alyssa Weiss said, “It will be bad not being able to check the time but it would be helpful for getting work done.” 

It will be a hard challenge for PMHS students, but we’ll see who can do it!

PMHS Prom under the stars

By Payton C., Jaedin L. and Madison W.

March 2, 2023

Starry Night was just announced to be Pennsville Memorial High School’s 2023 prom theme. Students and staff are already preparing for this year's prom, which will take place on May 19 at the Waterfall Banquet Hall in Delaware. Tickets will be $80 per person, a five dollar discount from last year.

The theme is causing controversy among PMHS students.

Some students seem to enjoy the theme like Junior, Bella Rappa. “That’s cool. I like that theme.” 

However, some students are opposed to this year's theme. Junior Sky Eppes said, “Personally, I wish the theme was spider man themed and everyone wore capes and went ‘pew pew’.”

Most of the students and staff are excited for this year's prom. PMHS is hoping that it is one of the best ones yet.

Ensembles unite for the annual music trip! 

By Dharma D. and Ava S.

March 2, 2023

On March 30, our PMHS ensembles will be traveling to Williamsburg, VA for the annual music trip. They will be competing against other schools. 

PMHS students are very excited to participate in a festival which is hosted by WorldStrides. There were students who had a lot to say about the trip. 

Sophomore choir student Mirellyz Mendoza Capois said, “The fact that we’re singing incredible songs makes me happy, and I know we’re going to have fun after we’re through with the competition.”

Sophomore band student Savannah Brewer-Palverento said, “I barely go anywhere but my house, so this is so slay.” 

Our teachers and students have been practicing very hard for this upcoming event to try and get a good placement. 

Sophomore orchestra student Madeline Gauthier said, “We’re getting really good at the songs, so I think we’ll do good.” 

After competing, our ensembles will be spending the day at Busch Gardens, followed by them returning on April 2.

Mr. Pennsville makes a comeback

By Keira A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

Jan. 26, 2023

On April 20, the Mr. Pennsville contest will be held in the auditorium. 

This is an event held for senior boys and they are still looking for more participants, so it’s not too late to sign up! Mr. Pennsville is when the guys compete by doing acts of talent to be crowned as Mr. Pennsville. Most of the guys perform for humor and the amusement of others.

Senior Jared Vandersteur said, “Mr. Pennsville is all about guys coming together and proving their talent to everyone. Showing guys can do what girls do too. For my talent, I think I’m gonna sing. I’m very excited. I’m going for the win 'cause you don’t get participation awards.”  

Senior Class Advisor Mrs. Fulmer said, “It’s a male beauty contest; Miss Septemberfest but for the men. We already have seven boys signed up and we’re looking to get three to five more and it's going to be a good show.”

If you are a senior boy interested in participating in Mr. Pennsville see Mrs. Fulmer for more information. Hopefully, the Mr. Pennsville contest has a good turnout this year!

Make Kindness the PMHS norm

By Dharma D. and Ava S.

Jan. 26, 2023

We are kicking off this week with the Great Kindness Challenge, created by our PMHS Renaissance to encourage good behavior amongst PMHS students. 

Sitting in the Main Lobby is a poster created by Vice Principal Ms. Busillo and our secretary Mrs. Kennedy, saying “Be the I in KIND”.

Ms. Busillo said, “I was looking around for ideas on pinterest, and then I finally found it. I couldn't have completed the poster without the help of Mrs. Kennedy. We really did it together.”

To start off the week, students were encouraged to write down one kind thing about themselves. 

A lot of our PMHS students were thrilled to hear about the Great Kindness Week starting. 

Sophomore Camryn Burns said, “When it comes to changing people, that isn’t going to happen but the things that we’re going to be doing will make people look forward to coming to school a little bit more. I think it’ll be fun. It’ll lift the spirits of our classmates.”

Sophomore Alexis Parker said, “I think it’s good that we’re doing this kindness challenge because you look around and see people that are down and being kind to them could make their day.”

Always remember to “Be the I in KIND.”

Who will dress the best for Decade Spirit Day?

By Tessa C.

Jan. 26, 2023

On Friday, Feb. 24 PMHS will be having a Decade Spirit Day. Students will choose a decade and dress from that specific time period. The student who has the most creative outfit will win a prize. 

Freshman student Jacon Hand said, “I will be participating in Decade Spirit Day. I am definitely choosing to dress from the 70s or 80s and of course, the clothes I'm going to have should be sparkly, glittery, party-type clothes.” 

Freshman Jenna Cuff said, “I will participate in Decade Spirit Day. I am planning on dressing from the 90s and I think a decent amount of people will participate.” 

Overall, I think Decade Spirit Day will turn out to be a fun day and there will be some interesting and funny outfits to see. 

PMHS winter cheer team flying their way to the top!

By Mia L. and Regan W.

Jan. 26, 2023

The PMHS Winter Cheer team competed at Spirit Brands cheer competition in Trenton, NJ, on Jan. 14. The team placed first and got grand champs for their division. All of their practice and hard work seemed to have paid off as they scored 63.2/80!

The girls shared how they felt after competing.

Sophomore Camryn Burns said that after performing she felt like she “was about to die…” and later stated “I thought that we ate…” talking about the team’s performance.

Gracie Gundle, a freshman, said “We hit our routine and we did really good, and it took a lot of training.”

“I think we’ve been working really hard on our routine so we deserved to get first place,” said sophomore Brenna Emery.

The girls are continuing to work hard for their next competition on Jan. 28.

Students and Staff honoring Kindness 

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

Jan. 26, 2023

PMHS is having a Great Kindness Challenge. It will last from Jan 23. to Jan. 27. Students can create their own things based on kindness. They can write an essay, a drawing, or a poem about how an act of kindness has changed their life, and more. Students think this is a good thing to offer.

Junior CJ Tilton said, “I think it's a good challenge. I might participate in the challenge.”

Freshman Caroline Brannon said, “I think it's nice they are doing a kindness challenge… I think I will participate in it.” 

Is the PMHS cheer team ready to take on their second competition?

By Makayla B. and Liz W.

Jan. 26, 2023

On Saturday, Jan. 28, PMHS cheerleaders have their second cheer competition in Dover, Delaware. The cheerleaders won first place and grand champions during their first competition so we will see how they do at the next. 

Sophomore Joshua Ramirez came to the previous competition and has high hopes for the next one.  “It was very entertaining! I loved the routine. I can't wait to see what you have in store!”

This competition will bring the girls” nerves since they have changed their whole pyramid for this competition. Freshman Annetta Williams, PMHS’s Winter cheer center flyer, said, “I'm a little nervous about the next competition since I am going to be the center pyramid this competition.”

The scores from the last time the girls hit the mat were great! Will this new pyramid rack up more difficulty points? Sophomore Mia LaPalamento said, “I think we will score better and get more points for difficulty since we changed the pyramid.”

After this competition, the girls will be next to take the mat on Feb. 5, at Christiana High School. 

Mr. Foglein is back!

By Payton C. and Madison W.

Jan. 26, 2023

Last month, PMHS lost Mr. Simmons, our favorite Algebra 2 and Trigonometry teacher. On Jan. 23, students walked into class to a new teacher, Mr. Fogelin, who was previously a teacher in the middle school has returned to the high school to continue teaching where Simmons left off. Students and staff have many different opinions on him coming back.

Mr. Foglein is super excited for this experience once again. “I think this is going to be a fun new challenge. I am excited to be back in a really awesome place and the teachers here are just as awesome.” Students are also thrilled for this new journey after not having a real math teacher for a month.

Sophomore Mia Lapalomento said, “I think it is nice that we have a teacher again but I am so used to Simmons that it is a big change.”

This is going to be a challenge for students and staff to get used to a new teacher and co-worker. However, it will be good for PMHS to have an algebra and trigonometry teacher again.

PMHS substitutes for a new math teacher 

By Keira A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

Jan. 5, 2023

PMHS expressed their opinions on math teacher Mr. Simmons leaving and Mr. Foglein taking over his position. 

PMHS is in a mutual agreement with the situation. They are sad to see Simmons go but excited for the new teacher and have hopes. 

Junior Courtney Banger said, “I’m very really sad about Simmons leaving. He was one of the best teachers here and it’s not gonna be the same without him.”

Junior Mya Verdecchio adds, “It’s not gonna be the same as it was with Simmons but hopefully Mr. Fogleins funny.”

Teacher and coach Mr. Healy said, “I’m sad but I guess I'm excited for a new teacher. It stinks  to see Simmons go and I hope the new teacher does a great job just like Simmons.” 

Hopefully Foglein can live up to PMHS’s high expectations. 

PMHS concludes the year with Winter Concert

By Dharma D. and Ava S.

Jan. 5, 2023

PMHS students get together and perform the final concert of the year/season. On Dec. 21,  Pennsvilles Choir and Band gather to give the audience a winter spectacular. 

Our two conductors, Mrs. Rousak, and Mr. Martin, have led two of our PMHS ensembles to a successful winter concert. The audience raved once both bands finished, followed by compliments from spectators and our faculty. 

Spanish teacher Mr. Carter said, “This concert is what I expected it to be and more. The musical productions were definitely inspirational. The trumpet duet and the flute solo gave me goosebumps, and the singing was very well done.”

Our band and choir both performed nine songs individually, and one collectively. Not only did the audience give great reviews, but so did two of our performers.  

Sophomore Savannah Brewer-Palverento said, “I think everyone slayed. We sounded a bit rough in the beginning but I think we pulled it together.”

Sophomore Mirellyz Mendoza Capois said, “My favorite song that we did in the concert was ‘O Holy Night’ because it was really fun to hear all the soloists and their voices, they were really good! The song itself is so smooth, flowy, and so magical and I just love how it sounds when we were singing it all together.” 

The PMHS has happily dedicated the auditorium to Dr. David H. Dilks, a former music teacher. This allows us to perform in his honor at every concert we hold.

PMHS students talk about their break

By Savanna G.

Jan. 5, 2023

Winter break is a moment for students to spend time with their family and concentrate on the joy of the holidays. PMHS students did a lot this break. 

Freshman Makenna Minguez tells us, “During winter break I went to a Christmas party, and afterwards hung out at the house with my family. On New Year's Eve I had my family over to celebrate”. 

Sophomore Mia LaPalomento said, “Over break I went and saw ‘Six’ the musical on Broadway. I also went to the Eagles game on New Years Day. It was kinda sad because we lost but it was still fun.”  

Many students look forward to winter break all year and the second it finally comes it feels like it goes by too quickly.

Upcoming Scrabble Day for students and staff!

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

Jan. 5, 2023

There will be a Spirit Scrabble Day on Jan. 27. It is a group activity for students to participate in.  Each of your friends wear a letter and spell out a word. The best group will win a prize. Staff members and students are very excited to see the different words people choose for Spirit Scrabble Day!

According to freshman Arianna Matteo, “I am very excited for Spirit Day! Me and my friends are gonna use the word puppy.”

Freshman Alyssa Weiss said, “I am very excited the word I am going to spell out with my friends is cat.”

Students are very enthusiastic for the upcoming Spirit Day.

PMHS runs a donation drive for the Pennsville Animal Shelter

By Tessa C.

Jan. 5, 2023

From Dec. 15 - Jan. 30 PMHS will be running a donation drive to help supply the Pennsville Animal Shelter. Donations such as canned cat food, dry cat food, dog treats, canned dog food, Lysol wipes, laundry detergent, and bleach can be dropped off at Ms. Turner's room. 

Sophomore Savanna Gandy said, “I think it’s a good idea PMHS is running a donation drive because there are a lot of animals who need homes. And I think it will be very good for everyone involved. I also think that a good amount of people will be donating and I will try to donate as well.”

Sophomore Dharma Dooley said, “I do think that we will receive a lot of donations. I hope that people are going to be willing to reach out to the shelter because some animals don't have it as others do. And I do plan on donating to try and help them.” 

Overall, everyone feels PMHS can handle the donation drive and receive enough donations to make the animals at the shelter feel happy and at home. 

Seniors win PMHS volleyball tournament

By Coen R. and Michael V.

Jan. 5, 2023

On Dec. 22 PMHS held a Renaissance-sponsored volleyball tournament for all students and staff. Each team fielded nine players including a teacher and each team had two teachers in a single elimination format. 

Senior Johnny Zuniga commented, “My thoughts before the tournament started was we had it in the bag.” In the first game the Freshman played the Seniors and they lost 10-15 which sent them straight to the finals. In the finals the Seniors played the Juniors, who beat the Sophomores. 

The Seniors beat the Juniors 15-13 which was a perfect way to send off former PMHS math teacher Justin Simmons.

Senior adviser Mrs. Fulmer said, “I think [teacher] Mr. Simmons played the best out of all the Seniors.” 

Coming into the new year with a bang!

By Madison W.

Jan. 5, 2023

Leaving 2022 in the past…New Year's Eve has always been one of the most celebrated holidays in the world. It marks the end of the year and the beginning of a new one. Students are coming into the new year better than ever. Most people celebrate the new year with a party. 

“For New Years I stayed home with friends and family, and we had a big dinner and lots of fireworks,'' said freshman Rylie Halter.

Sophomore Brenna Emery said, “I hung out with friends at my house and watched the ball drop.”

Students seemed to have a fun new year, hanging out with friends and family. 

Is PMHS set. READY! For next weekend's competition? 

By Liz W.

Jan. 5, 2023

The countdown has begun! The wait for the PMHS Winter Cheerleaders to take the mat! Athletes are preparing for the competition in Trenton, New Jersey on Jan. 14.

Cheerleaders are feeling excited and anxious about their first competition.

Sophomore cheerleader Mia LaPalomento said, “I'm feeling okay about the competition. As a team, we are a  little all over the place although we are improving and doing more difficult stunts and routines this year.”  

Just because the competition isn't in Pennsville doesn't mean PMHS won't be there to support the team. 

Sophomore Joshua Ramirez said, “I'm looking forward to seeing the routine and the tumbling you guys do. I'm excited to watch some friends go out on the mat and give it their all!”

The nerves and excitement are building up for the first competition. Sophomore cheerleader Makayla Butz said, “I'm a little nervous but I think I’ll do good. I just need some more preparation.”


PMHS is looking forward to this competitive year! Winter Cheer will be taking the mat again on Jan. 28 and Feb. 5.

PMHS travels over Thanksgiving break

By Kiera A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

Dec. 1, 2022

Thanksgiving break is a time where many people travel, including staff and students at PMHS. 

Many PMHS students and staff traveled over the break to spend time with their families.

Athletic director Jamy Thomas said, “I went to Oxford, Mississippi and my daughter goes to school there. We did Thanksgiving dinner Wednesday night, Thursday we rented a tent for the tailgate thing they do on campus, and then flew back on Friday.”

According to Sophomore Lizzy Winfield, “I went to Downtown Ocean City, because my grandparents live there. I ate a lot of stuffing and mashed potatoes. Me and my family met the real Santa.”

Overall, it seems like PMHS had a great time over Thanksgiving break. 

Christmas break is coming up

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

Dec. 1, 2022

Christmas break for PHMS starts on Dec. 24. On Dec. 23 the students will have a half day. Students will come back on Jan. 1. This will give students time to have fun with their friends and spend time with their families.

Students are looking forward to being off school for the Christmas fun! 

“I am very excited for Christmas break, my plans are to hangout with friends. The thing I want most are AirPods,” said CJ Tilton. 

“I am looking forward to Christmas break, my plans are to lay in bed and sleep in, I want room decor for Christmas,” according to freshman Alyssa Weiss.

Christmas is an exciting time of year for students to be off and spend quality time with their family.

PMHS in the final stretch to winter break

By Liz W.

Dec. 1, 2022

The final stretch. Staff and students are ready for winter break! The next weeks before the break PMHS students questioned what they are doing for the break. 

Sophomore Adrianna Pollard said, “I am going to eat cookies, drink hot chocolate, and celebrate Christ!” 

While some students are thinking about the next couple of weeks and the stress it may put on everyone. “I think the next couple of weeks before the break are going to be stressful since everything will feel rushed,” junior Jensey Yanes stated. 

Winter break will start after the half day on Dec. 22 and we will return on Jan. 2!

PMHS track coach/Algebra 2 teacher is leaving Pennsville behind

By Madison W.

Dec. 1, 2022

The day students and faculty are dreading is creeping up… the day Mr. Simmons transfers to a new school. Many are losing their favorite teacher to Cumberland Tech in less than a month. 

Makayla Butz, one of Simmons’ students, said, “I’m very sad and depressed because i'm going to miss him and miss having him as my coach.”

 “I'm so sad that I'm leaving,” said Mr. Simmons.

Simmons leaving is a very sad way to start our holiday break. Students are going to have a new teacher. Mr. Foglein will be replacing PMHS’s favorite Algebra 2 teacher Jan. 2. 

Drama Club sponsors a Breakfast with Santa

By Tessa C.

Dec. 1, 2022

The Drama Club will hold breakfast with Santa at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 10 in the PMHS cafeteria. Tickets will be $10 for adults and $8 for children. Admission includes pancakes, bacon, a continental breakfast, and many crafts. 

Drama Club member Ryleigh Pratz said, “I think the breakfast will go good because there are multiple different stations, so everyone is going to be able to do a little bit of everything. The pictures with Santa will be pretty easy to do, and the breakfast because everyone is making donations. I think the part I'm most excited about is helping collect donations for Drama Club.” 

Teacher Mrs. Dubarry, who will be attending, said, “I think Drama Club is going to do very well with the Breakfast. My kids are actually going, and they are really excited. We like to do things that support the district. It's going to be a lot of fun, and I will be there for a little bit. I like to eat. And I like pancakes.”

Overall, everyone is excited about Breakfast with Santa and looks forward to the food and crafts so make sure you get your tickets. 

Crashing into Winter Break

By Dharma D. and Ava S.

Dec. 1, 2022

Look out PMHS, there is a volleyball tournament coming your way on Dec. 22, right before winter break. 

Ms. Busillo has arranged select students from every grade level to participate in this year's tournament. The gym teachers will be creating rosters for each grade level for students who would like to volunteer. Four games, teams having up to nine players and two teachers on court.  

Gym teacher Ms. Trapp said, “Honestly, I think it's going to be great because I’m a coach and I’m the youngest so I have all the energy to hype up my team to get them prepped and ready.” 

Both students and teachers are excited to participate in this year's winter tournament. This gives the students a chance to have fun, and be competitive right before our winter break. 

