Human Services

Alumni Spotlights

Click on a name to learn more about your classmates and PG alumni, or visit the Human Services Success Stories library on YouTube. 

Tiffany Johnson - BS in Human Services in Youth/Family Services and Administration

Tiffany Johnson graduated in June 2023 with her Bachelor of Science in Human Services in Youth and Family Administration. 

Her initial journey started about 24 years ago, after high school, she enrolled at Southern University of New Orleans to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. Within her first term, she was required to take a Sociology class, which she fell in love with and soon realized that her passion was to help people. She decided to change her major to Sociology and transfer to Delgado Community College. After her first year, she decided to take a break which included the birth of her first child, a son. Not too long after came Hurricane Katrina which completely derailed her plans of returning to college. In 2009, she decided that she was ready to return to school and she applied to Kaplan University (now Purdue Global) to obtain her degree in Psychology. Her overall goal was to begin a career in helping underserved youth and adolescents. Unfortunately, she had to drop out due to personal reasons. She re-enrolled with Purdue Global in the summer of 2021 and finally obtained her degree. 

When she first enrolled with Kaplan, which is now Purdue, she was mainly looking for flexibility. That was important to her because she was working full time and a mother. After Hurricane Katrina,she moved around a lot and was far from family. When she re-enrolled, it was an easy decision because she was already familiar with the classroom setup and she was able to transfer all of her credits. She shares that the advisors did a great job explaining the different programs and the careers that would be available with certain degrees. Currently she is working at an organization which focuses on careers in healthcare but she is interested in pursuing a career with the juvenile justice system. 

Tiffany shares that her family and children helped her to continue her journey in obtaining her degree. Both of her parents worked in the education field and they have always been big supporters of her continuing her education. She also wanted to show her children how beneficial and important it is to pursue your goals and to not give up on your dreams no matter what obstacles you are faced with. 

Her advice for future students is to never give up, but to also give yourself some grace. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and scared, it’s what makes us human. It’s also okay to ask for help and to take breaks because you know deep down that you will eventually find your way back. 

Go Boilermakers!

Brandee Nearing - Master of Science in Human Services

Brandee Nearing graduated in October 2023 with a Master of Science in Human Services in Family and Community Services.

Brandee is a first-generation college graduate!  She earned her BS in Behavioral Science from Saint Francis University as an adult in her mid-30's. She knew she wanted to continue her educational journey, so she researched Master's programs and found that the Human Services Program at Purdue Global would be the perfect fit for her. She started at Purdue Global in 2021, and graduated with her Master’s in 2023 at the age of 41.  She entered college as a non-traditional student, wary of what may lie ahead and struggling with self-doubt.  She graduated with confidence and a renewed sense of self. 

She shares that she enjoyed each of her professors and classes at PG!  She saved her favorite quotes from professors during her journey at PG: 

Brandee was able to persist by knowing that an education would provide stability and a better future. She shares, “There is a saying, "what you choose, is what you get". I chose a better future!” 

Brandee’s advice to future students is: 

Brandee recently earned the title of Human Services Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP).  She took the exam (HS-BCPE) in February 2024 and passed.  She was then able to transfer her passing exam score and 350 hours of post-graduate human services work experience into the certification.  To study for the exam, she studies for several months.  The study resources she used were: Human Services Board-Certified Examination Study Guide by Dr. Eddie Williams, Human Services Dictionary by Howard Rosenthal, and the Encyclopedia of Human Services: Master Review and Tutorial for the HS-BCPE. She purchased these materials on both Amazon and Ebay, as used copies so the cost was not too high. The booklet by Dr. Eddie Williams she found to be the most valuable resource. 

Brandee adds, “I would like to shout-out Jessie Budzinski from Purdue Global for her assistance with my certification journey. She was extremely helpful. Jessie answered my (many) questions promptly, and with clarity and full transparency. I am grateful for her support!” 

Brandee is currently employed by a cyber charter school and enjoys it very much. One day, she would like to work in higher education to help others with a story similar to hers achieve their goals and dreams.