Geometry/Engineering teacher Mr. Minguez said, “I think everyone involved is going to have a lot of fun and I think in general, everybody’s going to have a great time, everybody’s going to get along, and the juniors are going to win.” 

Students will be building strategies with their teammates and coaches to try and ensure that their class will be the winners of the 2022 PMHS winter pep rally. 

Sophomore Brody Wiggins said, “My strategy is eating a healthy breakfast and getting a full eight hours of sleep. I’m going to also stretch too just to make sure I have all the prep I need for the tournament, and I’ll watch my teammates back till the end.”

Disney comes to PMHS!

By Dharma D. and Ava S.

Nov. 4, 2022

PMHS students dressed up as their favorite Disney characters on October 28th to boost school spirit on Disney Day. 

A lot of the students and staff members dressed up for Disney Day. Three students and one staff member were chosen amongst everybody, showing their dedication and appreciation. The top three students were Ariana Charles as Miss Incredible, Addison Poeta as Coraline, and Hope Hoper as Doc McStuffins. As well as the staff winner, Ms. Dobson as Cruella de Vil. 

Vice Principal Ms. Busillo said, “I was dressed up as Jack Skellington because thats one of my favorite movies.” 

Students and staff both agree that Disney day was effective, giving PMHS the spirit that it needed. 

Guidance Counselor Mrs. Hankin said, “I think anytime that you can go and have fun with everyone it makes everyone happy. People like competition. I think that it definitely had some school spirit associated with it.”

Junior Anna Nicolosi said, I think it's great for our future spirit days and that they can make more great activity days.”

No School November!

By Payton C. and Harley G.

Nov. 4, 2022

Over the month of November, students and staff get a break from school. The students will have about five days plus weekends off in November! Many have some plans for their break. 

Some are going on some exciting vacations over the time off.

English teacher Mrs. Dobson said, “We are going to Rhode Island and the trip is five hours away. We are going to see my husband's favorite author's house on a tour!”

Arianna Press, a ninth-grade student, stated, “I am going to Busch Gardens in Virginia.”

However, others have different ideas about what they are going to do. Some faculty and students are planning on just relaxing or doing something around the house. They are really going to take in the days off.

Robbie McDade, also a ninth grader, is psyched about the upcoming days off. “I’m probably going to hang out with some friends and might ride my bike or moped around. We don’t really like school around here so it will be nice to have a break.”

Mr. Healy, a history teacher here at PMHS, said,  “I am going to fix the floor in my basement! I’m so excited about it.”

Overall, PMHS is ready for the upcoming break! Students and teachers are counting down the days until our first break!

Christmas in November?

By Keira A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

Nov. 4, 2022

PMHS has controversy on when Christmas should be celebrated. 

Some feel it should start being celebrated on Halloween, Nov. 1 or after Thanksgiving on Dec. 1. The debate on when Christmas should start being celebrated has been going on forever and always will. 

Sophomore Maddie Wright said, “You should start listening to Christmas music on Halloween.”  

Junior Adrianna Echevarria said otherwise with. “I start in December like a normal person should.”

Mrs. Yarhling said, “I celebrate it the day after Thanksgiving.”

PMHS continues to debate about when the Christmas spirit should begin. 

Class of 2025 order their class rings!

By Savannah G. and Reagan W.

Nov. 4, 2022

The Class of 2025 is ordering their class rings on Friday, Nov. 4. Sophomores have mixed emotions about the rings because of their cost. 

Sophomore class president Brenna Emery said, “I’m super excited for our class to finally get rings! I think the cost is a little high but it'll definitely be worth it.”

Sophomore Makayla Butz said, “ I am not ordering a class ring because it's too expensive.”

Overall, the sophomore class wishes that the rings were lower in price, but when they receive them they will be happy to keep the memory of high school with them. 

PMHS Girls ready to tackle Powerpuff 

By Gina H. and Isabelle S.

Nov. 4, 2022

As Powderpuff approaches, the girls at PMHS can’t wait to play under the lights. On Nov. 16 at the Lou D’Angelo Stadium, girls from each grade will compete in a flag football game to raise money for scholarships given to the graduating class of 2023. 

Junior Bella Farina said, “I am excited I didn’t get to play my freshman year because of my knee injury…It is going to be a mess because our coaches are all crazy when they’re together, but I think we can win.” 

Freshman Marley Wood said, “I think we're gonna beat the sophomores, but when we get into playing the Juniors or Seniors I don't know how well we're going to do.''

Junior Daniel Saulin, coach of the Junior team, said, “Junior team is gonna get that dub….and we're going to smoke that Senior pack, we're, we're gonna smoke that Sophomore pack, we're gonna smoke that Freshman pack. Ain't no one can run with us…”

PMHS sophomore boys cheering the night away at Powderpuff! 

By Liz W. and Maddie W.

Nov. 4, 2022

PMHS is getting excited for this year's Powderpuff after having it canceled due to covid. The sophomore boys are super excited for this year's fun!

According to sophomore Josh Ramirez, “I'm ready to dance, boogy a little bit, maybe be thrown up in the air.”

The boys are ready to put on a great performance, yet others are feeling a little nervous.

“I'm a little worried to mess up my dance in front of the school”, Said sophomore Brody Wiggins. Despite the nerves of the audience. 

We are all looking forward to this year’s Powderpuff, especially sophomore adviser Mrs.  Burns said, “I can't wait! They are going to be super fun to watch and very entertaining!”

Thanksgiving Break coming up

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

Nov. 4, 2022

This upcoming Thanksgiving break starts on the 23rd as an early dismissal. The following Thursday and Friday we have no school, with the break continuing onto the weekend. Students will return to school on Monday the 28th. Everyone is excited to eat and hang out with family on Thanksgiving.

According to CJ Tilton, “I am very excited. I am going to hang out with my friends and eat a lot of food.”

Arianna Matteo said, “I am very excited for Thanksgiving break, my plans are probably to hangout with my friends and spend time with family.”

False school shooting threat sent PMHS into a lockdown

By Keira A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

Oct. 20, 2022

PMHS was sent a threat about a student in room 100 supposedly shooting up the school. 

On Oct. 14, PMHS was sent into a frightening lockdown. The school received a hoax call about a student in room 100 which doesn't exist. Most students were freaked out while the staff remained calm and took charge. 

The staff and students at PMHS had mixed feelings about the lockdown and how everything went down.


Principal Mr. McFarland said, “I’m not sure what my emotions were other than keeping everyone safe. That's not an emotion, but that's the best answer I can give you.” 

According to Sophomore Tyree Young, “The students were acting up but the teachers handled it well.”

Overall, it was an emotional day and PMHS did exceedingly well given the circumstances. 

Powder Puff is Back!

By Payton C. and Harley G.

Oct. 20, 2022

The excitement flows through the halls as the students hear Powder Puff is back! Mrs. Fulmer just announced to the school that the game will be coming back on Nov. 16 at 6 p.m. This event will take place at Lou D’Angelo Stadium. 

The girls from each class will compete in a flag football game. First, it is Freshmen vs. Sophomores and Juniors vs. Seniors. Then it is Loser vs. Loser and Winner vs. Winner. There will also be our boys from each class cheering our girls on from the sideline. 

Junior Daniel Saulin is coaching the Junior girls football team. He is very excited about this game. “I am most excited about being a coach, beating the other teams badly, and coming out with two victories that night.”

Since we haven’t had this event in two years, the students and staff are beyond thrilled to have this bonding event with students. Mrs. Fulmer, Class of 2023 advisor said, “We haven’t had our Powder Puff game in two years because we were going to do it last spring but too many activities got pushed back to the end of the year and there wasn't enough time to fit it in the calendar.”

However, there has been some disagreement on who everyone thinks will come out on top. Freshmen? Sophomores? Juniors? Or Seniors? Guess you will have to come out on Nov. 16 and watch or compete in this fun game!

Schools throughout the U.S. receive shooting threats

By Savanna G. and Reagan W.

Oct. 20, 2022

On Friday, Oct. 14, schools throughout many states, including PMHS, were put into lockdown for a shooting threat. Even though it was a hoax call, it still caused many students and staff to panic. 

Freshman Payton Cook said, “I think it’s very strange that it happened but I also know that a lot of things like that are happening right now.”

Sophomore Riley Bowman said, “I was in Mrs. Graff's room and I was very nervous because I saw the look on her face and realized it wasn’t a drill.” 

Vice Principal Miss Busillo said, “I think the staff, students and everyone did a really good job with getting into lockdown.”

Students and staff are relieved the call was a hoax but it is really devastating how it is happening in so many places. Overall, students and staff did really well handling the situation during this scary time. 

Annual PMHS Anti-Bullying Posters

By Dharma D. and Ava S.

Oct. 20, 2022

PMHS students competed to win the Anti-Bullying Poster Contest.

The contest began during the Week of Respect, and ended on the following Friday. Our three winners were soon picked; Regina Lape, Kayla Buck and Angela Perez. 

Freshman and first place winner Regina Lape said, “I think I did a pretty good job, it took quite a while to get the details right and my friends tried to help me with it, and with what details I should add or remove, so I’m pretty satisfied with the final product.” 

Sophomore Kayla Buck-Finley, who placed second, said, “It’s a fun way to spread to not bully and to be nice to everyone.” 

Sophomore and third place winner Angela Perez said, “It was kind of nerve-racking. I personally thought that I wasn’t going to do well especially when I saw everyone else’s posters, but it was a pleasant surprise, and I’m glad that I was able to get to the top three.” 

Help stop the spread of bullying, and like first place winner Regina Lape quoted, “Help fix the cracks.” 

Are the new school rules hot or a flop?

By Liz W. and Madison W.

Oct. 20, 2022

We’ve been in school for over a month so we have gotten the full effect of the new school rules and changes to the building. 

The students of PMHS don't seem to like these changes to the school.

“The new fence is better because we don't get locked out but it still sucks because it feels like we're in a prison,” said sophomore Jack McFarland. 

According to Sophomore Emma Cornette, “The e-hallpass is stupid. If I have to pee I have to pee and it takes way too long.”

Halloween is creeping around the corner

By Isabelle S.

Oct. 20, 2022

As Halloween approaches, the spooky spirit bleeds throughout the halls of PMHS. Many of the students and staff members are excited for the holiday.

Freshman Kylie Harris said, “It’s pretty dope…I’m pretty excited…My favorite candy is left Twix because I am not a sissy.”

Sophomore Mia LaPalomento said, “I am excited to go out with my friends and dress up and get candy.”

As Halloween gets closer and closer, the students and staff of PMHS can’t wait for the holiday to arrive.

PMHS Renaissance Disney Spirit Day for all students and staff

By Angelina Owens, Katelynn Roy and Kylie Stoppel

Oct. 20, 2022

On Friday, Oct. 28, there will be a Disney Spirit Day for students and staff to dress up or wear Disney attire. This is for PMHS Renaissance. The staff members are going to decorate the hallways and the best decorated one will win a prize. You can dress up as your favorite Disney character and the best dressed student will win a prize. 

Teachers are excited for Disney Spirit Day.

“I think it’s gonna be fun, I’d like to see who’s gonna get dressed up,” said Ms. Dubarry. 

“I am so excited because I get to wear a cool costume, I get to dress up, I am so excited!” according to Mrs. Dobson. 

PMHS’ first Pep Rally of 2022-2023 school year!

By Payton C. and Harley G.

Sept. 29, 2022

The PMHS staff and students are extremely excited for this year’s first pep rally! The pep rally will take place Friday, Sept. 30 after first period. The classes of PMHS will go against each other in fun activities. 

Mrs. Rinnier, a math teacher and the Class of ‘26 advisor, is super pumped about the upcoming event. “I’m most excited to see the freshman get involved. It is their first pep rally so I’m excited for that.”

Students at PMHS also feel the same. Sophomore Savanna Gandy said, “I’m most excited for all of the activities we are going to be doing. I think it will be very funny.”

At the pep rally, there will be many different activities that will be taking place including Ball Pass, Hungry Hippos and many others. 

Another student, sophomore David Clark, is super thrilled about one of the activities. “I am excited for Hungry Hippos because I am participating in the activity.” 

The student body and staff are eager for Friday. There has been a lot of feedback from students saying they are participating in the pep rally. Overall, the school is very ecstatic for the upcoming pep rally.

PMHS students ecstatic for Hoco dance!

By Liz W.

Sept. 29, 2022

PMHS students are eager to dance the night away in their fancy attire at this year's homecoming! This year's homecoming will include lots of dancing, music and food! 

Sophomore Mia LaPalomento said, “I am looking forward to hanging out with my friends,having fun, and dancing.” Many of the PMHS students are looking forward to the attire of the evening. 

Sophomore Regan Witt said, “I'm wearing a hot pink dress because it was really pretty and it's my favorite color right now.” 

Students have ideas on who will be crowned this year's homecoming king and queen. 

Junior Daniel Saulin said, “ I think Gavin Watson for homecoming king and Ali Bowman queen.” 

Lots of the PMHS students are excited to celebrate this year's homecoming. 

PMHS students looking forward to Homecoming dance

By Madison W.

Sept. 29, 2022

Students are getting antsy waiting for homecoming this Saturday. The dance is scheduled for this Saturday at 7 p.m. in the football stadium. 

We talked to several students about what they were wearing to the dance.  

“I am wearing an emerald green dress. It's kinda short, off the shoulder,” said Sophomore Kim Gaines. 

We also asked students who they thought was going to win Hoco king and queen. 

Sophomore Peyton Schmidt said, “I think Gavin Watson and Allie Bowman are going to win because they're popular.”

Homecoming is right around the corner 

By Ava S.

Sept. 29, 2022

The PMHS Homecoming is coming up this Saturday, October 1. A lot of students are attending the event, talking about what they’re going to wear, and are looking forward to it. The event is located at the PMHS football field. Tickets are $10.00 to get in and includes foods, music, dancing, and having a great time. 

Class of ‘25 advisor Ms. Burns said, “I enjoy seeing everybody all dressed up and I’m expecting everybody to have fun dancing and making good memories.”

 Sophomore Brody Wiggins said, “I’m very excited about attending this Saturday’s Homecoming and I’ll be going to Homecoming with my friends and we will have a great time there.” 

There is also a tradition where they have a Homecoming King and Queen. The court is: Ali Bowman and Kyle Cahill, Kaylin Jaeger and Nathan Pszenny, Jalen Johnston and Nicholas Pszenny, Jaida McCaffery and Jared Vandersteur, and Abigail Sherrick and Gavin Watson. 

Homecoming Game excitement lingers throughout the halls of PMHS

By Isabelle S.

Sept. 29, 2022

The students and staff members of PMHS are very excited to see the Eagles take on Cumeberland Regional at the Lou DAngelo Stadium on Friday for the annual Homecoming football game. 

Math teacher Ms. Chapkowski said, “I’m excited for my freshmen to experience their first homecoming game and homecoming dance.” 

Senior Faith Willis said, “I am excited for the homecoming football game. I think it will be a lot of fun because of the student section…This week has been a lot of fun having all the classes compete against each other.”

Junior and left tackle Daniel Saulin said, “We are going to try and get that dub.” About the dance, he said, “I don’t dance, I shimmy.”

Hopefully, the Eagles win, the students have a great time at the dance and the tradition of homecoming carries on. 

PMHS hosts the first Spirit Week of the year

By Keira A., Angelina S. and Aiyanna W.

Sept. 29, 2022

The students at PMHS have their first Spirit Week of the year for Saturday's homecoming. 

From Sept. 26 to 30 the students will dress up according to the Spirit Week theme of the day. 

The students at PMHS were in agreement with their excitement about Spirit Week. 

Senior Danielle Pierce said, “Class of 2023 duh,” when asked what class she thinks is going to win Spirit Week. 


Senior Abbi Sherrick said, “I would say Friday color wars is the Spirit day I’m most excited for because I'm excited to be decked out for senior day. ” 

On Monday and Tuesday, the seniors came in first with the sophomores right behind them in second place. On Wednesday, the seniors lost their winning streak to the sophomores.  

Hopefully, the students and staff keep up their school spirit.

Homecoming is first formal dance of the year

By Angelina O., Katelynn R. and Kylie S.

Sept. 29, 2022

Homecoming is going to be held at the Lou D’Angelo Stadium on Friday, Oct. 1. This dance is going to be for all high school students to attend with the cost of $10 per person, which you pay at the stadium. The dance starts at 7 p.m. and goes until 10 p.m. This is a formal dance so you need to be in formal attire.

PMHS Spirit Week is here! Students and advisors are excited about the class banners

By Savanna G. and Reagan W.

Sept. 29, 2022

As the school year is starting students and staff are becoming more and more excited for homecoming spirit week. The classes are preparing their banners and getting ready for the pep rally. 

Ms. Chap, the freshman advisor, said,“We are going with something that is kind of out of our comfort zone. So more like spooky, bloody, not so wholesome and happy.” 

Freshman Payton Cook said, “I like how the whole school comes together as one and it brings us all together. I think there is a good chance our class banner will win but we need to make sure that we are working on it and actually trying to finish it.”

After all the time spent on the banners all the work will pay off. The banners will be hung in the gym at 8:00 a.m. on Friday above each class's bleachers waiting to be judged.



Students trade in their masks for masques!

By Courtney B.

May 26, 2022

The students of PMHS attended the annual prom hosted by the junior class on May 20 at The Waterfall in Claymont, Delaware. The theme of this year's prom was Masquerade Ball. Students and staff seemed to enjoy the ball. 

Sophomore Mya Verdecchio said, “I thought the DJ was pretty OK and I thought my favorite part of prom was hanging out with my friends. 

Science teacher Ms. Dubarry thought, “A lot of people did enjoy the prom. It was getting back to a sense of normalcy…kids were on the dance floor constantly.” 

Along with this tradition the prom king and queen were announced. Dane Thomas won prom king and Paige Wilson won prom queen. 

Paige Wilson said, “I was so shocked, I fully went in knowing I wasn't going to win due to winning homecoming queen, but when they called my name I was in disbelief that it was me who won. I was very excited.” 

This night was definitely one to remember.

PMHS is sprouting into Spring Break

By Courtney B.

April 14, 2022

PMHS will have their annual Spring Break from April 14-18. The spring break starts with a half day on Thursday, then Friday and Monday off. 

Spring Break seems to be busy for many around PMHS.

Freshman and Dance Expression dancer Brook Grova said, “I plan on hanging out with my friends and doing dance over my Spring Break.” 

Science teacher Ms. Dubarry also has plans. “Saturday I'm going to dye eggs with the kids and the niece…then on Sunday I am going to be setting up the Easter egg hunt and then cook the food.”