Sherry Young - Master of Science in Human Services

Sherry Wills-Young graduated in December 2023 with a Master of Science in Human Services with a concentration in Family and Community Services.  She shares that her educational experience was remarkable.  She had great professors and classmates who, like her, were interested in learning more about the field of human services. 

Sherry shares that she wanted to pursue a Master’s degree for a long time but thought she was too busy or classes were too expensive.  She received a continuing education offer from her employers before Covid, but she declined the offer.  The offer was extended to her a second time and she decided to accept.  Sherry had a great foundation in human services, she always loved volunteering in her community, and she mentored pre-teen and teenaged girls.

Sherry gained a lot of knowledge from every class she took at Purdue Global, but her favorite class was HN530: Research, Grant Writing, and Funding taught by Dr. Jenenne Valentino-Bottaro.  Sherry states, “ Dr. Jenenne made the grant writing process so interesting.  We never had a boring class.” 

In March of 2023, very close to graduation, Sherry had to have emergency surgery for a brain aneurysm.  She had to take a leave from school and work for four months.  She worked so hard pre-surgery and she refused to quit post-surgery.  She shares, “Dr. Jenenne encouraged me to not give up and keep pushing through.  I was so determined to work hard and keep the 4.0 GPA I had before surgery.  Knowing I was close to my goal of earning a Master’s Degree helped me to persist.” 

Her advice to future students is to stay focused and to not give up.  “Do not be afraid to communicate with instructors.  If YOU decide to pursue a degree, then YOU will need to dedicate your time and effort.  Do not give up on your dream of earning a degree.” 

Sherry’s plan after graduation is to work in the Employee Assistance Program at her current place of employment.  She is also interested in collaborating with a grant writing mentor.  Finally, she is studying for the Human Services Board Certified Practitioner’s Exam. 

Congratulations, Sherry!  We are so proud of you for never giving up on your dream of earning your Master’s degree! 

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Kim Pittman - Master of Science in Human Services, Bachelor of Science in Human Services in Youth/Family Services and Administration

Kim Pittman graduated in May 2023 with a Master’s of Science in Human Services in Family and Community Services.  She also earned her Bachelor’s of Science in Human Services in Youth/Family Services and Administration in June 2021 from Purdue Global and is currently enrolled in the Master of Science in Psychology with a concentration in Addictions.

Kim shares that her educational journey was not an easy task.  It required a lot of time management and self-care.  “There were some days that I felt like giving up and taking a break from school, but I had to keep in mind that I was working towards a goal.” 

Kim shares that she was able to persist because she wanted to set a positive example for her children.  In addition, she knew that once she obtained the knowledge that she needed, she would be able to better serve her clients and act as an advocate on their behalf.  

Kim’s advice to future students is to take advantage of all the resources that are available such as the library, the academic success center, and the classroom virtual office for your professor. She suggests spreading out your workload and practicing time management skills to avoid procrastinating or missing deadlines. 

Kim was drawn to PG because the courses were all offered online and they worked around her work schedule.  When she started taking courses she was the receptionist at a behavioral health facility and now she is the director!!

Congratulations, Kim!

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Dajae Ajayi - Associate of Applied Science in Human Services

Dajae Ajayi graduated in May 2023 with her Associate of Applied Science in Human Services. 

Dajae shares that she experienced a long and tough educational journey.  She went to Illinois State University right out of high school and spent five years there.  She shares that she struggled academically and emotionally. She always knew that she wanted to return to school for her degree but was afraid to start school again because she knew she would procrastinate and she had already spent so much time trying to get a degree. She heard about Purdue Global and decided to give it a try.  

She wanted to create a great future for herself and her children. Dajae persisted because she knew what she wanted for herself and her family. She shares, “I want my family to have an income that allows us to pay all of our bills and to enjoy time together whenever we want.” 

Her advice for future students is to take advantage of all of the resources, especially the instructors. She shares that she learned more when she dove in deep with her professors.  She also shares that if you are a procrastinator like her, do not hesitate to ask for more time or for additional assistance. 

Dajae’s goal is to earn her bachelor's degree before her educational journey is over. She shares, “I will be back at PG when the time is right!”  She is currently working in the healthcare field. 