Most of the students and staff of PMHS are eager for the break.

Pennsville cannot find their Mr.

By Courtney B.

Feb. 24, 2022

PMHS’ annual Mr. Pennsville competition/fundraiser officially canceled as of March 17. The senior class, who runs Mr. Pennsville, had to cancel this event because of the lack of participation from the senior boys. 

Senior Paige Wilson said, “It's upsetting to see the school spirit dying down. I wish more boys would of wanted to participate in the tradition.”

Class of 2022 advisor Mrs. Chapkowski said, “I am sad that we are not carrying on the tradition but I do understand how they feel not wanting to be up on stage right now…I think in a few years though we will be back to where we were.” 

Hopefully next year's class of senior boys will want to continue the tradition.

Boys Banger in the Bathroom

By Courtney B.

Feb. 24, 2022

As the school year continues, the boys of PMHS have not been considerate of the property. It seems like a number of boys would rather hang out in the bathroom than use it for what it actually is. 

The activities the boys have been participating in consist of: haircutting, physical altercations and vandalism. The school has made attempts to clear this issue. Multiple bathrooms have been closed off for periods of time. Some teachers used time to look in the bathrooms as well. Principal Mr. McFarland has also made multiple announcements to make clear and bring awareness to the bathroom complications.

McFarland said,“The bathroom situation is one of the most mystifying and frustrating things that I have had since I've become principal.”

According to math teacher Mr. Simmons, everytime he walks in the bathroom he sees boys hanging around. He used to feel very accomplished catching boys in the bathroom doing what they are not supposed to be doing, then not so much when nothing can be done without proof. 

Hopefully, the ragers in the restroom will soon come to a close.

Supporting our local furry friends

By Maddie M.

Feb. 24, 2022

Throughout the past month PMHS was collecting donations for the PV animal shelter. This has been ongoing since Jan. 19. The donations for the Pennsville Food Drive ended on Friday, Feb. 25. 

The Food Drive was hosted by the PMHS Student Council. Donations ranged from food, toys, cat litter, treats, and so much more. All items donated were for cats and dogs. The items donated were dropped off to Ms. Turner’s room. 

The PMHS student council was offering service hours to students who donated items for the animal shelter.

This year has been the third year PMHS has donated to the Pennsville Animal Shelter. “The Student Council every year, I let them choose who they want to donate to… We found that all of the other schools in town collect for Salem County Animal Shelter and nobody was really doing anything for Pennsville,” according to Ms. Turner, teacher and Student Council advisor at PMHS

The Student Council had a successful time collecting donations for the Pennsville Animal Shelter. “We have about five boxes full of stuff to go through…,” said Ms.Turner.

Students have found that these donations tend to be important to our local furry friends. 

“It’s important but not an obligation. Donating to animal shelters is important solely due to the fact that animals with no home deserve a place they can eat and sleep for the sake of survival. Animal shelters can’t really keep animals without the proper tools and necessities, so most of that comes from donations which make those very crucial for the sake of the shelter running,” said Camryn Burns, 9th grade student and member of the PMHS Student Council.


By Courtney B.

Jan. 28, 2022

As winter break came to a close, COVID started re-emerging through the halls of PMHS. Students and staff have been affected by the new COVID-19 variant. Some of the staff in the building have been contaminated with the virus or have been told to quarantine. This is leaving students in  different study halls in the auditorium or cafeteria, while other teachers have to cover those study halls during their preps. 

The COVID virus has caused an inconvenience to PMHS’s staff and students alike.

Spanish teacher Ms. Hemdani said, “Well it makes it difficult because I live far away and if my daughter's school is different than our schedule here I have to make adjustments. Sometimes I miss school and Mr. McFarland has been kind enough to let me come in late some days and stuff.”  

PMHS junior Cassidy Zullo added, “I got COVID during January and I got behind in work and that's how it affected me.” 

History teacher Mr. Ramos said, “COVID affected my work schedule by essentially making my job here two fold, I have to do in person stuff and also virtual learning as well. It's doing two things at once so that's a little bit crazy.”

PMHS welcomes the Great Kindness Week

By Maddie M.

Jan. 28, 2022

PMHS welcomed back the Great Kindness Week from Jan. 24- Jan. 28. This week highlights how important kindness is.

PMHS students had the opportunity to participate in the Great Kindness Competition. Students could write a poem, write a short story/essay, make a drawing, create a TikTok or even make a song.

The Great Kindness Week tends to be very important in schools across the nation. Students need to be reminded to be kinder to each other.

According to Mrs. Hankin, counseling office secretary at PMHS, “I think that especially in today's world that students need to remember it's more important to be kind than it is to be right.” 

During this week some students tend to be kinder to each other, while others seem to forget about it completely.

“Honestly, most of the kids I have asked about great kindness week don’t remember that it even is a great kindness week. But I do think that if you bring into their mind they will tend to be kinder to each other,” said Mrs. Hankin.

This week is a national week that is celebrated throughout the nation. Some people find kindness to be important and it makes them feel good about themselves.

“Kindness means to be nice to others and to support them,“ said Savannah Brewer- Palverento, 9th grade student at PMHS.

“It makes me feel appreciated and that there is hope for humanity,” said Palverento.

The Great Kindness Week has allowed the students of PMHS to feel appreciated and supported. Which is what the Great Kindness Week is all about.

Welcome back, PMHS

By Maddie M.

Jan. 7, 2022

PMHS returned to school after being away for 11 days. The PMHS was originally supposed to be off 10 days for winter break but ended up getting a snow day on Monday, Jan. 3. Then later had a two-hour delay on Tuesday, Jan. 4. 

With the snow day and two-hour delay students and staff at PMHS were able to get extra time off added onto their original 10 days off. 

Students and staff had a half day on Dec. 23 and have been off since then. With the schedule finally normalizing again Wednesday, Jan. 5 was PMHS’s first full day back to school since the new year began.

Students at PMHS have had a lot to say about the extra day and delay added to their winter break.

“I liked them and thought it was a good idea because the roads were really bad and icy,” said Marlee Lawson, a 9th grade student at PMHS.

With the students and staff quarantined and home there weren't many who actually came back from break. 

According to Mrs. DeLaney, science teacher at PMHS, “Typically on break, especially a longer break, especially with holidays in there, you're going to be with family and friends, mostly from not in your immediate bubble. Which then makes more of an opportunity for cases to kind of slip in…”

With the rise in cases at PMHS will we go back to virtual learning for the 2021-2022 school year?

Snow falls on PMHS

By Courtney B.

Jan. 7, 2022

As Pennsville School District was set to return after break they experienced one extra day with a snow day. 

PMHS students spent their free time on Monday doing different activities. 

On Monday, Sophomore Jacob Grant “went to baseball, went home, watched some ‘Cobra Kai’, ate some chinese. It was budussin’.”

Sophomore Jake Issac “went to the dinner with my family and I worked on my grandmom’s shed with my dad.” 

As this snow day was a peaceful extra day, it gets added on to the end of the school year. The students now leave PMHS on June 14 and the staff leaves on June 15.

Class of 2023 picks Masquerade Ball for Prom theme 

By Arianna R.

Dec. 2, 2021

On Nov. 24, the Class of 2023 Executive Committee voted on this year's prom theme.  

The juniors at Pennsville Memorial High School are going to be decorating for this year's prom. On Nov. 17, the Executive Committee had their first meeting discussing prom themes since the football snack shack was over. During that meeting they discussed some potential themes for this event. By the end of the meeting there were four prom theme finalists: Masquerade Ball, Night in Vegas, no theme just a color scheme, and 1920s. 

The class advisor, Mrs. Fulmer sent out a Google Form Nov. 23 for the students to vote. The following day the votes were counted and released. Masquerade Ball was the winner. 

Junior Autumn Griffin said, “I’m really excited about it. I think it’ll be a really fun experience. I couldn’t have hoped for a better theme.” Many students also feel the same as her. 

PMHS ready to fly into Winter Recess 

By Courtney B.

Dec. 2, 2021

As Thanksgiving break is over the following weeks of being in school have arrived before the winter break. 

Students and staff of PMHS are experiencing anticipation and excitement for leading days into the holiday break coming up in December. 

Freshman Brook Grova will be “spending my time dancing and hanging out with my friends to get to the next break.”

Sophomore Mya Verdecchio is “relieved because school is a lot of work and I like to sleep in.” 

Art teacher Ms. Adams added, “A lot of work to get done, all of our art assignments, before we leave and relax.” 

Class of 2025 Apparel and Poinsettia sale

By Maddie M.

Dec. 2, 2021

With the Class of 2025 apparel sale and poinsettia sale, all items will be sold in the month of December. They will be having an apparel sale to raise money for the Class of 2025 and all classes will be selling poinsettias. 

The apparel sale ended on Wednesday, Dec 1. All orders were due to Ms.Burns in room 106. The class was selling t-shirts, crewneck sweatshirts, hoodies, and jogger sweatpants. The Class of 2025’s apparel will be in either black or grey and would make great gifts for the holiday season. 

The Class of 2025’s apparel was designed by Jackson Mcfarland according to Ms.Burns.

The 2025 apparel sale was “I would say that it has been pretty successful,” according to Ms.Burns, science teacher at PMHS.

Students at PMHS had opinions on the 2025 apparel.

“I’m assuming it would look decent. The logo does at least,” said Madeline Gauthier, a 9th grade student at PMHS who purchased the apparel.

All profits will be towards the Class of 2025 and order forms can be found in either Mrs. Burns or Mr. Lamont’s room.

All classes will be selling poinsettias to raise money for their class. Orders are due by Dec. 10.

The poinsettias are sold every year and “I believe that it is a fundraiser for all of the class and the senior class kind of runs it and the rest of the classes take part and we get the fundraiser really for our class from what the students sell,” said Mrs. Burns.

PMHS can refresh with the days off in November

By Maddie M.

Nov. 11, 2021

The students and staff of PMHS are going to have an extra five days off of school in the month of November: No School November!

With Teachers Convention, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving all being in November the students and staff will not be attending school on Nov.. 4 and 5 (for Teachers Convention), November 12 (for the celebration of Veterans Day), and November 25 and 26 (for Thanksgiving). On November 24 the students and staff of PMHS will be having an early dismissal.

Last year because of coronavirus the students and staff at PMHS had five days off of school but they also had an all virtual classes day on Election Day, November 3.

The PMHS students are really enthusiastic about the extra days off in November.

“I absolutely love them because it is usually a time where a lot of books come out online and I get to read all the time,” said Camryn Burns,  freshman at PMHS.

The teachers at PMHS also had opinions on the additional days off in November and they feel that they are important to rest and refresh.

“I think that they are wonderful and they give us a chance to rest and restart ourselves and be able to come back fresh and learn more,” said Ms.Dobson, English teacher at PMHS.

Since November is also the end of the 1st marking period the students are preparing themselves for the final tests.

“I get more time to study because around this time we are having tests,” said Burns.

With the extra days off in November the PMHS students and staff will get a chance to relax, refresh and come back ready to learn.

Marking Period 1: Complete

By Sofia B.

Nov. 11, 2021

On Nov. 11, the first marking period at PMHS will come to an end. Since we have off on Friday, students and staff will have all work completed by Thursday, the last day of the week. Teachers will finalize grades by Nov. 17. Completed work may help boost some of the students with grades. Even though last year teachers were taking late work, this year everything must be done on time in order to get full credit. 

Mrs. Dobson, English teacher, stated, “I think it went by really fast, I mean faster than it’s ever gone. I think we did a lot of work really quickly.” 

Vice Principal Miss Busillo also mentioned, “I think time really flew by, especially the first marking period. We had a lot of different challenges to start off the school year. We came back with full days, and then we had state testing to start off the year. Then we also had all of our school events, which we weren’t able to have the years previous. So I think doing all that, time definitely went by really fast.”

No School November

By Riley B.

Nov. 11, 2021

No School November has reached PMHS students and staff. Teacher break, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving break make it so that there is only one full week of school this month. Due to these, students and staff will get many additional days off. 

Students and staff had off Thursday and Friday during the week of Nov. 1 for teacher break. On the week of Nov. 8, students and staff will get off school on Friday for Veterans Day. The week of Nov. 15 is the only full week of school this month. The last full week of the month is the week of Nov. 22. Students and staff will have a half a half day on Wednesday. They will then have off on Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving break. 

Freshman Brook Grova said, “I’m probably just going to sleep in and hang out with friends.”

Spanish teacher Mr. Carter will spend his weekend “just chilling, eating good food and laughing.”

Turkey break for PMHS

By Courtney B.

Nov. 11, 2021

PMHS students and staff have off the days of Nov. 24 - 28 for Thanksgiving break.  

Students and staff have this time off to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends. This is the last group of days off in November. 

Sophomore Alyssa Aldana mentioned, “On Thanksgiving I eat turkey with ketchup and mashed potatoes.” 

Sophomore Georgia Wilson said, “My parents cook and then my family comes over and we feast!” 

Teacher Ms. Dubarry added, “I am getting spoiled because my boyfriend is going to make his peach cobbler.”

Violence Awareness Week unites PMHS

By Maddie M.

Oct. 22, 2021

PMHS brought back Violence Awareness Week and all of the activities that are included. PMHS is having a school-wide poem contest and optional spirit days all week long this week, Oct. 18-22.

This week PMHS is hosting the Violence Awareness Week which showcases different types of awarenesses ,which includes Depression Awareness, Cultural Diversity Awareness, Domestic Violence Awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness, and Suicide Prevention Awareness, along with the promise of being drug free.

PMHS chose these specific Awarenesses for Violence Awareness week because,” …you link them to the concepts that are going on in your school where you think people can benefit the most from,” according to Ms. Busillo, vice principal at PMHS.

The school-wide poem contest will also be taking place at PMHS. The poems should focus on themes of respect, peace or safety. All poems are due to Ms. Busillo’s office on Friday, Oct. 22.

PMHS staff had much to say about the need for Violence Awareness Week.

“I absolutely think there is a need for it. Obviously this stuff is still going on and we need to bring attention to it as much as we possibly can. Students especially now need to know that this stuff is happening and if it is happening to you, you have a place to speak out and people to go to,” according to Ms. DeLaney, science teacher at PMHS.

PMHS will be benefiting from Violence Awareness Week because it can “... spread kindness just through something as small as wearing a color to show that they are sort of united in some kind of way,” according to Ms. Busillo.

Interact Club goes Trick or Treating

By Courtney B.

Oct. 22, 2021

PMHS Interact Club is hosting a Trunk or Treat 

On Oct. 29 from 4-9 p.m. the annual Trunk or Treat will be located in the PMHS district office parking lot. This is available for kids who would like to pregame on trick or treating and get extra candy before the big night of Halloween. Anyone that is available and interested in helping out can decorate their cars and hand out candy. 

According to Interact Club’s advisor Mr. Grasso,“I think it's a great community event for Pennsville.” 

Usually at least 150 kids attend the Trunk or Treat!

PMHS Anti-Violence Awareness Week 

By Riley B.

Oct. 22, 2021

PMHS is holding a Violence Awareness Week. The week of Oct. 18- 22, students can participate by wearing different colors each day to support violence awareness.  

On Monday, students wear red to support being drug free. On Tuesday, students can wear green for depression awareness. Wednesday will be orange for cultural diversity awareness. On Thursday, students can wear pink or purple and crazy socks to show awareness to domestic violence and breast cancer. To finish off the week, students can wear blue or yellow for suicide prevention awareness.

Also included in this week is a school-wide poem contest. Poems must focus on the topics of peace, respect or safety. They are due to Mrs. Busillo’s office or sent to her by email by Friday Oct. 22. 

According to principal Mr. McFarland, “The bottom line is to just make these announcements everyday; hopefully we can get somebody who is struggling, and let them know we’re here for them.” 

Junior Ali Bowman stated, “It's important because it shares with people different kinds of violence, and gives them reasons for it to be stopped.”

Friday pretzels from the Class of 2024

By Sofia B.

Oct. 22, 2021

The Class of 2024 is having a pretzel sale. They are planning on selling pretzels on Friday, Oct. 22 in the gym and main lobby. Pretzels and water bottles will each be sold for one dollar. The sophomores are hoping to raise lots of money from this sale. 

According to sophomore class advisor Ms. Dubarry, “Any time you can sell out of something [it] kinda ups your profits. So if we can sell out then that’s what we want to do.”

Sophomore class president Georgia Wilson also stated, “The money that we raise from this sale and other fundraisers will be going towards our yearly Daddy Daughter Dance and our prom for next year.”

Homecoming has returned to PMHS

By Courtney B.

Sept. 30, 2021

PMHS Homecoming will officially come back after it has been previously cancelled from COVID-19. 

PMHS students and staff have been eager and excited for the news of this dance to return to the school. The Homecoming dance will be hosted in the Lou D’Angelo Stadium or could be held in the gym on Saturday, Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. 

Senior Callie Poeta said, “I'm so excited, can’t wait...because it's my first time ever being on the court and I think it's going to be fun.”  

Principal Mr. McFarland said, “Having Homecoming come back to the high school was one of the things I wanted to make sure happened this year....the parts of school that …. are non academic are sometimes equally as important if not more sometimes especially...trying to crawl out of a pandemic and recover some of the things that we lost.” 

Homecoming Court officially announced

By Riley B.

Sept. 30, 2021

On Friday, Sept. 24, PMHS Homecoming court was officially announced. Teachers nominated as many students as they wanted, leaving 10 possibilities for Homecoming court representatives. Students then voted out of the 10 boys and 10 girls from each grade, choosing their class representatives. 

Freshmen Camryn Burns and Hyam Jackson, Sophomores Kendall Cooksey and Noah Flitcraft, and Juniors Kaylin Jaeger and Gregory Walker are representing their classes. The nominees for homecoming king and queen are Taylor Burchfield and Austin Aldana, Lily Hern and Michael Hall, Paige Wilson and Tyler McDade, Ryane Wood and Michael Saulin, and Callie Poeta and Kyle Taylor. The winners will be announced on Friday, Oct. 1, at the Homecoming football game.   

Freshman Camryn Burns stated, “I’m pretty happy I get to represent the freshmen for this year since it’s my first year, and I’m glad I get to do it with my date.” 

Sophomore Kendall Cooksey said, “I’m excited but I am also kind of nervous about it.”

This year’s Homecoming game is on Friday, Oct. 1. At the game, the representatives will be recognized, and the king and queen will be announced.

Spirit Week has arrived

By Sofia B.

Sept. 30, 2021

Spirit Week is finally here and the students and staff at PMHS are thrilled. Each grade will compete throughout the week of Sept. 27 - Oct. 1 with different categories on each day to see who has the most school spirit. 

Monday will start us off with Hat Day. Tuesday will be Crazy Sock/Mismatch Day. Wednesday will be Tie Dye. Thursday will be Hawaiian Shirt Day with our hallway competition. And finally Friday will be Blue and Gold Day along with our pep rally.

Science teacher Mrs. Burns said, “I’m most definitely most excited for Friday and see who wins that decorating contest and all that fun stuff.” 

Megan Morris, freshman, mentioned, “I think freshmen are gonna win because a lot of freshmen started off strong and wore hats and I think they are most spirited.”

Students and staff will go all out to win but we will just have to wait and see.

PMHS Drama Club plans to bring back the 2008 classic, “Mamma Mia!”

By Maddie M.

Sept. 30, 2021

This year PMHS Drama Club will be performing “Mamma Mia!” With this iconic play, viewers will be able to see the wedding of Sophia and the adventures that accompany it, brought to life by the PMHS Drama Club.

Auditions for “Mamma Mia!” won’t be held until December, however students already have in mind what role they want to play.

“Probably Harry, because he has good songs,” said Jackson McFarland, 9th grade Drama Club student.

“Mamma Mia!” was chosen for the school play because of how fun it is and so it can draw in the community.

“It's a really fun musical...And it's just a really great musical to really show off all the talent we have at the school,” said Courtney Rousak, director of the musical.

The PMHS Drama Club hasn’t been able to have a musical since the 2018-2019 school year, when they performed “Freaky Friday”.



Excitement is running rampant in PMHS for the 2021 prom

By Kaylin J. and Erin W.

April 9, 2021

PMHS students are elated by announcements about an official prom date after the classes of 2020 and 2021 never received many experiences as well as a prom. Due to the pandemic, the dance will be held at Lou D’Angelo Stadium inside a tent on May 21 at 7 p.m. The theme is Beauty and the Beast, incorporating yellow, light blue, red, and white hues. 

Senior Jordan Manorowitz describes the prom as an “exciting new theme with colors that are fun and fresh.”

Teacher Mr. Healy said, “I’m excited about prom because we haven’t had one in a while, and I think it would be nice to get the kids back to have some . . . normal things.”

Mr. Pennsville returns to PMHS

By Cameron C.

April 9, 2021

Mr. Pennsville is on the way May 13 at 7 p.m. Senior boys Derrick Taylor, Nate Jones, David Muntz, Chad McCauley, Ryan Morris, Ronell Redd Jr., and Zach Morrison will be showing off their skills as they compete to win Mr. Pennsville. Senior Chloe McCauley said the theme is “Bachelor” and they can do anything that is school-appropriate for their act. The dance, which all boys do together, is choreographed to all their abilities and their dates join them.

The Senior girl escorts are Victoria Keenan, Kyrsten Henderson, Jordan Manorowitz, Mia Ruiz, Paige Dorsey, and Sydney Krough. 

Covid-19 has taken a lot from everyone including some of the things we would usually do here at PMHS but since prom is happening, why not Mr. Pennsville? Usually Mr.Pennsville is held in the auditorium but this year we are having it at the Lou D'Angelo Stadium.

Students at PMHS will be getting a prom this year 

By Cameron C.

March 11, 2021

Due to Covid having a prom this year was up for debate but it is finally happening. May 21 Students can wear long or short dresses, tuxes or suits, since the attire is semi-formal/formal. For social distancing purposes prom will be held at the Lou D’Angelo Stadium or the PMHS football field.

The night will go from 7-11 p.m., according to senior Chloe McCauley. The theme is beauty and the beast. There is also an Instagram page that was made for the girls to post their dresses. Art Teacher Ms.Adams, is designing a fake stain-glass door with paint and styrofoam and some students helped with it. The door has colors to fit the theme and a rose at the top. While students are sitting down they do not have to wear their masks but if they are walking around and talk to others the masks must be on. 

PMHS February Spotlight Winners

By Kaylin J. and Erin W.

March 11, 2021

The February Spotlight Winners were announced at PMHS for students and staff. The winners are Sierra Stultz from 9th grade, sophomore Kaylin Jaeger, Gabrielle Marvin in 11th grade, senior Brianna Ridenour, and staff member Brian Dalzell.

They were awarded this honor by showing respect, unity and hard work to others and throughout the school. A certificate and Wawa gift cards were given to each spotlight winner as an acknowledgment of their great work.

PMHS coming back from a two-month virtual hiatus

By Kaylin J. and Erin W.

Feb. 5, 2021

Students and staff at Pennsville Memorial High School have come back to school after being virtual because of precautions for COVID-19 and snow days. After not being permitted back after Christmas break, classes stayed online for another month. Unfortunately, when they were scheduled to return on Feb. 1, a snowstorm arrived instead, therefore, delaying in-person school for another two days. 

PMHS sophomore Abbi-Jean Sanders said she “liked being home and laying around in my sweats but I did miss getting out of the house and getting dressed and seeing all of my friends and teachers.”

Gavin Watson, a sophomore, statedhis concern. “I understand the need for the hiatus but as a student, the virtual schooling was detrimental for my education.”

PMHS returns to in-person learning
By Cameron M.

Feb. 5, 2021

According to Dr. Brodzik, superintendent of Pennsville schools, Pennsville school district is returning back to in-person learning after being out of school for around 36 days. The Department of Health made this possible by making new rules and reminding students of old one. Students must have desk shields up, always have their mask on, no touching, and try to stay six feet apart if possible. Students went back on Feb. 3, after two snow days.

Pennsville School District goes virtual

By Cameron M.
Jan. 8, 2021

On Pennsville School District went virtual on Dec. 10 due to coronavirus cases increasing and to keep its students safe. PMHS will be returning to in-person learning on Jan 19 and proceed with directions given. During this time we are virtual. Students must log onto each class every day whether it's a mandatory Google Meet or just filling out the daily attendance form. While not being in school the teachers are still doing what they can to make this easier for everyone and more adjustable. If students are having trouble or just need to ask questions they can set up a Google Meet with a teacher.

Spirit Day for Fall Colors
By Kamryn C. and Cassidy Z.
Nov. 25, 2020

On Wednesday, Nov. 25, we are having Spirit Day for Thanksgiving Break at PHMS. For Thanksgiving coming up, this Spirit Day is fall colors. So all the teachers and students are required to wear anything that has fall colors included. The student and staff with the most school spirit gets a $5 gift card from Wawa.

Thanksgiving expectations at PMHS
By Kaylin J. and Erin W.
Nov. 25, 2020

Wednesday is the last day of school this week because of Thanksgiving the next day. Students and staff of Pennsville High School are excited for the four-day weekend. 

Sophomore at PMHS Abbi-Jean describes her weekend: “I’m excited, COVID didn’t really change any of my plans. I’m still going to my grandparents with my dad, stepmom and siblings.” 

Teacher at PMHS Mr. Healy says he likes Thanksgiving because “Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday of all time because there is lots of food, and lots of football on TV, and I can pretty much just lay down and do nothing. It’s perfect for me.”

Homecoming court and the football game is still happening
By Kaylin J. and Erin W.
Oct. 22, 2020

Pennsville Memorial High School’s Homecoming dance is canceled because of the coronavirus. Students would have gotten dressed up on Saturday, Oct. 24, but unfortunately, all they have to look forward to is the homecoming game with each class homecoming court representatives displayed in front of the audience during halftime. 

The Homecoming Court representatives from ninth grade are Alyssa Aldana and Noah Flitcraft, tenth grade’s representatives are Kaylin Jaeger and Nicholas Pszenny, eleventh grade’s winners are Lily Hern and Gavin Locke. The senior class has two chances to vote: the female representatives are Renee Carr, Katie Cooksey, Isabelle Hassler, Sydney Krough, and Courtney Welch. The male representatives are Nathan Jones, Chadwick McCauley, Sean Mcdade, David Muntz, and Dasyn Weber. The underclassmen representatives and Homecoming King and Queen will be announced during halftime at the Saturday night football game vs. Salem. 

Spirit Week at PMHS
By Kamryn C.
Oct. 22, 2020

This week at PHMS we have Spirit Week. The first day of it was Monday Oct 19, and you have to wear sweatpants and hoodies, or you can wear something red and this is to honor Suicide Prevention Awareness. On Tuesday, Oct. 20, students can wear hats or they can wear something green. This is for Depression Awareness. On Oct. 21, Wednesday, students were to wear crazy and mismatched socks or you can wear orange for Cultural Diversity Awareness. Thursday was Domestic Violence Awareness/Breast Cancer Awareness and you can wear any team jersey, or pink or purple. Friday was the last day of Spirit Week and it was Unity and School Pride. Students could wear either any Nike clothes or Blue and Yellow. If students had both of the things on for that day, that would count as two points helping their grade get the points up to win.

PMHS goes virtual for two weeks
By Cassidy Z.
Oct. 22, 2020

On Sunday, Oct. 4 PMHS shut down for two weeks because of a couple of kids testing positive for covid-19. Since we weren’t in school we had to do virtual and go on google meet calls with our teachers. Mr McFarland, the principal, Miss Busillo, the vice principal, and Dr. Slusher, the athletic director, all had to go through the cameras for contract tracing.Some other students had received a call from Dr. Brodzick telling them they were around them for more than 10 minutes and less than 6 feet. The kids had to quarantine for 14 days.

Sophomores participate in Spirit Week
By Gage S.
Oct. 22, 2020

This week at PMHS is Spirit Week. Sophomores are going to [try to] do their best. Sophomores have been doing OK this week but not the best. For the first day, sophomores had 51 percent with 3rd place for sweatpants and hoodies day. On the second day, sophomores came in 3rd again for hat day or wear green day. For the third day sophomores came in 4th place for pink and purple or jersey day. Tomorrow is the last day of spirit week so maybe the sophomores will be able to get first place.

Homecoming week canceled
By Cameron M.
Oct. 22, 2020

Due to Coronavirus, Homecoming week and Homecoming have been canceled. Usually there is a pep rally at the end of the week and then Homecoming after. A lot of the kids at PMHS are upset about this but our school is doing its best to keep everyone safe. 

We are still doing spirit week at PMHS. Monday was wear a sweatshirt, red or sweatpants; Tuesday was wear green for depression awareness or hats; Wednesday was wear orange or crazy socks; Thursday is pink/purple or jerseys for breast cancer and domestic violence awareness; and Friday is blue and gold to show our school pride or anything Nike. As you can see PMHS is trying to make this fun for students while still keeping everyone's safety first. Along with Spirit Week we would decorate the halls and classrooms which we weren’t able to do either.

Coronavirus causes changes at PMHS
By Kamryn C.
Oct. 6, 2020

This 2020 school year is a lot more different than our normal school year and what we expected it to be. A lot of things have changed and now kids have to follow these rules and policies that are very annoying but safe. One thing we have to do is wear masks at all times and we need desks shields in our classrooms. Teachers have provided us hand sanitizers or you can just use your own if you have some. One of the biggest changes though is the one-way hallways we have now. Students are only allowed to go one way and if you can only up to one stairwell and down the other. This can be very stressful for students because they have to go all around the school just to get to their classroom. This can also make them really late and teachers could get mad. 

Seniors win Spirit Day
By Cassidy Z.
Oct. 6, 2020

On Thursday, Oct. 1 PMHS had Spirit Day. All the grades got a certain color and whoever had the most points got the spirit stick. Freshmen wore red, sophomores wore green, juniors had orange and seniors wore purple.The seniors won; they had five points. The freshman came in last place with only two points.

This year was different because we would usually have Spirit Week. All days was something different and then on Fridays it was color war.

New safety rules set at PMHS
By Cameron M.
Oct. 6, 2020

Pennsville Memorial High School has had to make some drastic changes in the school due to coronavirus. All students going back in person must wear their masks at all times. Every student was given a shield on the first day of school. The shields are to protect the students from each other and teachers from students. The hallways are now one-way, the school gets cleaned daily, and all students have to sit at least one desk apart.

Coronavirus protocols in place at PMHS
By Kaylin J. and Erin W.
Oct. 6, 2020

When school is out, the janitors at Pennsville Memorial High School completely clean the materials and objects that might have been touched after the school day. This is during school hours while students, teachers and staff have already left. They do this to prevent an outbreak of the coronavirus. The janitors disinfect the door handles throughout the school day and wipe down tables, desks, chairs, etc. 

During the school day, janitors come by the classrooms occasionally and spray [disinfectant]. After sports, coaches are demanded to spray a disinfectant on everything that the players used. Students and teachers think that everything is going very well and that the school is handling the situation very well.

Sophomore Abbi-Jean Sanders said, “I think it’s a lot better than the last couple of years. I think everyone is taking it really well to the protocols that have been given.”



PMHS Drama Club introduces "Charlie Brown"
By Aubrianna H. and Lexi L.
Feb. 21, 2020

March 27 begins the Drama Club play of the year. The play is going to be You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown on March 27 and 28 at 6:30 p.m. and March 29 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for students and senior citizens.

Some of our students and staff think that play will be really fun and entertaining to watch.

Sophomore Tyler McDade said, “It would be a good experience.”

“I feel like it gets you more involved in school and if you love art, singing and dancing it’s great for you. Every show I've seen was good and well directed,” replied freshman Madden Cooksey.

Ms. Rousak, music director, said, “I’ve really liked every year but this year's really fun just because it’s a smaller show but it has a whole lot of really funny dialogue and really great songs. So I think it’ll be really fun for everyone to come out and see.” 

Wonderful Week of Kindness at PMHS
By Cole F. and Lexi L.
Jan. 31, 2020

The Week of Kindness at PMHS took place the week of Jan. 27. During the Week of Kindness, kids are encouraged to be more kind to others and wear certain clothing: Monday was Sweatpants Day, Tuesday was Hat Day, Wednesday was Camo Day, Thursday was Sports Team Day, Friday was White Clothing Day.

During the Week of Kindness, students are asked to wear certain clothing or accessories. Many students and staff members thought it was important to participate.

“It increases school morale when everyone can do the same thing,'' said science teacher Mrs. DuBarry.

“It is important to show school spirit, plus you get to wear stuff that you don’t get to wear everyday,” said history teacher Mr. Healy.

During the Week of Kindness at PMHS, kindness was shown to many students and staff members. The week brought many together to spread kindness.

2nd annual Daddy Daughter Dance is approaching
By Cole F., Aubrianna H. and Lexi L.
Jan. 10, 2020

On Jan. 24, the 2nd annual Daddy Daughter Dance is being held in the Pennsville Middle School Cafeteria. Pre-ordered tickets will cost $12 and $15 if bought at the dance, but an extra $5 will be charged if more than one daughter comes. The Class of 2020 is hosting the dance, and will provide music, food, games and prizes.

Not many students have been to Daddy Daughter Dances. However, the students had very positive opinions about it.

Freshman Jessica Nipe said, “You get to spend valuable time with your father.”

Sophomore Taylor Burchfield stated, “I think that younger kids would enjoy it more than older kids.”

“You go and have fun with your father,” said freshman Madden Cooksey.

PMHS's first Spikeball Tournament cancelled
By Cole F., Aubrianna H. and Alexia L.
Nov. 15, 2019

*Disclaimer: This article was written before the tournament was cancelled.

On Nov. 21, the first annual spikeball tournament is taking place at Pennsville Memorial High school.

Some of our staff and students had positive responses.

"It's a good way to make new friends,” said sophomore Derek Neisser.

“I’m planning on being in it, because I think it’s a nice way to play spikeball.” replied freshman Kyle Cahill.

“I like the game of spikeball,” said sophomore Tyler McDade. 

Calling all kids for Pennsville’s Trunk or Treat!
By Aubrianna H. and Alexia L.
Oct. 18, 2019

Don't you think getting the same amount of candy in a quicker more efficient way would be fun? Well it's that time of the year again when the kids go and get all the candy they can fit in their basket. Trunk or Treat is coming soon on Oct. 25.

Many kids from our school think it would be a great experience and a fun way to get candy.

“It’s a smaller area for kids which makes it safer,” said freshman Cassidy Zullo.

“It would be a fun and good time!” replied sophomore Tyler McDade.

“It’s a smarter way to get candy,” said freshman Nick Woodwards.

Homecoming Dance this weekend
By Shanai M.
Oct. 18, 2019

PMHS will be having their homecoming dance on Saturday, Oct. 19 in the school’s gym. PMHS cheerleaders will be selling tickets Oct. 15-18 during all periods for lunch for $10.

Some students and staff had different viewpoints on the upcoming dance.

Assistant Principal Ms. Busillo said, “I honestly have no idea on who will win, I think it will be a very close tie...I would like a Candyland or Haunted Mansion theme because of Halloween being near, I think it would be a fun experience for the students here.”

Ms. Busillio expects many good thing for the freshmen’s first homecoming dance.

“I think everyone will enjoy it and take time to come together and get dressed up,and have fun with their friends,” she answered.

Freshman Qumarah Earp said, “I think Mikey and Abbey will win because they were picked out of all the freshmen to run for king and queen and I think they will be successful.”

Events this week at PMHS
By Evan G. and Colton P.
Oct. 18, 2019

There were tons of events this week at PMHS.

There was Financial Aid Night in the auditorium on Oct. 16.

Senior Derrek Beals said, “I went to get help about receiving money towards college."

S.A.F.E. Club had a meeting in room 106 after school on Oct. 18. On Friday there will be a Pep Rally in the stadium after period 5. Homecoming is on Oct. 19.

Senior Thomas Data said, “I do not want to go but my girlfriend is making me."

On Oct. 20 there is a Black History program at Friends Village at 3 p.m.

Junior Ronell Redd said, “I did not go because I was busy, but I wanted to.¨

Be the difference for Week of Respect!
By Aubrianna H. and Alexia L.
Oct. 4, 2019

“Always be prepared, always be yourself, and always be honest. That is a good recipe for self respect, self love, and self worth.”

Monday through Friday in the second week of October is Week of Respect for PMHS. Every day over the loudspeaker, a staff member or the principal will give us the quote of the day and explain what it means and how you can change. Week of Respect is supposed to motivate you to become a better person to others.

Many students from our school think Week of Respect is a great opportunity to change others.

“Tuesdays quote is ‘respect others feelings, even if it doesn’t mean anything to you it could mean everything to them’ Many students responded positively to this quote.

Junior Evan Green said “You can care for other people.”

PMHS will be having an anti bullying poster contest.