Congratulations, Dajae!  What a comeback! 

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Alexandra Williams - Bachelor of Science in Human Services in  Youth and Family Administration

Alexandra Williams graduated in August 2023 with her Bachelor of Science in Human Services in Youth and Family Administration.

Alexandra shares that it was her daughter who led her to Purdue Global. Being a teen parent with the odds stacked against her was challenging.  She had been working in a factory job for 11 years and decided that something had to change.  The next day she started looking at programs that she would be interested in and found Purdue Global. She shares that it is “important to remember that you’re in the driver's seat of your own life and that anything can be accomplished depending on the amount of work you put in. I always tell myself it’s okay to comfortably be uncomfortable because that means you are open for change!” 

Alexandra shares that Purdue Global helped her meet her educational goals. The work was flexible and allowed her to have time for her family and work. She shares that she had the pleasure of having some really great professors who were there when she had a question or trouble understanding. She adds that all of her professors were amazing and worked with her the entire way. She also enjoyed the student career center and how they connected her to other opportunities. 

Her favorite instructor was Dr. Brooke Rawls because she was very patient, helpful, and knowledgeable about the Human Services program. 

Her advice to future students is, just do it!  All of your hard work, tireless nights, and stressful days will be worth it once you receive credit for your accomplishments. You can do it!

Alexandra is pursuing her Master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis. She will continue working in a clinic where she is currently a LCDC-I and hopes to receive her volunteer hours towards her Human Services Board Certified Practitioner Credential.

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Rebecca Vasquez - Bachelor of Science in Human Services - Child and Family Welfare

Rebecca Vasquez graduated in August 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Human Services - Child and Family Welfare, and prior to that in September 2016 with an Associate of Applied Science in Human Services.


Rebecca chose Purdue Global for the flexibility it offers. Focusing on her career and raising a child seemed impossible while taking college courses. However, Purdue Global made it possible by offering several different seminar times to fit her schedule and a reasonable amount of independent coursework.

Her biggest challenge was working two jobs and raising her daughter at the same time. She quickly learned to balance all of her responsibilities while attending classes by setting a routine and following it with consistency.

Her primary goal when she first started was to just finish. She truly just wanted to make it to the finish line, no matter what it took. While on her educational journey, she found that she had more aspirations than just getting a degree. She was able to identify other goals and Purdue Global assisted her with ensuring that she always hit the mark. She shares, “It is easy to say that my experience far exceeded my expectations.”

The most impactful experience she had at Purdue Global was making the Chancellor’s List almost every term. She shares, “It was always an empowering feeling when I reached new academic achievements.” That feeling translated into her career and life. She felt so empowered that it gave her the self confidence and motivation to go out into the world and go after her dreams. Additionally, it gave her the platform to help others understand that nothing is out of their reach.

She credits much of her success to Purdue Global. With her degree, she feels more respected in the workplace and more knowledgeable in how to help her community. She states, “I have a solid career that I very much enjoy, and Purdue gave me confidence in the work that I do.”  Rebecca expressed that all of her classes were relevant, needed, and purposeful. Her favorite classes were the ones that offered student engagement, and highlighted juvenile justice with Dr. Kristi Pitts.  Rebecca said her capstone professor, Melissa Neeley, was also amazing.  Rebecca shares, “I loved the open forum and the ability to hear different perspectives from other students from all over the country.”

Her advice to others is to KEEP GOING, even when it’s hard. ESPECIALLY when it’s hard. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. We do not learn anything when we stay in the same comfortable spot. Find your purpose and let that passion drive you.  She also shares, “You can pursue your degree while juggling your daily life! If you’re thinking about it, you owe it to yourself to try.”

Rebecca is currently working full time as a Program Manager for Iowa Jobs For America’s Graduates.  

Join me in congratulating Rebecca!

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Stormy Speirs - Bachelor of Science in Human Services in Youth and Family Administration

Stormy Speirs graduated in May 2023 with her Bachelor of Science in Human Services in Youth and Family Administration.