“I would draw a hand to stop bullying,” said freshman Cassidy Zullo.

Throughout the week, staff is trying to encourage others to be respectful to one another.

“It can help make new friends,” sophomore Matt Donnelly replied.

PMHS Spirit Week
By Shanai M.
Oct. 4, 2019

PMHS will be having spirit week Oct. 15-18.During the week you can participate and earn two points each day.

On the 15th it will start with a vine/meme day. The 16th is a Class color and hat day where each grade will wear a certain color and you can wear a hat. The 17th you can wear tie dye or pink. That Friday, you can show school pride by wearing the school colors, blue and gold.

“I’m excited for tie dye and pink day because I like tie dye I guess.” said freshman Qumarah Earp. “I wish they had a 90’s day because I like the 90’s style.”

Ms. Turner replied, “I’m always mostly excited for Friday because it’s pep rally day and the homecoming game...The student council puts a lot of work into the events and it’s very nice seeing students represent our school...I try to participate in meme day but I don’t get the whole thing.”

“They should’ve had a gender switch day,” stated sophomore Amar Roberts. “I’m not doing spirit week because I don’t like participating...I’m excited for meme day because I want to see all the memes the students come up with."

The homecoming game will be on Friday, Oct. 18, and the homecoming dance will be on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Events this week
By Evan G. and Colton P.
Oct. 4, 2019

There are many events at PMHS this week. There was a Board of Education meeting on Sept. 30, and Class of 2022 has a meeting on Oct. 1. Art club meets on Oct. 2 in room 122 from 2:30-3:45p.m. You and your parents can come watch a movie on Oct. 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lou D’Angelo Stadium. Interact club has a meeting on Oct. 4 after school in room 115.

Out of the clubs that meet this week Art Club seems to be a popular choice.

“I want to get into the creative arts scene since it is my senior year," said Jacob Painter.

A lot of people will be attending movie night on Oct. 3.

“I will not be attending but my parents and little brother will be,” Jon Gurnovich said.

A lot of sophomores will be going to the class of 2022 meeting.

“I went to the meeting because I wanted to be involved and better my class," Tyler McDade said.

Freshman Festival a success
By Aubrianna H. and Alexia L.
Sept. 20, 2019

Don't you think it would be fun to watch a movie outdoors, but even better in a football stadium! On Oct. 3, get ready to watch the movie "Aladdin" at 7 p.m. at the Lou D’Angelo Stadium in Pennsville, New Jersey.

Many students from our school think it would be a great experience and a fun time.

“I think it'd be pretty cool especially since we all go to school here, going out on the field and watching it on a big screen would be pretty cool,” junior David Muntz told us.

“It would be cool!” said sophomore Tyler McDade.

“Sounds fun!”  sophomore Emma Peacock and junior Christina Dooley said.

Freshman Festival a success
By Shanai M.
Sept. 20, 2019

PMHS held their own Freshman Festival on Wednesday, Sept. 11 n the PMHS gym.

There were over 38 clubs and curricular activities for the students that wanted to sign up. Some faculty and students were very excited for the clubs that were being presented this year.

Assistant Principal Ms. Busillo said, “I am very excited to have new kids signed up and hopefully there will be new leadership opportunities...I am waiting for the board to approve a Girls Fitness Club because physical fitness is an important aspect.”

Many students probably signed up for the Video Game Club because a lot of kids like video games.

Guidance Counselor Mrs. Chase  said, “I hope that the clubs get the freshmen excited for high school...I would want the school to create a pet club to teach the students the way to groom cats and dogs...I would also like for them to take field trips to the Humane Society and stuff like that because I volunteer at the Humane Society and foster dogs, so into the whole dog thing."

Many events at PMHS going on
By Evan G. and Colton P.
Sept. 19, 2019

There were several events this week at PMHS. They included, on Wednesday, Sept. 18. Seniors have portrait make ups at 2:45 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Parents can come into the school on Thursday, Sept. 19 at 6:00 p.m. for Back to School Night. Next week Underclass pictures will be held Wednesday, Sept. 25. The pictures will be taken during your gym period.

Many seniors chose not to get their picture retaken but some did. Jacob Painter was one who did. He stated, “I didn't like my picture because my head looked big."

Some parents go to Back to School Night every year but others don't. Cameron Wiggins said, “My parents won't be coming because they think it is a waste of time."

Many students enjoy gym but always want a break. On Sept. 25 there is one for Underclass Pictures. Alex Pendleton said “I enjoy gym but it would be nice to have a chill day.”




Prom a success
By Ava D. and Isabelle H.
May 24,  2019

The Pennsville prom was presented on May 17 at 7 p.m. at The Grove, at Centerton. The theme was “The Roaring 20s” and was hosted by the Class of 2020.

A number of students thought the prom was a success.

Junior Haley Smerigan said, “The place was really fancy and beautiful.”

Junior Karlie Johnson said, “Prom was fun. The food was good.”

A lot of students did not like the DJ.

Sophomore Tori Kehnast said, “‘Baby Shark’ was uncalled for.”

Junior Nate Meadows said, “Na, didn’t bump and PnB.”

Students said they liked last year’s prom better than this year’s.

Johnson said, “The music was better.”

Glow Fest coming to PMHS
By Ava D. and Isabelle H.
Feb. 8, 2019

The Class of 2021 is presenting Glow Fest, taking place in the PMHS gym on April 5. Tickets are $10 in advance and at the door. If a student wants to purchase a ticket in advance, they get a free glow in the dark necklace.

Sophomore students of PMHS had hopeful thoughts about the glow in the dark theme.

Dasyn Weber said, “I think it’s going to be really fun and exciting.”

Katie Cooksey has a good feeling about the event. “The ‘21 class will pull it off and I hope people will enjoy the party.”

The sophomore students also gave their input on the songs they would like to hear.

Andee Cole said she wanted “hip-hop and throwbacks.”

Jenna Isaac said she wants throwbacks specifically like “Miley Cyrus.”

Month of kindness hallway decorating competition
By Emily C., John S. and Dmitri T.
Jan. 4, 2019

Beginning on Jan. 2, PMHS students are able to begin decorating their classes’ respective hallway for the month of kindness.

The general theme of the competition is kindness, but each class is given a type of candy to base their hallway around. Freshmen get Starburst, sophomores get M&Ms, juniors get Reese’s, seniors get Skittles.

The event is PMHS Renaissance sponsored, and is expected to be judged on the 28.

According to an email from PMHS vice principal Alicia Busillo, the event is an “activity building a positive school climate.”

Mario Kart tournament to be held in January
By Connor V.
Jan. 4, 2019

The video game club will be hosting a Mario Kart tournament on on Jan 18th. If you would like to sign up you must notify Gabriel Bertles, Sara McKinney, Jade Berry, Owen Townsend, or Mr. Dalzell. Admission is free however the deadline is Jan 15 to sign up.

Freshman Aubri Hern said, “I will not participate I do not think video games are fun." Hern also said, “I don't play video games at all.”

Winter Break comes to an end
By Ava D., Isabelle H. and Vanessa L.
Jan. 4, 2019

Students from PMHS came back from a Christmas/Holiday break that lasted 11 and a half days.

Overall PMHS students enjoyed their break. Many people got similar gifts, the most popular gift was clothes.

For example senior Cody Caldwell got “shoes and clothes.”

Most students felt like the break went by quickly. Many people said the break went by fast.

However, sophomore Lacy Francisco said, “It was long.”

Every student said they were unhappy about coming back.

Sophomore Kylie Malusis said, “I hate it, I don't want to be here.”

Girls Basketball clothing and shoe drive
By Ava D., Isabelle H., Vanessa L. and Connor V.
Nov. 28, 2018

The PMHS Girls Basketball Team is hosting a fundraiser by accepting people's  donations of clothing and shoes. Early drop offs can be made at PMHS now through Dec. 1 to the athletic director, Adam Slusher. The final drop off is Saturday, Dec. 1 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Many students think that this drive will benefit the community.

Sophomore Paige Dorsey said, “It will help bring them together and help out people in need.”

Other students think that it will help the people in the community bond.

Freshman Paige Wilson said, “It helps the community come together as one.”

PMHS students also say that the basketball team will have a good reputation from the experience, and also form teamwork.

Sophomore Andee Cole said, “Its giving them a good reputation.”

Is it time for PMHS to hack it up?
By Emily C. and Dmitri T.
Nov. 1, 2018

PMHS may have a new club very soon. PMHS senior Dmitri Torpey requested board approval on Oct. 18 for a Hacky Sack Club. The club is set to be approved sometime before Nov. 18, and once it is approved the club can hold official meetings.

The Hacky Sack Club has met unofficially twice on Oct. 22 and Oct. 29. Both unofficial meetings were on a Monday and the club still plans to hold all meetings on Monday after they receive board approval. The unofficial meetings have given some of the beginner hacky sackers their first taste of the sport.

While still in its first year, the Hacky Sack Club has some highly ambitious goals. PMHS senior, Hacky Sack Club co-founder and vice president Skyler Kern said, “We’re gonna go to the world championships this year. That’s the goal.”

Some of the members of the Hacky Sack Club attended the unofficial meetings for the health benefits that come with the sport. Beginner hacky sacker and PMHS junior Adam Cornette said, “Hacky Sack Club is great for exercise.”

While the Hacky Sack Club is training to make the world championships, and attempts to exercise through hacky sacking, they still try to have as much fun as possible. Beginner hacky sacker and PMHS junior Ryan Roy said the purpose of Hacky Sack Club is, “Overall, just to have a good time.”

New advisor for the Class of 2021
By Ava D., Isabelle H., Vanessa L. and Connor V.
Nov. 1, 2018

On Tuesday, Oct.30, Mr. Plale was announced as the new advisor for PMHS’ Class of 2021. Mr. Plale is stepping up due to the recent advisor leaving.

Many students and teachers said that they think Mr. Plale will do a good job.

History teacher Mr. Dalzell said, “I think Mr. Plale is a very intelligent guy. I think he's going to know how to get involved and know what to do to really make the kids happy.”

A lot of students are also very ecstatic about the new advisor.

Sophomore Jordan Manorowitz stated, “I'm really, really excited.”

Some students from the Class of 2021, gave their input on what they liked about Mrs. Hunt and how they would expect the same on Mr. Plale.

Sophomore Paige Dorsey said, “Mrs. Hunt kept us organized and involved and I hope he'll do the same.”

Pennsville Varsity Football defeated by Woodstown
By Taylor B. and Sydney K.
Oct. 12, 2018

Under the Friday night lights, on Oct. 5 the Pennsville Varsity Football team took on a loss. Having high hopes for their first win, the team lost confidence after they were defeated 14-7. While this game brought the team down, they still are looking to achieve a win.

Coming in with confidence, the football team felt like this game would be their first victory. After a good week of practice and training, player Kyle Taylor stated, “Our team was well prepared.”

Showing that they felt good as a whole, coach Michael Healy confirmed, “I felt very confident in my team.”

Since Pennsville and Woodstown have both been taking on many losses, Woodstown was seeming to be a good competitor. Sadly this game didn't go well for Pennsville, and they added another loss to the books.

Yet still having high hopes, player Derrick Taylor stated, “We still have five games left and we can still win out.”

Having a good start to the game, Pennsville was tied with Woodstown 7-7. As a whole, the team felt that they started to lose confidence when Woodstown scored another touchdown.

Throughout the game, player Ronnell Redd noticed, “There was a lack of focus.”

Homecoming to be held this weekend
By Ava D., Isabelle H. and Vanessa L.
Oct. 11, 2018

On Oct 20, Pennsville Memorial High School will be hosting their annual  Homecoming. It will take place in the gymnasium of the school, and Pennsville students are allowed to attend if they pay $10 in advance or at the door. The Pennsville cheerleaders donate snacks and supplies, and also decorate the gym for this event. Every year students are able to pick who they want to be their senior king and queen as well.

Many students are expecting different things and have different thoughts on the dance. A lot of students have high expectations.

For example, Junior Cameron Wiggins, thinks it's going to be enjoyable by saying “Well I think it's going to be fun. I trust the class with the theme, the DJ, and all that, so I hope it's going to be fun.”

Other students, such as  Junior Jake Buoncuore, agree with his thoughts because he said “I think it's gonna be good.”

Past years have influenced people's thoughts about this event. Some students like Jordan Manorowitz, a sophomore, said “The DJ” was the best part.

However, other students such as another sophomore, Andee Cole, said, “Nothing because it sucks every single year.”

Hopefully the students this year enjoy the DJ and the songs and have a good time with their friends.

After asking students who they would like to see win king and queen, the majority votes were Ashlynn Widger and Ryan Widger. Ashlynn had a percentage of 75, and Ryan came in with a 35%.



Senior Trip in Florida
By Madison F.
April 26, 2018

Senior Trip is a PMHS tradition. This year's trip is Monday, April 23 to Friday, April 27.

The students will get to spend three days at Walt Disney World parks and two days at Universal Orlando Resort. They will be staying at the All-Star Movie Resort for all four nights.

On Sunday, April 22, the seniors attending the trip had bag check. The next morning, they had to report to the high school gym to leave for the airport. Their flight left at 7:00 a.m. and arrived in Orlando at 9:25 a.m.They got to spend the rest of the day at any of the Disney Parks.

On Tuesday and Thursday, they will get to spend the day at any Disney park. All of the seniors will get to spend the day at Universal Orlando Resort on Wednesday and Friday. On Friday, after spending the day at Universal Orlando, they will leave for the airport at 3:00 p.m. The plane will leave at 6:00 p.m. and will arrive in Philadelphia at 8:25 p.m.

The cost of this year's trip is $1,378. This price includes airfare, the hotel room, tickets to Disney World and Universal Orlando, and a senior trip T-shirt.

Battling for the crown at Mr. Pennsville
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie J.
April 26, 2018

On April 18 PMHS held its annual Mr. Pennsville. Lots of students and staff members attended to see a select group of senior boys perform talents in a competition for the crown. The winner for this year was Russell Scarpa. Many people think he deserved the crown. However, some believe it belongs to someone else.

Sophomore Kelly Passaro said that she thinks it was worth the money to go because the show was “very entertaining.”  Although Russell won, she believes that Mason should have won because “his talent was really funny and he was entertaining throughout the whole thing.”

Sophomore Allie Curll also said that she thinks it was worth the money because it was “really entertaining.” She thinks that Mason should have won because “Russell did a very good job but Mason was hilarious and he kept the same character the whole time.” Allie Curll is looking forward to Mr. Pennsville next year “to see what new talents people will do.”

Many people believe that Mason deserved to win Mr. Pennsville, although Russell did a very good job as well. Mr. Pennsville was a great success and there was a wide variety of talents.

Russell made an “Italian Dinner” which included pizza rolls. Mason performed several WWE moves as different professional wrestlers.

Most of the students and staff are very excited to see what Mr. Pennsville will bring next year.

Golden Eagles applications due in May
By Madison F.
April 12, 2018

Golden Eagles are a tradition at PMHS. During the spring of their junior year, students can apply to become a Golden Eagle. It is a special title given to students who are involved with multiple school activities and have an 85% average and a 90% attendance rate.

“A Golden Eagle is someone that is well rounded,” said Mr. Palmucci, who is in charge of the Golden Eagle program.

“It's kind of like National Honor Society but with lower standards on the academic side. It shows that Pennsville High School is well rounded and the kids are involved in our community and ultimately it makes it a better place to come to school,” said Palmucci.

Juniors are now starting to apply to be part of next year’s Golden Eagle program. The application is due on May 24. Each recipient will be awarded special cords to wear at their graduation as well as a sweater.

To be considered, you had to get 33 points. You get points from each activity and club your in.

Junior Alyssa Sebell wants to be a Golden Eagle because “it will look good on college applications and shows school spirit.”

Another junior, Robyn Banger, thinks that being a Golden Eagle means “that you are super involved in the school and involved in the community.”

The application is due on May 24.

PMHS Children's Book Donations
By Skyla B. and Andee C.
April 12, 2018

PMHS’s FEA club is collecting children's books to donate to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Please make sure these books are new or like new. If you plan on donating books you can drop them off in the donation box in the main lobby or to Mrs. Palestini in the annex building, room 323.

Freshman Connor Venuto said, “If I have any books I’ll donate as many as I can.” Venuto also said he thinks it’s a good idea to donate books “so they have something to do while they wait...hopefully this makes them happy.”

Sophomore Nathan Meadows said, “I’ll donate as many books as I can because everyone deserves to read.” He also mentioned how it was a good idea for us to donate books because “it will help them expand their vocabulary and feel good about themselves.”

Junior Dylan Sparks said, “I’ll donate the children books that I have at home.” Sparks also said, “It will give them something to do and they’ll feel appreciated and happy.”

Mrs. Palestini, the childcare teacher at PMHS, said, “Hopefully we get a lot of books to donate to CHOP. I think if we spread the word, we should get a good amount of books.” Mrs. Pal mentioned that she hopes students of PMHS donate books because “a lot of people tave old children’s books that aren’t being used in their homes.” Mrs. Pal noted how “The children receiving the books are long term patients at CHOP, so I think getting these books will bring them some joy. Some of the books will also be placed in waiting rooms at CHOP for volunteers to read to children while they wait for treatment.”

Students and teachers reflect on year
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie J.
April 12, 2018

As the school year comes to an end, many students are reflecting on their year and looking forward to summer. Most students think they have changed a lot from the beginning of the year to this point.

Sophomore Jordan Leuallen said that she thinks she has changed because she is “less shy” and she “talks to more people.” The thing she is most looking forward to at the end of the year is “summer and being able to go on vacation.”

English teacher Mrs. Neff said her  favorite part about teaching her students this year was “watching them have fun with different lessons and developing good relationships with them.” She also said that lots of her students “go to her for advice.” The things she has seen change with her students from the beginning of the year to now is “they have matured and know the routine now.” She said another thing that has improved is their “academic skills.”

Sophomore Molley Allocco said one way she has changed from the beginning of the year to now is she used to be “really stressed” but has now “learned how to deal with the stress and not have as much of it.” One thing she is looking forward to at the end of the year is for “it to be over and to pass with all A’s and B’s.”

History teacher Mr. Dalzell said that all of his students are now “kind and more respectful.” He also said that they are “more appreciative of our classroom environment.”

Most students think they have improved tremendously from the beginning of the year to now. As we enter the last marking period of the school year, students and staff are excited for summer and to see where next year takes them.

Hop to be held on Friday
By Skyla B. and Andee C.
April 6, 2018

On Friday, April 6 from 7-10 p.m. the Hop will be held in the PMHS gymnasium. Tickets will be sold in lunches and at the doors for $10. If you plan on bringing an out of district guest, registration forms will be held in the office.

Sophomore Cameron Wiggins will be attending the Hop and said he likes the theme because “it's very new and inventive.” He said he's looking forward to “the throwback music and playlist.”

Sophomore Ben Wentzell will also be attending the Hop and likes the “80’s, 90’s and 2000’s themes.” “I'm looking forward to having a good time with my girlfriend.”

Sophomore Nathan Meadows said he will be attending the Hop and likes the theme because of the music. “I'm just trying to have a good time with my friends.”

Who's going to win Mr. Pennsville?
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie J.
April 6, 2018

On Apr. 18 at 7 p.m. PMHS will be holding its annual Mr. Pennsville event. Senior boys will compete against each other by performing their talents. Each of them will be fighting for one goal: to win the crown.

Mr. Dalzell, a teacher at PMHS, said that he will be attending because “it’s a school tradition I enjoy and I want to see more seniors participate.” He thinks it will be entertaining because “the seniors have worked very hard on it.” The contestant he thinks will win is “Russell Scarpa because he has a good talent.”

Sophomore Allie Curll said she will be going to Mr. Pennsville “because it sounds fun and the talents are interesting and funny to watch.” She said that she thinks it will be very entertaining “because of the theme.” The contestant she believes will win is “Nick Bard because he is very funny.”

Sophomore Vanessa Lindsey said that she will be attending “because I think it’s going to be funny.” She thinks it will be very funny “because the people participating are really funny.” The contestant she thinks will win is “Ryan Gray because he is very funny.”

Many of the students and staff members are looking forward to seeing the senior boys at PMHS perform their different talents. It is expected to be a fun and exciting night for lots of people.

Headling Missing
By Skyla B. and Andee C.
Feb. 28, 2018

Thursday March 22 through Sunday March 25 the Drama Club musical “Guys and Dolls”

will be held in the PMHS auditorium. The time for the show are 6:30 p.m on Thursday-Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. The admission price has not been finalized yet.

Lead Brent Irwin, junior at PMHS, said, “I love my specific number ‘Sit Down, You're

Rockin' the Boat’ because it's a very energetic number that the audience will love.”

Some characters in the play are Sky Masterson, Miss Adelaide, Nicely-Nicely Johnson, and Benny Southstreet.

First Paint Nite held at PMHS
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie J.
Feb. 14, 2018

On Feb. 7,  Art Club and Student Council came together to hold the very first Paint Nite at PMHS. Students, parents and faculty came out to learned how to paint a piece called “Tulips in the Moonlight”, taught by one of our art teachers, Mr. Greenzweig.

Mr. Greenzweig, one of the teachers running Paint Nite, thinks that it had a very good outcome.

“I think it was really successful, we had 29 people take part and pretty much all of them said they would love to do it again.” He also said that “We’re thinking about having another one in May.”

President of Art Club, Allie Curll, said that she went to the event “Because I’m Art Club president and it was one of my responsibilities.” She thinks that we should plan for another Paint Nite “Because a lot of people came and it was fun.”

Treasurer of Art Club, Molley Allocco, said that she went to Paint Nite “Because I’m an officer and I help set up.” She also thinks that “It went very well, a lot of people had fun and there was a lot of food.”

Secretary of Art Club, Jordan Leuallen, said that she went “Because I’m an officer and helped set up for it.” She also thinks that it went very well “Because it was fun and alot of people showed up.” She thinks that we should plan another Paint Nite for next year “Because I think it will expand their opportunities.”

Overall the first Paint Nite went very well for Art Club and Student Council. According to Mr. Greenzweig and a few Art Club officers, lots of people came and together they made lots of money and had a great turn out.

SAFE sells flowers and a kiss!
By Skyla B. and Andee C.
Feb. 14, 2018

From Feb. 12 through Feb. 14 the SAFE Club is selling carnations for $2 or a rose and a Hershey kiss for $3.

Junior Dylan Sparks plans on buying flowers. “I think it's pretty helpful to help someone out who’s in need.”

“It will help them gain money and it’s for a good cause,” said freshman Victoria Keenan.

The club hasn't decided which refugees they are donating to yet.

Paint Nite scheduled for Feb. 7
By Madison F.
Jan. 19, 2018

PMHS’s Student Council and Art Club will be hosting a Valentine-themed Paint Nite on Wednesday, Feb. 7. The event will be held in the PMHS cafeteria at 7 p.m. The cost is $25 and includes all the supplies. The proceeds will be split between the Art Club and Student Council.

Ms. Turner said that the proceeds will be used to give scholarships to seniors. She said, “If enough tickets are sold, each club will make a few hundred dollars.” She thinks the tickets will sell because “Paint Nites are usually for people over 21, so everyone can participate and it's something new and different.”

Mr. Greenzweig, who will be teaching the event, said, “Half of the tickets have been sold. There should be a good turnout.” He does not know what exactly he will use the money for, but he says the art club might take a trip to an art museum.

Some of the students agree that it is a good fundraiser.

Freshman Faith White said, “I think it is a different type of fundraiser that people will like.”

Another freshman, Emma Eschrich, said that she plans on attending the event. “I am going with my friends and I think it will be fun.”

Anyone who plans to buy tickets, can purchase them from Ms. Turner, Mr. Greenzweig, the Student Council officers or any Art Club member before the end of the month.

Snowball expectations from freshmen and sophomores
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie J.
Jan. 19, 2018

On Jan. 26, PMHS will be holding its annual Snowball dance. It is said that the theme will be Swinter and will use beach balls and palm trees as decorations. Some people are excited for the dance while to other people it's just like another day.

Freshman Renee Carr said that she is going to the Snowball dance “because I think it would be fun.” She also said that she will be going “with a date or with friends.”

Freshman Aidan Kearney said that he is not going “because I don't like dances.” He said said that it will “be more boring than Homecoming because less people go.”

Sophomore Kiersten Digerness said that she is not going because “the last dance was pretty boring.” Compared to Homecoming she thinks it is going to be “more boring because less people are going.”

Sophomore Allie Curll said that she is not going “because it wasn't fun last year” and “none of my friends are going.”

The students who are going are very excited for the dance especially the 9th graders who have never attended the Snowball and are interested to see what it has in store. They're looking forward to a night of food, friends and music.

Mr. Pennsville coming in April
By Skyla B. and Andee C.
Jan. 10, 2018

On April 18 at 7 p.m. the Mr. Pennsville show will be held in the PMHS auditorium. The theme of Mr. Pennsville will be “Welcome to the Jungle.” The tickets will be $5 beforehand and $8 at the door.

Herr Lewis, one of the advisors for the class of 2018, said he thinks 2018 is a good class for Mr. Pennsville. “I do because you can change how you act in the showcase.”

Mason Russykevizc signed up and plans on attending. He said, “I think it will be a good show. I think I will perform greatly and carry the whole show.”

Max Dineen, Stathi Kakiousis and Matt Nunn all plan on signing up for Mr. Pennsville.

Kakiousis said, “We’re made for this, honestly.”

The deadline for sign-ups is Jan. 12.

Renaissance event offers treats for students
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie F.
Dec. 6, 2017

Every marking period PMHS holds an event for students who are in good academic standing with little absences and no disciplinary issues. These events can range anywhere from nachos to a barbecue. To start off the year, the first event featured a s’mores bar and a Wawa freebie.

Some students thought it was a great idea while others not so much.

Freshman Andee Cole did not like her first Renaissance event at the high school. She said that it was “stupid and there should have been more choices.”

Miss Busillo said, “I think the event was a success. I think the kids enjoyed something different with the marshmallows.” She also said that there were “over 250 students that received a card.” According to her the event went very well.

Freshman Cheyenne Greenwood was one person that did like the event. She said that “there was a good amount of food.” However, something she didn’t like was that the drinks “tasted nasty.” Overall she liked the event but in the future she thinks that “they should make the drinks better.”

Sophomore Allie Curll mostly liked the event. She liked that she “got to spend time with my friends and got free stuff.” She didn’t like the s’mores because she doesn’t like s’mores. Something she would like to see change in the future is “better food.”

Although some students did not like the event, it was overall a success. The majority of students are eager for next marking period to see what the next event is.

Mixed reactions about PMHS’s annual Fancy Day
By Madison F.
Dec. 6, 2017

PMHS’s annual Fancy Day is going to be on Dec. 18. This yearly event allows the students to dress up in their best attire and get pictures with their friends. Many of the freshmen are excited for their first Fancy Day.

Freshman Heather Bell said that she is looking forward to the event. She also said, “I am unsure about what I'm going to wear, but I am definitely getting pictures with my friends!”

Another freshman, Andee Cole, is skeptical about the event. “I am not sure what I am going to wear. I'm not even sure that I will even dress up.” She does however like the concept of the event. “I think it will be nice to see everyone dressed up and gives everyone a chance to look nice and get pictures.”

Some of the teachers are getting in on the action as well. Spanish teacher Mrs. Hunt said that she is looking forward to the event. “I dress up each year and really look forward to seeing everyone else dress up as well.”

However, last year many did not participate in the event. Sophomore Lacey Steinhauser said, “Most of my class did not dress fancy last year. It was mainly the upperclassmen that participated.”

When asked if she feels her class will be more involved this year, she said, “I think they will be more involved this year. I didn't dress up last year, but I think I will this year.”

With sign-ups for pictures happening later in the week, many of the students will have to decide if they will participate or not.

Fun expected at Breakfast with Santa
By Skyla B. and Andee C.
Nov. 30, 2017

Breakfast with Santa will be held on Saturday, Dec. 2nd. There will be lots of activities

such as decorating trees with Santa, eating a donut off a rope, having breakfast and taking pictures with your friends, family and Santa.

“I think it's a good idea cause the little kids can see Santa and eat breakfast with their family,” said junior Gabi Michael. “I don't plan on helping out because I have plans that day.” She also said, “It's nice for the parents to relax while the kids are out doing stuff with Santa so they have time to enjoy watching their kid have fun.”

“I feel like it's a great way to make the kids excited for Christmas,” said sophomore Mackenzie James. “I think the kids will enjoy the activities a lot.”

“It's good for the kids to get out and stuff,” said freshmen Lily Veasy, who plans on bringing cookies. “Seems really fun for the kids and they will enjoy it.”

Child care class parades through the halls of PMHS for Halloween
By Carly W.
Nov. 1, 2017

On Tuesday, Oct. 31, the 2017 child care class went from classroom to classroom trick-or-

treating, to celebrate Halloween.

On Halloween, the childcare class came to school dressed in their costumes, ready to celebrate the holiday. Mrs. Palestini's 2017 child care class had a small party with snacks, provided by the parents, then went trick-or- treating in PMHS. Each child got a bag to hold their candy, then they walked from the annex, over to the main building of the high school.

Mrs. Palestini, the childcare teacher, thinks that it is a great activity for the kids. She said she continues to do it every year because “the parents like that they are participating in Halloween things because they don't get to do that in elementary school.”

They then visited the rooms of all consenting teachers, and they handed out candy to the

children. This activity was not only fun for the child care class, but also for the high schoolers. Many onlookers enjoyed seeing the tiny children dressed in their costumes in the hallways. Some of the costumes included Spider Man, a bat, princesses, Iron Man, and a skeleton.

Blayne Swaffer, [a student’s teacher during second block], said that the kids really enjoyed it.

“They had a lot of fun, they liked getting the candy and walking around and seeing the older kids.”

Many of the teachers handed out candy.

Brian Dalzell, a history teacher, went above and beyond in making this a fun experience for the kids. He brought the children into his classroom and talked to them about their costumes, favorite candy and Halloween. He hands out candy every year to Mrs. Palestini's class.

Dalzell believes it's important to continue this tradition because “we reward them for

participating in Halloween, no one comes trick-or-treating at my house and I wonder what's going on.”

Every year, the childcare class enjoys partaking in this activity, before going out and trick-or-treating Halloween night.

Homecoming nominees lead the court
By Haley P.
Oct. 26, 2017

On Saturday, Oct. 21, Pennsville Memorial High School held their annual Homecoming dance at the gymnasium. All grades voted for their homecoming king and queen.

The representatives of each grade were: Freshmen Jordan Manorowitz and Sean McDade, Sophomores Karyn Brancard and Dalton Walsh, Juniors Laynee Friebel and Ryan Mcfarland, and seniors Sabrina Taylor, Sean Simpkins, Mackenzie Freas, Bryson Townsend, Nicole Cunningham, Ryan Cruice, Stacey Alfonso, and our king and queen, seniors Jenna Smith and Nicholas Bard.

Brancard “was shocked” that she won sophomore representative. She also said that “it feels good” about winning and that she “personally doesn't know half of this class, because I was new last year, and the fact that they know me enough to vote for me feels really good."

Walsh said, “It makes me feel great, because I worked really hard to win.” He also said he was “really shocked” to see his name on the list.

PMHS Students Have Mixed Reactions to Homecoming
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie J.
Oct. 26, 2017

On Saturday, Oct. 21, PMHS had its 50th annual homecoming. Some people had a great time while others left halfway through the dance because they thought it was boring.

One person that had fun at the dance was freshman Renee Carr. She said that she had a good time “because I had fun with my friends.” She also said, “It was a lot better than what I thought it was going to be.”

One boy that had a great time at homecoming was freshman Ryan Morris. He said “I thought it was fun and the activities there were fun.” He also said that “it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be, I thought it was going to be like most of the dances we have.”

Somebody that did not enjoy it was sophomore Allie Curll. She said that she didn't have a good time “because the dj was bad and there wasn't good music.” We also asked how it was compared to what she thought it was going to be, her response was “I thought it was going to be a lot better than it was.”

Another person that did not have a good time was sophomore Megan Campbell. She said that she did not enjoy it because “I thought the food was going to be better.” To describe it she said it was “laid back.”

One teacher that chaperoned the dance was Ms. Hemdani. She said that she "thought it went off very nicely, the DJwas pretty good and played a good variety.”

As you can tell, people have many different opinions on homecoming. While some people didn't go or went and had a bad time, many people had a blast. Most of PMHS can't wait until next year's homecoming, and lots of the seniors are sad that it was their last one.

Freshmen election looks promising
By Tara G. and Haley P.
Oct. 4, 2017

On Thursday, Oct. 5, there will be an election to determine who are the freshmen committee for the class of 2021 at Pennsville Memorial High School.

Lanie Norton, a student running for treasurer, said, “I wanted to be involved with my class.”

As treasurer, Norton plans on counting all the money, and planning all the economical activities that her class is holding. Norton feels that she has a chance of winning against her opponent, Zach Humphreys.

Paige Terrell, who is running for class president said, “I feel like I’d be a great help to the school, and I’d be able to help out people, and be easy to talk to.”

Terrell is confident in winning as president, due to her “likeness” with her classmates, and being able to cooperate with her fellow officers. Terrell plans on helping out her fellow students, and listening to their wants and needs, to improve the school.

Madeline Willis, who is running for vice president, said, “I want to help improve our school, and class of '21’.”

Willis also feels like she has a chance of winning, but isn’t so sure because of her opponent, Chloe McCauley. Willis plans on making sure everything is more organized, and everyone is having a good time.

Jordan Manorowitz, running as class secretary, said, “I wanted to help improve the school.”

Manorowitz thinks that her campaign speech is what is going to help her win. Manorowitz plans on bettering school ideas and her class.

All of the candidates believe they have a good shot of winning, but it's up to the class of 2021, to determine their officers.

PMHS students partake in first advisory period of the 2017 school year
By Carly W.
Oct. 4, 2017

On Sept. 29, PMHS had their first advisory period of the 2017 school year. This month's theme focused on caring about our school and classmates.

All students are assigned to an Advisory Period class, and once a month they get the opportunity to meet new people and work together on fun activities. During the month of September’s advisory, students were put into groups of five and told to build a 3D structure out of index cards, a premade poster, magazines, and masking tape. This helped them with teamwork and problem solving.

Jon Gurinovich, a sophomore, said, “It brings all of the classes together and helps us meet new people.” Students can look forward to more team building activities in the future. Gurinovich really enjoys the hands-on activities. He said, “I really enjoyed building a tower out of paper and would like to do something like that again. It was really cool to make the structure out of normal everyday objects and use them for something you wouldn't normally use them for.”

Alyse Wariwanchik, a member of the class of 2020, said, “We learn more about our classmates. In advisory I've talked to people that I normally wouldn't talk to, and now some of them have become my closest friends.”

Homecoming creates buzz for freshmen
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie J.
Oct. 4, 2017

Homecoming is approaching and students are getting anxious to go, especially the new freshmen class. Students are wondering if they will find a date, go with some friends or even by themselves. Homecoming is a dance students grades 9-12 go to have a fun with their friends or dates.

Homecoming’s theme is simple blue and gold but it doesn't stop the fun.

Freshman Renee Carr is going to homecoming and she thinks she is going to have great time and great experience. She said, “I am going to homecoming because I think it’ll be a high school experience I won't forget.” Carr feels as though “the high school dances will be better than middle school dances because there's going to be more people.”

Another freshman, David Munt,z is going to homecoming, too. He said, “I will be going to homecoming to see the experience, especially as a freshman.”

Someone who doesn’t agree with going to homecoming is freshman Crystal Dyer. She feels as though there aremore important things. “I am not going to homecoming because I need to focus on drumline and marching band.”

Homecoming is coming and there's going to be tons of fun and dancing and laughter. Some people will go some won't but there's plenty of dances for the freshmen coming.

Homecoming 2017 shows our school spirit
By Skyla B. and Chloe M.
Oct. 4, 2017

The Homecoming dance of 2017 is on Oct 21 at 7p.m. Students and faculty  are all looking forward to this night. The theme this year is blue and gold, reflecting our school spirit.  The Cheer team is in charge of homecoming this year.

Sophomore cheerleader Noelle Vandersteur told us, “The cheerleaders plan on making homecoming an occasion everyone  can enjoy. Our decorations will reflect school spirit. The music should be enjoyable and everyone should have a good night. We plan on bringing in food and decorating. It should be a fun night for everyone.”

Students are overall excited with a few concerns about the sound system mechanics.

Junior Kylie Fitchett said, “I don’t really think it's going to be good because the music system always breaks.

Freshmen Festival a success
By Tara G. and Haley P.
Sept. 22, 2017

On Thursday, Sept. 14 at Pennsville Memorial High School gym, there was a Freshmen Festival held to see what clubs the freshmen wanted to join.