She didn’t take a traditional route, but she still got to her goal. If anything, her time spent traveling on the less beaten path has given her more insight and life experience in this field. She’s learned to not shy away from her story - it has value.

Stormy graduated high school at the age of 31. She applied for community college and was taking one class at a time towards an associate degree in Sociology while raising her kids and working. It was slow moving. 

She applied for a scholarship through her work (CA State Library) and was granted a program that had Purdue Global as one of its graduating schools. She chose Purdue Global because of the specificity of the degree and the Purdue name. She graduated as a Human Services Board Certified Practitioner and knew she wanted more. She states that she  “found her field.” 

She applied to grad school and chose San Jose State University’s online/hybrid Masters of Social Work program. Stormy will graduate from there with her MSW and a Pupil Personnel Services credential, then start her hours for licensure with the state of California. 

She states that she had so many great instructors during her time at PG. Melissa Neeley was very involved and wanted her to succeed. She made classes interesting and so much more than just work and seminars. Michelle Fisher did a great job at settling her nerves about case management!

Her advice to future students is that “the time is going to pass no matter what you decide to do. You always have the choice to choose productivity to strive for or mediocrity to dwell in.”

She is grateful for her time at PG. “The friendships and connections I made there were well worth it.”

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Trisha Riddle - Master of Science in Human Services

Trisha Riddle graduated in December 2022 with her Master of Science in Human Services - Family and Community Services.

Trisha shares, “as a single mom of three I wanted to further my education but was unsure of the right school for me where I could still work full-time and be a part of my children’s lives. I chose to try out PG because my graduate degree could be completed 100% online and I could take two classes at a time to fit my schedule.”  She fell in love with the classes and the professors right away.  

After graduation she received a pay increase at her job working with vulnerable youth aging out of foster care. She is now a care coordinator III for Heartland Family Services and she loves bettering her own community by helping adults with severe mental illnesses achieve their goals and focus on their strengths and well-being. She strongly believes that everyone deserves to be heard and everyone deserves someone! 

She’s glad that PG was there for her to give her the opportunities to grow and accomplish her goals. The teacher who stood out to her the most was Dr. DeAnn Simon. She shares, “I remember her being a great professor, fast on grading the assignments and responding to students, and great with open discussions. I loved this school and still keep in touch with a student I had in class and actually used her for a job reference!” 

Her goal for the future is to continue to grow within her current company and become a leader.

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Neiko Hughes-Taylor - Master of Science in Human Services

Neiko Hughes-Taylor graduated in May 2023 with a Master of Science in Human Services - Family and Community Services.  

Like many other students, her educational journey was challenging but manageable with the assistance of Purdue Global student resources.

She shares that with much apprehension, she enrolled at PG at the age of 49 with the guidance of Armond Drake.  “He may not have realized it, but he lifted a life sentence that was handed to me at the age of 18 by a student advisor who told me I wasn’t college material.”  She adorned herself with one rule “failure is not an option”.  Her journey became more and more difficult with the diminishing health of her mother and loss after loss of young family members.  During her time with PG, she lost three nieces ages 7 months, 31, and 33.  She also lost two nephews ages 23 and 34, a brother-in-law aged 53, and most recently she lost her mother and her uncle.

There were many times she wanted to just let go, but remembered the bar she set for herself: “failure is not an option.”  Too many times, she came so close, but the professors of PG stepped in and showed her support and encouragement.  They were patient with her while still holding her accountable for getting things done.  “I started with the dream of running a successful transportation company, and now here I am graduating with a Master's degree and new ideas.  My goal now is to open a dementia coping center that will provide much-needed hands-on non-skilled caregiver training and transportation. I also plan to obtain my Doctorate degree and plan for more public speaking engagements.”

Her favorite instructor was Dr. Pozesny.  He challenged her to challenge herself through everything that was going on in her life.  She shares that she would not have gone on for her Master's had it not been for him.  He helped her to find strength within herself when she felt like she had nothing left.  When she graduated with her Bachelor’s degree, she states that she could hear him saying “you’re not finished yet.”   She states, “Dr. Pozesny is the definition of what a successful instructor should be.  When I knew I was falling apart, he provided one-on-one time with me and actually listened as I shared with him, all of what my barriers were.  He then provided positive feedback in a way that I could process it through my struggles and apply it to completing the tasks before me.  He helped me to recognize my level of resilience and showed me how my own accomplishments can raise that level of resilience.”  Throughout her Master’s program she would read emails he sent for encouragement. She believes that you’re never too old to need someone to believe in you. She shares, “For all of the effort he poured into me, I owed it to him to finish strong.  Although my Mom lost the battle before I finished, we would both like to thank him for helping me through.  Having an opportunity to shake his hand would be great, but an understatement to what he really deserves.  He is a true asset to PG.”  

Her advice to future students is to follow your dreams no matter how long you’ve held on to them.  Become familiar with the resources around you and use them to your advantage to secure your own success.  Set attainable goals and be honest with yourself in your efforts to reach them.  Refrain from creating barriers and building walls that will undoubtedly be difficult to move beyond from the inside.  COMMUNICATE!  You will have a host of counselors, advisors, instructors, classmates, tutors, and even administrative staff to guide you along the way, but no one can help if you don’t reach out to them.  You are a college student, this is not elementary, middle, or high school and there is a level of expectation that you must meet to prepare yourself for the future you’re building toward.  Accountability is huge.

She additionally shares that she has never felt so empowered after completing anything as she does right now.  Before her journey with Purdue Global, she felt incomplete.  Today she feels like she’s prepared to take on and conquer anything with dedication and resilience.  April 18, 2019 marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life and May 30, 2023 closed that chapter and opened a new one.  Although there are chapters that come with heartache and disappointments, she is now loving this book titled “LIFE”, and she prays that anyone who reads it will be encouraged to continue writing until the ink runs dry.  She would like to thank all of the Purdue Global staff.  

Join me in congratulating Neiko on receiving her Masters degree in Human Services.

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Ashli Thomas - Master of Science in Human Services-Family and Community Services

Ashli Thomas graduated in May of 2023 with a Masters degree in Human Services. 

She loved the flexibility that Purdue Global provided. It allowed her the opportunity to work a full time job and attend her daughter Makenzi’s travel basketball games while working towards her degree. Makenzi helped Ashli to persist when juggling work, family, and school was challenging. Ashli shares, “My daughter Makenzi would see me tired and struggling to do my homework, and encourage me to keep going. Our motto is: Quitting isn’t an option. We must finish what we start.”

In addition, Ashli shares that her Human Services professors were always accessible and willing to help in any way they could. She specifically spotlighted Dr. Eric Henderson. She shared, “He noticed I wasn’t giving my all and was falling behind on assignments. Dr. Henderson reached out to me to ensure I didn’t need any additional help and to see how he could help me academically.”

Ashli’s advice to current students is to “write your goals down, make a plan, and follow through.” Ashli plans to continue to work for the Tennessee Department of Children’s services as a Case Manager.  Ashli, congratulations on finishing what you started! Please join me in wishing Ashli all the best with her future plans in the Human Services field.

By Jessie Budzinski, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Dallas Reynolds - Master of Science in Human Services - Family and Community Services; Bachelor of Science in Human Services – Child & Family Welfare; Associate of Applied Science in Human Services

Dallas Reynolds is a three-time graduate from the human service programs in the Department. Dallas stated that he always wanted to go to college and had set a goal as the first in his family to do so. However, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to study, or what to do in terms of a career path. Dallas found us scrolling through his social media pages on Facebook and saw our ad. He loved how the program is described as one of helping people. His heart, he says, is one of helping others. Once he connected with our admissions team, he knew the choice was the right one for him.

He felt the most challenging part of the programs related to the pressure he put upon himself to be successful and, as many students state, time management. He was one who had heard throughout his childhood and life that he was bound for the same destiny as those in his family and that he wouldn’t ever be a true success. That gave him the additional motivation he needed to break the generational cycle and succeed. Dallas was able to get every assignment and course completed on time.