Freshman Zach Humphrey said, “I liked how there was so much clubs in one area, and how many students were there. I think it made the students feel a lot more comfortable.” Some clubs that Humphrey joined were Student Council, Journalism and Spanish Club.

Another, Madison Freas, said this about the Freshmen Festival: “I like it because you get to walk around and see everything.” Freas joined Spanish, Renaissance and Student Council.

One more freshman, Paige Terrell said, “I enjoyed it just because I like to see all the different clubs and them all being right in front of me.”

It seemed like the freshmen enjoyed having all the clubs out in front of them.

A teacher who runs Renaissance and SAFE club, Mrs. Robishaw, had a few kind words about the new members that joined. “The new members are quiet but excited for the activities.”

It is a good idea for PMHS to create a festival so freshmen can see what they want or don't want to join. The advisors for the clubs also help determine the freshmen idea on what they want to do in their past time. From all the freshmen we interviewed it seemed like they all enjoyed the festival.

New Stadium, New Team
By Olivia D. and Mackenzie J.
Sept. 22, 2017

Over the past few months, Pennsville High School has been working very hard to redo the football stadium. Some people thought that it was a waste of money, and others thought that it was very much needed.

Some of the new things in the stadium include the new track, new bathrooms, new snack shack, a new entrance and new gates.

One person that felt the money was very well spent, and that we desperately needed the renovations on the stadium was Mr. McFarland, the school principal. He said, “I think the money was very well spent, I think what some of the people don't understand is some of the laws that are in place which force you to make decisions to spend money in areas that people may not necessarily understand.”

Another staff member that thought the money was well spent is teacher and football coach Mr. Healy. He said, “I'm very happy about them, I think the field looks really nice and I think that everyone is happy about them too.”

Some people had a different perspective of it though.

Jacob Pratz said, “I don't like it at all, I think it was stupid.”

Neither did Jordan Leuallen. She said, “I didn't like it I feel as though it should have been painted differently.”

So as you can see, not everyone thought it was a change for the better, or they thought some things should have been done differently. However, a majority of the staff and student at PMHS love the renovations and think it was money very well spent.

People are ecstatic about the PMHS auditorium renovations
By Chase M. and Carly W.
Sept. 22, 2017

Over the 2017 summer break, PMHS underwent huge renovations, especially in the auditorium. Because of the referendum that was passed, the auditorium was able to get new seating, lighting, ceiling, a light and sound booth, and air conditioning.

The renovations took about five months to complete and the results are amazing. Many people believe that all of the updated equipment will improve the plays and draw in a bigger crowd.

Noelle Vandersteur, a music student and active member of drama club, said, “I'm really digging the lights on the floor. I like the air conditioning and the seats are nice. I think it's going to bring a lot of new people to the shows. I think a lot of people weren't coming because the seats were uncomfortable to sit in."

Adam Slusher believes, “It's going to be the new hub of the town.” His favorite parts about it are the new seats and the lights as well. “It's incredible. It's something we've been waiting for for 60 something years, and I think it's something that the whole community can be proud of.”

Class of 2020 officers gearing for big year
By Chloe M. and Trinity P.
Sept. 22, 2017

A new school year of PMHS brings in new officers. As for the class of 2020, the sophomore officers including new president Gabby Iocona, Vice President Kelly Passaro, Secretary Rebekah Muhs, and Treasurer Noelle VanDessuer are excited to see what new ideas they can bring to the school with their new members.

Since we have a bigger group it helps create new ideas to better our class and to help out with the school,” Secretary Rebekah Muhs stated.

This year for the class of 2020 the officers are really focusing mainly on fundraising, class apparel and expanding the snack shack. They are trying to raise money for Sophomore Hop which they’re trying to bring in a larger crowd and more enjoyable for all attendees. They’re raising money towards their Prom tickets and Senior Trip. Sophomores get their class rings so they're working towards money for that as well. Everyone is optimistic to see what new President Gabby Iocona has in plan for her class.

“I’m very excited, Gabby’s great. She was very involved last year so I’m glad she could take a leadership role this year,” Mrs. Palestini, one of the class supervisors, said.



PMHS renovations making a change
By Abdel A., Nick F. and Mike S.
May 11, 2017

On May 1, construction in PMHS resumed with the addition of new doors, rebuilding of auditorium and refurbishing the bricks. The construction had many effects on people, getting in their way by making them either change classrooms or go a different route on their way to somewhere else.

"It gets in the way when I have to walk to my JV games," said sophomore Austin Gant.

Along with a whole new outside to our school, the inside is getting a change. Last year the school got all new windows, and now the school is receiving a whole new auditorium. The auditorium has been here since the school was built, and will now have air conditioning. A lot of people think the construction is positive for the school.

"I think anything that makes the school better is a positive environment for the kids," said math teacher Gary Minguez.

Although the construction has caused many people impatience, majority seems to think it is worth it in the end. The eager wait for new additions to the school is exciting even though it comes with consequences such as noise, traffic and other inconveniences.

Ready. Set. Kindergarten!
By Molley A. and Liz L.
May 11, 2017

Preschool graduation is coming up on June 2. Are you ready to say goodbye to your preschool bunch?

"I am sad and excited for preschool graduation because I got to see my child grow but I am sad to see her leave," said freshman Karlie Johnson. "I think my kid will do really well in the big school because she has a big personality.

"My kid is Maddie and I think she is ready to graduate," said sophomore Nick Frampton. "She used to be shy in the beginning of the year but now she is friends with everyone."

Sophomore Skyla Bowman said, "My kid is Abigail and I think that she is ready to graduate because she is smart."

"I hope Nathan will do really well and make a bunch of new friends in kindergarten," said sophomore Ashlyn Widger.

"I think Harper will do really well because she is very intelligent and stops sucking her fingers," freshman Kelly Passaro said.

"The kids have made a lot of progress this year and I think there ready for kindergarten," said child care teacher Mrs. Palestini.

We wish the best of to our soon-to-be kindergarteners and a big thanks to the people that helped them graduate.

Underclassmen excitement for prom
By Bella R. and Carolan S.
May 11, 2017

Even though it's known as the PMHS Junior/Senior Prom, underclassmen are excited to be attending. Freshman Zach Derish, Trent Waterman and sophomore Nick Frampton are excited to be going.

"I want to go there, I want to dance my butt off and have a good time with all of my friends. I'm expecting a lot of good memories and good food," said Frampton.

Derish is most excited about the food. "I heard it's going to be good. I expect lots of fun and lots of food I'll be eating, just a lot of excitement," said Derish.

"I am most excited for probably just being with my friends," said Waterman.

The prom will be held May 25 at Running Deer Country Club.

History Club hosting farmhouse tour
By Jaxon S.
May 11, 2017

The History Club will be attending a private tour of the Pennsville Farmhouse on May 22.

Some activities include touring all of the outbuildings, checking out all the ancient artifacts of Pennsville and learning a lot of history that you don’t know about your hometown. The Pennsville Historical Society will also be taking the tour, so you will be having educational fun while meeting new people.

The tour starts at 3:00 A.M and lasts for around an hour, but you can leave whenever you wish. It's completely free, you just need to find a ride there and back. This is the first time PMHS has done this trip, so take the tour while you can; you don’t even have to be a part of the History Club to tag along! Talk to Mrs. Robshaw for any additional questions about the tour.

PMHS students' opinions on PARCC
By Karlie J., Rebekah M. and Kelly P.
May 11, 2017

Recently, PMHS students were required to take the New Jersey standardized test named the PARCC. Most students felt the test was challenging and very unnecessary to take. Other students, like seniors, did not really mind PARCC because they were not required to take it.

Freshman Cole Maddocks felt that he did his best in the math section. "The easiest section was definitely the math portion. I felt that I knew a lot more than I did in the Language Arts part. I didn't really understand anything except the essay parts."

Sophomore Ray Knappenberger said that he did not have a favorite section because the entire test was difficult. "The PARCC did not have anything I learned throughout the year on it. I felt that my teachers prepared me but when I saw the Math and English, my mind could not process what was going on."

Senior Nick Curcio said he was happy knowing this year he did not have to take the PARCC. "Knowing this year I did not have to take the PARCC, I was so excited. I always struggled while doing both parts of the test, but knowing I didn't have to complete it, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders."

The Spring Not-So Break
By Molley A., Adrianna B., Colin C. and Jolie S.
April 13, 2017

PMHS students and faculty have great feedback as Spring Break is right around the corner.

Mr. Coleman mentions how he currently himself likes the way out spring break is. "It's fine because if the break was longer it would extend our school year longer."

But as we interviewed students, the outcome was different.

Freshman Alex Pendleton stated, "It's not fair because other school have longer breaks and only get out two days after us."

Freshman Karlie Johnson suggests "we should have two days more than what we have but one week isn't really obligated."

Even though it isn't a long spring break, PMHS students soon realized it's better than having to sit longer in the school in the heat.

Getting pumped for the Spring pep rally
By Jessica K. and Brianna R.
April 13, 2017

When eighth graders think of becoming freshmen, they think hard work and intimidation. The year is more than halfway over and these are some of this year's freshmen's previous expectations for high school versus the realities they faced during year.

Karlie Johnson said, "I thought it was going to be really hard but it actually wasn't." She continued to say the high school is not that hard.

Isabella Robbins said, "Coming into high school I thought it was going to be really weird. I thought the upperclassmen would bully us." She also said she's "friends with a lot of juniors and seniors now."

Getting pumped for the Spring pep rally
By Kaitlyn B. and Liz L.
April 13, 2017

Thursday, April 13 is our Spring pep rally.

"We have four events going on at the pep rally," Mrs. Turner, pep rally organizer, said. The four events: a relay race, tug of war, musical chairs and a scavenger hunt. "Since we didn't have a Winter pep rally we are leaving the events open to all students, it doesn't have to just be Spring sports."

Sophomore Adrianna Beza said, "I am very excited for the pep rally because, I think to be honest the sophomore class is very excited and we are very enthusiastic and hyped for it. So I think our class is going to be very excited and pumped."

"The events seem cooler than other events in the past and I like how there giving other people a chance so we're not just relying on athletes and athletes aren't just the stars of the show," freshman Brianna Ross said.

"Usually they come up with some new events to do so I'm excited to see what the teachers came up with," said sophomore Mandi Powell.

Overall everyone seems really excited and pumped for the pep rally.

The stressful time of PHMS PARCC testing
By Molley A., Adrianna B. and Jolie S.
April 5, 2016

Are you ready for PARCC testing? Well you better get started. PMHS PARCC testing starts April 20. Teachers around the school are now implementing the required prep for their students. As we get closer and closer teachers become more stressed about testing than their students.

PMHS teacher Mrs. Reiner stated,"Most teachers are stressed about PARCC because the test scores come back and it is linked to our name which reflects on our teaching."

"PARCC is stressful for everyone, students and staff," math teacher Mrs. Fuller said. "As an experienced teacher I try not to let it stress me out as much, I teach my students what they need to know in order to pass PARCC."

Mrs. Busillo stated,"Kind of like a football game, it's like the Super Bowl. This is really where you want to score that touchdown." She is implying that this is a very important test for her students like the Super Bowl where students should take it one day at a time and every question as its own carefully."I think PARCC is an important test because it helps teachers have a change in their curriculum and see where each student is at as we get the scores back."

PMHS students and teachers talk about spring break
By Nahria A., Jordan L. and Brianna R.
April 5, 2017

Spring is in the air at PMHS. The weather is getting warmer and the flowers are blooming. With this change comes a welcomed break from school. Spring break is April 14-17. It offers a free four-day vacation from school to do whatever you please and kick back from all that school work.

Science teacher Mrs. Dubarry-Paul likes spring break because it gives "students time to rest up mentally and physically" and allows her to spend more time with her kids.

English teacher Mrs. Dobson said, "Spring break refreshens students till the end of the year."

"Spring break gives me extra time to spend with my family," freshman Carolan Shifflett told us.

Chinese Club hosting bake sale
By Jaxon S.
April 5, 2017

The Chinese Club will be hosting a bake sale on April 7. They will be selling homemade cookies and brownies for $1-2 outside of the cafeteria. This is the Chinese Club's first bake sale, and all profits will be used to pay for the Chinese trip at the end of the year to Chinatown in New York.

"It's a fun activity for exposure to the Chinese culture," said Maoli Du.

The success of Hop
By Kaitlyn B. and Liz L.
April 5, 2017

Hop was Friday, March. 31 and overall a success.

"Hop was good, I liked the design. The archway was a very nice touch," said sophomore David Houseal.

Sophomore Amber Smith said, "The food was good and I liked the music."

"I think it was worth the money they spent on it but it would have been better if more people went," said freshman Olivia Dodds.

Chinese Club hosting ping-pong tournament
By Bella R. and Jaxon S.
Feb. 23, 2017

The Chinese Club is hosting its annual ping-pong tournament on Feb. 24 after school in the cafeteria. It costs $5 to enter, and you get a free piece of pizza and a soda. To sign up, go to the Chinese room.

"I would definitely recommend it to many people because it's a really fun time that you can have with a lot of friends," said sophomore Savannah Gonzalez.

"The senior guys got really into it... It was fun," said 2019 class president April Hartman.

Pennsville's graduating class of 2017 is the last of--and if not most of--the "90s" babies
By Erik B., Savannah B. and Celine M.
Feb. 13, 2017

To celebrate such a send-off, the Student Council has decided to give the option to change the color of the class key to forever hang in the main lobby of the school.

Senior Kaylynne Goldsborough said she voted to have the colors changed to red and orange.Her reasoning was they happen to be her favorite combination.

Senior Devin Morgan on the other end of the spectrum wants to keep the colors the traditional blue and gold. The majority of the seniors we asked such as Kyla Rollo, Becky Borneo, Sam Doughty, Brittany Doughty, Noah Foss, Gurvir, Destiny Parente, Haley Kircher and Charlotte Baxter believe that changing the tradition is creative, different and something we should give a try on our graduation.

Dive into a summer job
By Molley A. and Jolie S.
Feb. 1, 2017

Imagine, you're at the pool getting a tan when you hear a cry for help coming from the water. Do you jump in and save them, or cower away? We asked our students the same question.

"I'd jump in and save the kid," Liz Lesny said.

"I would jump in immediately," Kaitlyn Brooks said.

Sparkling Pool Services is coming to our school Feb. 22. If you're over the age 15, and interested in becoming a life guard, get involved.

"Life guarding is pretty fun, and a good first job," said Ryan McFarland, a lifeguard at Splash.

In order to become a life guard you have to get certified. There is a life guard test and you have to get CPR certified.

"I think I'll pass it, doesn't seem hard," Mike Barna told us.

"It was pretty easy," McFarland said.

Sparkling Pool Services certifies and places life guards at swimming pools in Delaware and New Jersey.

"I think it would be a good first job and a lot of fun," Barna said.

If you're a good swimmer and interested in this summer job you can talk to guidance or go to for more information.

Great Kindness Challenge kicks off
By Bella R., Jaxon S. and Blake S.
Jan. 26, 2017

This week at PMHS we are taking part in the "Great Kindness Challenge." It will be held from Jan. 23 to Jan. 27. Students will be given a checklist of 42 kind deeds, including: complimenting five people, arriving to school on time and listening to a friend in time of need. Spirit points are earned by completing the deeds on the list. You have to take pictures of yourself performing the challenges and send them to the school's Twitter. Whoever gets the most spirit points gets to attend an ice cream party.

"We need more kindness in the world," said freshman Adam Cornette.

"It's important to make people happy," said sophomore Renee Ridgeway.

Class of 2017's trip to a land where dreams come true
By Erik B., Savannah B. and Celine M.
Jan. 20, 2017

Disney World is a place of imagination and fantasy, so touching even hearing the name could excite any person no matter the age. For Pennsville's graduating class of 2017, the students have made payments to be sent to this magical land on April 17. Disney World being so enormous ,there is a myriad of rides, places and people to see.

To get a better view on how the seniors feel about it, here is what some said:

All seniors but one have been to Disney World before during our interview. Most are looking forward to spending time with their friends, as well as getting a break from their school work. Many relied on their friends to make the reservations for them. Some reservations included the 50's Prime Time Cafè and the Rain Forest Cafè. A majority of them are looking forward to meeting several of the characters around the park. The most popular character is Mickey Mouse.

Freshmen opinions on 2020 apparel
By Kaitlyn B. and Liz L.
Jan. 11, 2017

We asked freshmen what they think of the 2020 apparel.

“I am not excited about the design on the apparel because I feel like we jumped the gun just to get it in. Cameron Wiggins submitted a really good design and I wish we would have went with that design,” Brianna Ross said.

Megan Campbell said, “I bought sweatpants, a shirt and a sweatshirt. I am excited about the design because it looks good. I wouldn't change the design.”

“I bought a shirt and sweatpants. I am excited because I get to represent my class. If I could change the design I would put a bigger design on it because I don't think it's very decorative,” Olivia Dodds said.

The freshmen 2020 class apparel will be distributed on Friday, Jan. 13, at the latest.

Morning wake-up call in PMHS auditorium
By Molley A. and Jolie S.
Jan. 11, 2017

At 0800 military time, Lt. Colonel Croot is visiting our school to talk to us about our futures. Lt. Croot has been traveling all over New Jersey talking to schools about the military and jobs. His mission is to put a halt to the rumors that military is all about putting your life on the line just to take other people’s lives. He's going to talk to us about jobs in the military but also jobs for everyone.

“He’s really interesting to listen to," Mr. McFarland said. “He's not trying to recruit anyone to the military, he's there to guide students and help with their futures."

IDs required for cafeteria lunch
By Bella R., Jaxon S. and Blake S.
Jan. 5, 2017

PMHS will now require you to have your IDs for lunch. If you don't have them, then you have to go to the office and print out a temporary ID. Starting Jan. 9, you will receive two demerits if you don't have your ID and you want lunch. Most of the students don't like this rule, calling it words like "stupid" and "buggin". But the company that hires the lunch ladies, Metz, requires it.

Ms. Busillo said, "Even though they know who you are...they want to make sure that everyone has their ID."

The Great Kindness Challenge's upcoming door decorating contest
By Kaitlyn B. and Liz L.
Jan. 5, 2017

The Great Kindness Challenge door decorating contest is said to be a great way to express kindness throughout our high school community. Our faculty and staff had some words to share about it.

“It's important for my students to think about different ways to be kind in the Pennsville community,” teacher Mrs. Mastella said.

Mrs. Baran said, “I want my door to be a book about kindness, maybe something with robots."