He attributes his success to a growth mindset and his drive to prove all the naysayers wrong. Yes, there were times he felt like quitting but he focused on his greater purpose. In our conversation, Dallas indicated that he pursued the undergraduate degree for others and the graduate degree for himself. His graduate degree was a daily reminder that he cared enough about himself to do and be whatever he desired. As he stated, “Our circumstances do not define us.”

Dallas would tell new and current students to set their goals high and take it one-step at a time; do not let the distractions of the world to keep you from accomplishing what you set out to achieve. With time and effort, you can do this!

His favorite part of the program were the connections he made with his professors and peers. Some of his classmates are close friends even post-graduation. He felt his professors were very helpful in making sure that everything he was to learn was applicable to the field of human services. Now, he is working as a behavior intervention specialist for Bath County Public Schools. He is now pursuing an additional graduate degree in applied behavior analysis. The most fulfilling thing about his new role is that he has the opportunity to influence future generations of students and he proudly shares his motto that, your circumstances do not define you. This past year, he was asked to serve on the Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis as the student representative.  In his free time, he volunteers within his community, church, and at camp. 

By Maggie Morgan, Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Jarlina Ogando - Bachelor of Science in Human Services in Youth/Family Services and Administration

A few months after losing her father, Jarlina Ogando decided to go back to pursue her education. She could not consider a brick and mortar campus option as she had a newborn with a birth defect that required a lot of time and care. After researching her options, she decided to attend Purdue University Global. One reason that pushed her towards our school and program was that she learned that our teaching styles were different than other online schools. She had attended one other online school and found our program to provide amazing counselors, student support, and, in her words, “amazing professors”. Human services was an immediate fit for her as she was once considered an at-risk youth, growing up in the inner city of New York in the Bronx. She had little to no community support and she is determined to become the support system she desperately needed but did not have herself.

The most challenging part of completing her degree was coping with change and adversities along the way. Jarlina experienced some adversities that few people do during their academic journey. She lost an infant, her father, and her brother. The amount of trauma and change she experienced affected her in many ways but she was determined. During this time, she also gained four beautiful children and began an amazing career in foster care.

Jarlina pushed through these traumatic experiences by engaging in therapy and ensuring that she communicated with her professors. She stated that her professors offered her much support and she also had the support of her husband, family, and employer which gave her the time and ability to complete her coursework. She was the first in her family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

She would tell current students now to ensure they understand options regarding leave of absences, extensions, and incomplete grades if something is going on in their lives. She was unsuccessful in one of her courses as she pushed herself beyond her limits and lacked knowledge on the various options that Purdue Global offers to students. She states that the entire institution is here to support and assist. She would also offer the following advice, “Some professors will challenge not only your way of thinking, but even the goals you have set for yourself. Listen to them because you may be introduced to opportunities you have not even considered.” She thinks Dory, from Finding Nemo says it best, “Just keep swimming!”

Her favorite part of our PG experience were the professors and students who were all over the world. This provided her the opportunity to engage with students of differing backgrounds, which she felt was one of the best advantages of the program. Additionally, she states that many students have a fear of not being able to learn via an online program. She stated that Purdue Global was different as she had many, “in-person” experiences such as group projects, breakout rooms, and assignments that required her to discover local community resources.

Currently, Jarlina works with two non-profit organizations that provide many resources throughout the country for at-risk youth, families, and victims of natural disasters. She provides interventions for children and families with special needs and advocates for human trafficking victims. She also assists her husband manage his businesses all while being a full-time wife and caregiver to her special needs children and elderly widowed mother. As if all of this was not enough, she recently began working on her business plan to start her own outreach program for local children and families who are struggling with mental health and are in need for community resources. 

By Maggie Morgan, Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Becky Grazier - Master of Science in Human Services - Organizational and Social Services

Becky enrolled in the Master of Science in Human Services – Organizational and Social Services at Purdue University Global because she was a full-time working mother of 3 children. She found our flexible model a perfect fit and stated that our faculty and staff were “helpful, caring, and supportive.” Having completed the program, she said that it really was the perfect fit for her.