Herr Lewis was the winner of our last door decorating contest and he said, “I have not decided if I will be doing the contest or not. If I were to do it my door would be world cultures themed."

“I am participating because it's important to improve the aspect of being kind to one another. I am going with a chemistry theme this year because I am a science person and it would be really creative to do it in that way,” Mrs. Dubarry explained to us.

The Great Kindness Challenge takes place during the week of Monday, Jan. 23 through Friday, Jan. 27. The judging for the door decorating contest will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 25.

Scholarships available at PMHS
By Skylar H.
Jan. 5, 2017

Are you willing to get a scholarship to contribute to your immediate or long-term career plans? The guidance office has all varieties: Fred Baker Memorial, Fun New, Marlene A. Kelly Finer (womanhood ED scholars), Mensa Foundation,South Jersey Officials Assoc., United Steel Workers  and US. JEI Senate Foundations.

Remember scholarships and grants are free money. But you do need to do the work. Every opportunity you get for a scholarship, take it! If you are in any sports you might have a bigger chance of getting a scholar for  basketball, football, etc.

Freshmen perspective on Snowball 2017
By Molley A. and Jolie S.
Jan. 5, 2017

Snowball is coming up soon, Jan. 27. We interviewed some freshmen about the winter dance. A minority of freshmen are attending the school dance, but are all looking forward to the new experience.

"I'm looking forward to the new DJ,” said Shaun Brooks.

“I'm excited to hang out and have fun with my friends,” Olivia Dodds told us.

“I'm looking forward to the good food!” exclaimed Liz Lesny.

“I don't think it will be better than homecoming because hoco was my first high school experience, and nothing can top that,” Karlie Johnson told us.

“I hope it's better than homecoming,” Dodds said.

We hope everyone has an awesome time at Snowball 2017!

PMHS junior New Year's resolutions
By Robby H.
Jan. 5, 2017

It's a new year and students of 2018 have their resolutions. Classmates had varying answers to make their 2017 better and brighter.

"I want to go to the gym more often and get more swole" said Scott Boxer, a junior at PMHS.

Jeremy Dark said, "My resolutions are that I want to lose weight and better my basketball skills."

Jonathan Conroy said, "I want to be even more great than what already am."

Dayne Depew said that he wants to "try being nicer to people."

Andrew Servis said, "I want to make more friends."

Was 2016 a good year at PMHS?
By Nahria A. and Brianna R.
Jan. 5, 2017

Some consider 2016 to be the best year.Others consider it a lost year. After interviewing a few students, it's concluded that some thought and felt 2016 to be a rough year.

Nick, one of the interviewees, said he thought 2016 was "going to be a time for fun." Another interviewee, Emma. said, "The year could have been better but it was pretty good." When leaving 2016 there were some good times as well.

Jordan L. said, "I made some new friends."

Jessica K. said. "I achieved my goal to become more open with others."

In conclusion 2016, was a year to never forget.

Starting off the 2017 year with a Snowball effect
By Erik B., Savannah B. and Celine M.
Jan. 5, 2017

With the first week being rainy , don't fret, you're sure to see snow at the Pennsville Memorial High School's Snowball dance on Jan. 27. Like every other dance that Pennsville hosts, everyone comes in with their group of friends, alone or with their date.

If asked, a large majority of the students from all grades say that to end such a night they prefer to flock to Applebee's, everyone in pursuit of the great two for $20 deal.

Senior Devin Morgan stated she loves to go to Applebee's with her date and at the end of the night. She only spends about $300 on her dress, flowers and a nice meal.

A junior, Seth Hoffman, claimed that he always goes to Applebee's after all the dances he attends. His favorite meal [is] a steak with mashed potatoes and a side of chicken quesadilla which is under the two for $20 deal. Finally, he ends the night covering his friends and his friends bill.

Richie Singh [said] he goes to dances with his one friend. Also a lover of the infamous two for $20 deal, he usually orders the chicken tender basket and mozzarella sticks, and his total usually comes to $100.

With many more dances to come Applebee's will always be expecting overflows of snowflake-themed students racing from the dance to not only get their fill but end a great day with an even greater night.

Breakfast with Santa
By Bella R. and Blake S.
Dec. 1 2016

The Pennsville Drama Club is having a special Christmas event called Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 3. The event consists of spending time with Santa, while doing other activities. Food will be provided, along with music and pictures with Santa himself. It will be held from 9-11 a.m. at the Pennsville Middle School cafeteria.

"Breakfast with Santa is a good way to raise money for the club so we can pay for trips and the high school play" said Gina Bradford, an officer of the club.

PMHS hosts blood drive
By Jaxon S.
Dec. 1, 2016

There was a blood drive in the school gym on Nov. 30. You had to be at least 16 years old to donate blood and you were able to donate up to one pint of blood. American Red Cross had a highly trained phlebotomist extracting the blood, so it was safe.

"Your one pint of blood can potentially go to three different people so you really are saving lives," said Mrs. Turner, the organizer of the blood drive.

If you get light headed, you would have been taken care of.

"The have mats down there and the kids can rest and have a snack," said Mrs. Gemberling, the school nurse.

The varied Thanksgivings at PMHS
By Nahria A. and Brianna R.
Nov. 23, 2016

We walked around PMHS asking people about their plans for the weekend.

All eight people we interviewed said that they were celebrating Thanksgiving. Some Thanksgivings involved Chinese food, Italian and the traditional turkey.

“This holiday weekend I am going to two holiday meals. I will be going to my mom's for a traditional Italian meal,” Mrs.Busillo responded.

“This weekend I'm going to be eating and going Black Friday shopping,” freshman Mackenzie James told us.

Mary Slaughter, a school janitor, is one of the two people planning on traveling for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Busillo was the other.

Everyone else is planning on staying home celebrating with family and friends.

Journalism Club collects for Humane Society
By Robby H.
Nov. 23, 2016

Pennsville High School Journalism Club has been accepting various donations to the National Humane Society that include towels and wet Cat food for those animals in need.

The donations will go to the no-kill animal shelter located in Carneys Point, Salem County. The shelter houses a variety of cats and dogs who have either been neglected and/or cannot find a home.

The club has been asking for donations since the start of a November and has no official end date.

From the sea to you: US Naval Academy coming to PMHS
By Erik B., Savannah B. and Celine M.
Nov. 23, 2016

Are you looking for a career that will keep you engaged and well paid? Applying for the United States Naval Academy might be the first step in the right direction.

Joining the Naval Academy offers a wide array of academic opportunities. The academic

program prepares midshipmen as naval officers.

Their curriculum has three basic elements:

First, the core requirements are in engineering, natural sciences, the humanities and social sciences to know global issues and think critically.

Second, the core academic courses and practical training help teach leadership and professional skills.

Third, having an academic major allows midshipmen to learn a subject in depth for graduate work.

Unlike other colleges the academy only asks that the graduate serve in the Marine Corps or the Navy for a minimum of five years.

Freshmen and seniors thoughts' on the blood drive is that it's important
By Kaitlyn B. and Liz L.
Nov. 17, 2016

With the blood drive coming up, different grades may have separate views on it.

“When you have blood drives they store and collect blood for people who need it in dire situations,” freshman Kaitlin Kacewich said.

“I think we have blood drives to show that our school cares,” Jaclyn Clour said.

“It's important to give blood to people who need it,” Allie Curll said.

Senior Hailey Kircher said, “People need blood. They ask students because they are willing to give."

The blood drive takes place in the gym on Wednesday, Nov, 30. It takes place from 8:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.

Sophomores headed for PSATs
By Molley A. and Jolie S.
Nov. 17, 2016

Attention sophomores! Are you ready for the February PSATs? Are you studying, preparing for the second most important test of your high school career? Most of you are not. We interviewed a handful of sophomores about their thoughts and feelings on the PSATs and their study habits. A majority of the students we interviewed had mixed opinions about this fresh test on Feb. 22.

“I'm pretty nervous for it,” said Adrianna Beza.

“I don't really care about them,” Skyla Bowman told us.

Then we asked if they started studying, or when they planned too.

“I’ll probably start after Christmas break,” Tyler Greene told us.

“I'm a huge procrastinator, so I’ll study in February probably,” David Houseal said.

We also asked the students if they had a good estimate on how they thought they were going to do on it.

“Hopefully, Decent,” Mike Barna said.

“I think i’ll do pretty good,” said Beza.

Eventually every student is going to take the PSATs. Hopefully students study hard for this test. Talk to your guidance counselors if you have any questions regarding the PSATs. Good luck and study hard.

Art Club sponsors Cow-Loween
By Christian O. and Jaxon S.
Oct. 27, 2016

The Art Club is holding a cow drawing contest in order to raise money for the Salem County Food Bank called Cow-Loween. It costs $1 to enter, and there will be prizes for the funniest and scariest cows. If you would like to enter, talk to any member of the Art Club for the cow rubric.

Mr. Greenzwieg chose the cow because "it's not usually something associated with Halloween."

Submissions are due Oct. 28.

Homecoming representatives named
By Dylan B. and Robby H.
Oct. 19, 2016

Homecoming is around the corner and everyone is coming, from freshmen to seniors. With Oct. 29 coming faster, all grades had a chance to vote for their favorite representative for Homecoming 2016.

Those that won were announced Tuesday, Oct. 18 during the morning "News from the Nest." Those people chosen to represent the Juniors for Homecoming were Sabrina Taylor and Nick Bard. Others chosen to represent their class were Noelle Vandersteur and Dan Wyshinski for the Freshman and Laynee Friebel and Michael Slusher for the Sophomores. For the Senior Court, Logan Beals, Brooke Dorsey, Brittany Doughty, Haley Kircher, Carlie McWilliams, Kevin Bobb, Corey Brown, Logan Johnston, Zach Pope, and Brennan Rieco all were voted by their classmates and teachers for their class.

"I think it's a great honor, I get to be a leader for our class as well as it's a great responsibility you have to take one," said Nick Bard a day after winning Homecoming court and being the Junior boys representative.

The Junior girls representative Sabrina Taylor said, "I think it's awesome being the Homecoming representative for the class of 2018."

Homecoming excitement builds
By Erik B., Savannah B. and Celine M.
Oct. 19, 2016

Pennsville Memorial's 2016 Homecoming is approaching and everyone is getting prepared for the fun, exciting event.

One of the senior class advisors, Ms. Eckler, said, "I believe homecoming is a fun experience to come out, hangout with your friends and dressed up real fancy in dresses and suits.

Senior Brandon Sherman said, "It's pretty emotional to know it's my last homecoming football game, but I am excited to get on the field with my boys, and win against Gloucester."

Student Devin Morgan's perspective on her last homecoming dance was, "To be able to enjoy the next four years of the dances, because they are fun to get together."

Violence Awareness Week in action
By Nahria A. and Brianna R.
Oct. 19, 2016

How does Violence Awareness Week affect PMHS students? Do students even know what each day stands for?  Does Pennsville even need a week of Violence Awareness? To find out we interviewed 15 people and here is what we found out.

When we asked students if they thought Violence Awareness Week would change people's behavior and make them more aware of violence...out of the amount of people we asked 12 students said no.

A freshman Blake Stultz said, “Violence is like eh but people still do it. People are mean. Wearing shirts for a week is not going change anything. Action does.”

Almost every other person who said no had a similar answer. The remaining three students said yes.

Brandon Miller told us he thought Violence Awareness Week would “help students be more aware of the violence around them and change.”

When we asked them if they knew the t-shirts they were supposed to wear and what they stood for all 15 people knew the colors but not what they stood for.

All 15 students also answered yes, when asked if PV needed a Violence Awareness Week.

Out of the data we collected we came to the conclusion that Violence Awareness Week does not matter at the end of the day people are still who they are. [Also,] wearing t-shirts that stand for serious issues does not help if people are not willing to change and fully understand what is happening around them.

Homecoming hype for freshmen
By Molley A., Liz L. and Jolie S.
Oct. 13, 2016

When you think of Homecoming, what do you think of? A fun time? A good way to loosen up? A room full of hormonal teenagers? We interviewed some freshmen to see what they anticipate for Homecoming 2016.

A good handful of our freshmen thought that Homecoming would be basically the same as the eighth grade dance.

“Like the eighth-grade dance, but more lit,” Kenard Madden told us.

“I think it's going to be so much better, because the eighth-grade dance was lame,” Alex Pendleton said.

When we asked what they were looking forward to the most, a majority had said the food.

“I'm looking forward to the dancing,”  said Madden.

“I'm looking forward to better music,” Kiersten Digerness said.

Most of the freshmen plan on going to Homecoming with their friends and some are bringing dates from other schools.

We hope that everyone has a great time at their first Homecoming dance, with their friends or dates and will enjoy themselves.

Back to School Goals: Freshman Edition
By Molley A., Kaitlyn B., Liz L. and Jolie S.
Sep. 29, 2016

Do you remember the adrenaline of your first day of high school? The rush and excitement mixed with the fright overwhelming you when you first walked in those doors. The best day of your life, right? We interviewed these  freshman to see what their first few weeks were like, and what they hope to accomplish this year. Overall, the freshmen we interviewed told us that they all wanted good grades and wanted to graduate high school. “I want to graduate with straight A’s,” Zach Derish told us eagerly.

“My goal is to make new friends,” Allie Curll said, alongside Autumn Smith who told us, "I want to figure out what I want to do when I grow up."

Our next question to our freshmen was about their class participation in after-school activities. Allie Curll joined Art Club, Foods Club, Book Club and Interact Club.

“It's a great way to make new friends, I’m looking forward to them,” she said.

The last question we asked is if they could change one thing about the high school to make their experience better, what would it be? To say the least everyone had very different opinions.

“I would get rid of the drama, and the rude people who create it,” Ree Radish said.

Other answers include bigger lockers, air conditioning and nicer people. Overall, the freshmen we talked to had gotten over their fear of becoming a high school student, and are looking forward to making it the best year it can be for them.

"Mary Poppins" selected as this year's play
By Angela F. and Brent I.
Sep. 29, 2016

The Pennsville High School Drama Club is presenting its upcoming musical, "Mary Poppins."

Following its former presentation of "Beauty and the Beast," the Drama Club will continue its annual production with the presentation of "Mary Poppins." The show will take place in the High School Auditorium March 23-26 with performances varying from 6:30 p.m. & 2:00 p.m.

"Mary Poppins" is a show about a strict family named the Bank's, who are in need of a nanny. Mary Poppins comes with all of her magic and fun to be the nanny for the children, Jane and Michael. With the help from Mary, her lively friend Bert and a cast of unforgettable characters, we discover many valuable lessons from song and dance.

"I think the show will be great," said Stacey Alfonso, Treasurer of the Drama Club. "They really know how to make everyone feel like they have a big part."

Even though drama is not for everyone, "Mary Poppins" is certainly a crowd favorite.

David Houseal, a freshman in PMHS, is very enthusiastic to come see the show. "I do not know how to sing, act or dance, but I would definitely come see the show!"

An interest meeting for the show is TBA.

Voting begins for Class of 2019
By Dylan B. and Robby H.
Sep. 29, 2016

The election of the 2019 Student Council is almost finished, and the final votes are coming in, but who will fill the roles' needs?

The election for the Student Council of 2019 is going on all week with multiple candidates running for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

With the election being all week, classmates have a chance to vote for their nominees including April Hartman for President, Mackenzie Rieger or Owen Townsend for Vice President, Richie Singh, Kelsie Battersby or Kallie Green for Treasurer, and either Laynee Friebel or Kelsey Brady for Secretary.

"You should vote for me because I have experience of being the freshman class president," said April Hartman, courtesy of "News from the Nest."

Monday through Tuesday, candidates running got to voice why they would be the best choice for their class. Much of the candidates had a serious approach to how they would handle their positions.

Treasurer candidate Kallie Green said that they were a "responsible student" and that she "strives to do my best in school." She looks to win over votes for her position at Treasurer.

Headling Missing
By Erik B., Savannah B. and Celine M.
Sep. 29, 2016

The upcoming week isn't like any other. It's one to show nobility and respect here at PMHS.

According to Ms. Busillo, each day of the week as students enter the building, a different pop culture song focusing on the theme of that day will be playing on the loud speaker between 7:30a.m.-7:40a.m. Along with that, after the Pledge of Allegiance, a student will read a quote for that day of the week.

Student will create school-wide banners for each hallway to take an anti-bullying pledge.

Students will sign their grade-level banner at lunch to be displayed in the hallways.

Also, the PMHS renaissance club will provide a fundraiser called "How sweet it is to have a friend like you" where students are able to purchase a "friend" gram of candy.

Along with that, one student from each grade level and a teacher will receive a character trait award. A school wide anti-bullying poster contest will be held at the high school. Lastly, each class will have a lesson centered on respect.

Students voice their opinions on PMHS clubs
By Nahria A. and Brianna R.
Sep. 29, 2016

In this new school year at  PMHS there are a variety of after school activities.

There are 36 regular club activities. Do students like the clubs we already have? Or do we have enough? We asked our fellow high schoolers what they thought on their current after school activities also what they would like to be included.

Out of the 11 interviews only two people said they were completely happy with the club choices that are offered here at our high school.

One senior we interviewed, Giovanni Bianco told us he loved German club, saying “it’s pretty fun.”

Another person Ashlyn Widger gave us a long list of clubs she was in and enjoyed. Widger said, “ Renaissance club is really fun because you get to work with the vice principal.”

The other people we interviewed all said they enjoyed the after school clubs, but wanted more options. The list of new club suggestions is very different. The two teachers and five students that we interviewed gave us a lot of new and interesting ideas for after school clubs.

Jessica Kitzmiller suggested an animal club, florist club and a wall climbing club. Some other good ideas from our fellow classmates were a YouTube club, a Nap club, an Anime club, and a Sign language club.

One of the most interesting ideas was given by Mr. Dalzell, who said, "I think an astronomy club would be cool. We would talk about UFO’s and government conspiracies. Whether or not their is life on other planets.”

The clubs at PMHS are well liked but students think the variety of clubs offered should be expanded. New choices is what makes PMHS cool after school.

Ms. Busillo's Lunch Bunch coming next month
By Christian O., Bella R. and Jaxon S.
Sep. 29, 2016

Ms. Busillo is starting a new program in Oct. called Ms. Busillo's Lunch Bunch that will take place on A day lunches.

She will be randomly selecting four female students to have lunch with her, and everyone will get a chance to eat with here for four consecutive days, doing a different activity each day. The goal is to prepare students for the real world, and help newer students meet new friends.