The biggest challenge she faced as a graduate student was time management. She made a point to set aside specific time to log into her class and complete her work. She pushed through these challenges thinking about her children and what she would be modeling for them. She also stated that her professors were very supportive, understanding, and good to talk to when she felt overwhelmed. She encourages current students not to be afraid to ask for help as there is someone always willing to help.

Becky’s favorite part of her program were her professors. She currently works as a Qualified Individuals Disabilities Professional at One Vision. She is a manager of 22 staff and has 10 clients. She writes plans and programs for each of her clients so they can be successful in their lives. She also is part of the leadership team and assisted in implementing person-centered planning at the organization.


By Maggie Morgan, Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Charles Mutinda - Master of Science in Human Services – Family and Community Services 

Charles Mutinda enrolled in the Master of Science in Human Services – Family and Community Services program as he was on active duty in the military and could not pursue any degree options that required an internship. Our program provided the flexibility he needed, but he was still concerned that it was completely online. He said that his admissions counselor, Cornelius Cartwright, went above and beyond to help him chart his course, answering all of his questions and putting him at ease. He mentioned that he felt very welcomed at Purdue Global and this first impression lasted the entirety of his program.

The greatest challenge he faced was the taxing nature of active duty military service, travel, family, along with school. Charles felt that the support of his family and friends was so important and he leveraged those relationships when needed to push through. Charles mentioned the support of his wife, Victoria being crucial in supporting him and he called her his, “support framework”. He stated that if he can make it, we all can!

His favorite part of the program was his professors which he described as, “awesome professionals who shared their knowledge and experience that made the program truly worthy”. He also enjoyed the diversity of our student population which made for meaningful conversations that were eye opening and enlightening.

Currently, Charles is transitioning out of the military after 20 years of service. He is actively involved in a business owned by his spouse and also was actively working with the PG career service team as he prepares for a life outside of the military.

Having met his goal, Charles stated, “I can’t say enough about the professors I engaged with during my coursework. WOW, these folks were awesome and truly a testament of what pride Purdue University Global holds. Nothing but accolades and acknowledgement for a tremendous job they all did for me.” And, we have nothing but accolades for you, Charles!

By Maggie Morgan, Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Arnita Mcclinton - Master of Science in Human Services

Arnita Mcclinton is a graduate of the Master of Science in Human Services Program and is currently working as a Mental Health Technician.

Why does she love her job? 

I love my job because I get to work firsthand assisting clients to meet their goals. I work with clients that struggle with issues that may seem typical to us but are huge obstacles for them. For example, I assist clients in the grocery store to make exact, same selections of food every week. I travel all over shopping with those that have anxiety going into stores with lots of people. The best part is seeing the smiles on their faces when they have done what they set out to do, just for that day. Part of my job also includes delivering medications for those who have a fear of being out in public. Although this may seem tedious, I also took a personal risk during COVID to make sure their needs were met. I do make sure to follow protocol and stay distant as well.


How did your coursework help to prepare you for your current role? 

My coursework played a huge role in helping me to prepare for my current role because I learned many valuable key take-aways in how to be a successful helper. I also learned, importantly, that in order to be successful, I have to know when I need self-care and take that opportunity for myself. It is truly impossible to help others if you miss out on much needed self-care. 


What could Purdue Global have done better? 

I think PG played a key role in my success by making sure we had all of the things we needed in order to accomplish our degrees. The time and effort our professors put in during COVID and some getting sick themselves, even losing loved ones to COVID but never cancelling class. This school is by far the most prestigious, thoughtful, student-oriented school I have ever attended and I am thankful for the opportunity to attend.


What advice would you give to any future students?  

My advice to any and all future students of Purdue Global is to not be afraid to reach for the stars and not be afraid to speak up and speak out if something does not seem right to you. We have great staff that is here to listen to you no matter what you are going through and to remember that we are all in this together. Our professors and staff members are human just like we are, and they too have personal lives and obstacles so don't be too hard on them and yourselves. Be patient, be kind and understanding because you will get out of it what you put into it. Don’t make excuses for yourselves because excuses only excuse you from succeeding. 


Arnita also graduated from our undergraduate program in human services. We are exceptionally proud of Arnita!


By Maggie Morgan, Academic Department Chair, Human Services Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences