Faculty Publications, Presentations, and Awards
Search the page to see what what academic activities your faculty are participating in outside of the classroom.
April 2023
Education & Communication
LaCour, Misty & Selby, A. (2023, April). Presented Closing the Digital Divide: Using Technology to Support Multilingual Families at the International Conference on eLearning & Innovative Pedagogies.
LaCour, Misty & Coulter, S. (2023, April). Presented Building Student Engagement and Sense of Belonging: Small-Group Discussions in the Online Learning Environment at the International Conference on eLearning & Innovative Pedagogies.
Manzone, J., Nyberg, Julia (2023). Published From Local to Global: A Call for Critically Conscious Curriculum in New Jersey Association for the Gifted.
Nyberg, Julia, & Manzone, J. (2023). Published An Arts-Focused Approach to Transformational Social Emotional Learners in New Jersey Association for the Gifted.
Nyberg, Julia & Manzone, J. (2023, March). Presented The Home and Community Connections Model: Creating Culturally Sustainable Instruction at the Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference.
LaCour, Misty. & Selby, A. (2023, April). Presented Closing the Digital Divide: Using Technology to Support Multilingual Families at the International Conference on eLearning & Innovative Pedagogies.
Human Services
Maggie Morgan and Jessie Budzinski presented at the annual UPCEA conference on 23 March in Washington DC. The title of the presentation was, Using Rubrics to Advance Equity and Inclusion for Diverse Populations.
Maggie Morgan was chosen as one of 12 Purdue global Service Learning Fellows with the Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning.
Adams, Raymond A., Webb-Peoples, K., Evans, Tuwana T. (2023). Incivility in SWK education: reflections of three black faculty at HWIs. Critical Social Work, 24(1), 2-19. https://ojs.uwindsor.ca/index.php/csw/article/view/7852/5494
Legal Studies
Cristina Nolan JD, Heather Valdes JD, and Tim Carlin JD will be presenting at the Gen. Ed Conference 2023 on “Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?”
Jane McElligott JD will be presenting at the Gen Ed Conference 2023 on My proposal to the 2023 Purdue Global General Education Conference on “Addressing The Elephant in the Courtroom: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Teaching the Happy the Elephant Case”.
Jeff Gulley JD and John Gray JD will be presenting at the Gen Ed Conference 2023 on My proposal to the 2023 Purdue Global General Education Conference on “The Mighty Micro-credential: Benefiting Higher Education and the Workplace”
Brian Craig JD; presented at the American Association for Paralegal Education(AAfPE) Spring Conference 2023 on “Virtual Court Hearings: Here To Stay.”
Brian Craig JD; a published article titled “Medical Malpractice Pre-litigation Panel Hearings: A Helpful Step in the ADR Process” in the Utah Bar Journal, April 2023
Irina Cozma served on the "Who needs a coach?" panel at the 2022 Society for Industrial Psychology conference.
Irina Cozma wrote "How to work under a first time manager" for the Harvard Business Review.
Roxanne Gayle and Amanda George co-authored "Promoting Ethical Discussions and Decision Making in a human services agency: Updates to LeBlanc et al. (2020) ethics network" in Behavioral Analysis in Practice.
Julienne Long co-presented "Brain Injury from Violence" for the Columbus City Prosecutor's Office, Domestic Violence and Stalking Unit.
Greggory Wright presented "The war against isolation: Engaging your remote team members with learning strategies" at the Learning Solutions Conference, Learning Expo 2023
Susan Zukowski presented "Creating Access and Workplace Alignment Through Credential-Rich Pathways and Stackable Learning" at the Arizona State University Global Silicon Valley Conference.
March 2023
Undergraduate Criminal Justice
Shane Kelley completed his doctoral degree with the forthcoming publication: Factors of Online Adjunct Faculty Satisfaction.
Dr. Shane Kelley inducted into the National Society of Leadership and Success.
Dr. Shane Kelley was selected as a PG Service Learning Fellow for 2023-2024.
Education & Communication
Dr. Misty LaCour and Dr. Julia Nyberg presented, Get Happy! Building Well-Being Practices for Self & Community, at the Arkansas Association of Teacher Educators, February 21.
Manzone, J., Nyberg, Julia. (2023). The Home and Community Connections Model: Creating Culturally Sustainable Instruction. California Association for the Gifted 61st Annual Conference.
Nyberg, Julia, Manzone, J., (2023). From Local to Global: Using the Home, Community, and Global Cultural Competence to Develop Curriculum for Gifted Learners. California Association for the Gifted 61st Annual Conference.
Whiting, G.W., Nyberg, Julia. (2023). Making Connections to Those Marginalized and Missing: Developing Scholar Identity and Bringing the Home and Community into the Curriculum. California Association for the Gifted 61st Annual Conference.
Legal Studies
Brian Craig was selected to serve as a Purdue Global Service Learning Fellow with the Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning for the next year.
Brian Craig, Medical Malpractice Prelitigation Panel Hearings: A Helpful Step in the ADR Process, Utah Bar Journal, Vol. 36, No. 2, 43 (March/April 2023).
Jane McElligott presented The Women’s Rights Movement and the 100 Year Quest for the Equal Rights Amendment for Women’s History Month at Purdue Global.
Torrey Davis presented “You are not alone - Navigating mental health and wellness" at Greatness Events and National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Julee Poole presented "Empty tank: Educator compassion fatigue at the Southeastern Teaching of Psychology Conference.
Sean Cai co-presented a poster "A case study: The effect of a behavior intervention treatment package on operant vomiting" at the Ohio Applied Behavior Analysis Conference.
Victoria Frazier co-presented "Filling the gap: Securing state funding for adults receiving home & community-based services" at the Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference.
Roxanne Gayle presented "Leverage technology to improve patient outcomes" at the California Association for Applied Behavior Analysis Conference.
Tara Matthews presented "The window opens before the age of 12 - ADHD and Substance Use Disorders" for NAADAC's Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders and Substance Use Disorder.
Tara Matthews co-presented "Mood, anxiety disorders, and their co-occurrence with Substance Use Disorders" for NAADAC's Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders and Substance Use Disorder.
December 2022 - February 2023
Education and Communication
Dr. Lisa Wright presented a research poster, “Online university faculty mentoring of student advocates.” at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) National Conference in Washington, DC based on Purdue Global research with Dr. Dena AuCoin
Buvoltz, K, Lyn, A. E., & Broderick, Maggie. (2022). The Ultimate Driving Machine: Developing High Caliber Faculty Dispositions for Student Success. Quality Matters (QM) Connect Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 6-8, 2022. https://events.qualitymatters.org/event/007536ca-bb20-4fbf-9786-7366dde61ea9/websitePage:4575682a-7d18-49cf-bfdc-3a1ab7bddf4e
Broderick, Maggie & Lyn, A. E., (2022). An SEL-based Approach to Intrinsically Motivating Curriculum and Instruction for Adult Online Learners. OLC Accelerate, https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/attend-2022/accelerate/program-schedule/, November 1-3, 2022.
LaCour, Misty. (2022). ArATE Electronic Journal (12)2. (Ed.). http://arkansasate.org/index.html
Graduate Public Safety
Holli Vah Seliskar presented: Blending Emotional Intelligence with Restorative Practices to Foster a Nurturing and Compassionate Culture at the International Institute for Restorative Practices World Conference 2023, held virtually on January 25-27, 2023. https://www.iirp.edu/continuing-education/conferences-and-symposia
Holli Vah Seliskar published: Lost Dog Found: A “Tail” of Restorative Justice and Understanding, published in the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences' Dialogue, Restorative Justice Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Winter 2023, Volume 8, No. 2. https://www.acjs.org/page/Restorative
Human Services
Juliet Bradley, Tuwana Evans, and DeAnn Simon presented at PG Village - Enhancing the Online Student Experience Through the Use of Video Discussion Boards
Juliet Bradley presented at the National Organization of Human Services Virtual Symposium on 10/21 - From the Virtual Classroom to the Virtual Field: Preparing Students for the Road Ahead"
Hadeed de Silva, Danielle. (2022). Mama Find Your Power: Danielle Hadeed de Silva.
Dixon, Nellie A. (2023). Acceptance and commitment training: New tools to help parents support autism treatment. Stages Learning.
Jantz, D., Dunson, M., Kahn, L., Walter-Higgins, A., Moore, D., & Devita-Cochrane, Cynthia. (2013) Poster presented at Conference on Statistical Practice. 2023 Creating Modular, Artificial Intelligence Human Capital Scaffolding for the Department of Defence.
Rajanique Modeste presented Building Client Relationships and Presenting Results to Leaders at George Mason University.
Legal Studies
John Berube JD, published an article titled "Constitutionality of Maine School Tuition Assistance Program" in the Paralegal Association of Florida's winter 2022/2023 edition of IN BRIEF
November 2022
Criminal Justice
Kristi Pitts presented her research “Exploring Policy Improvements Criminal Justice Managers Need to Reduce Cultural Bias in a State Correctional Institution” at the Criminal Justice Association of Georgia conference, October 2022.
Education and Communication
Julia Nyberg co-presented “Los Angeles Unified School District Black Student Achievement Program Honors Pathway” at the Los Angeles Unified School District. She also co-presented “Making the “Invisible” Visible” and “SANKOFA: Gathering Lessons from our Past and Using them to Achieve Future Goals” and “American Psychological Associations Apology to People of Color and Inaccurate IQ Tests” at the Equity Symposium for Black and Brown Students and she co-presented “Home and Community Connections: Creating Culturally Sustainable Curriculum” at the Fall Institute: Structuring Gifted and Advanced Services for Equitable Access, CAG, October 2022.
Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones co-presented "How to Conduct Guardian Ad Litem Evaluations" at the Center for Cooperative Parenting, September 2022.
Ken Martz presented "The emotional Roller Coaster: Family support" at Lifeworks and he presented "Emotional Management for Recovery" for the Wayside Echo series, September 2022. He presented "Treatment: Emotions at the Heart of Addiction" at the NAADAC 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting, October 2022.
Lisa Phillips published a chapter "It’s a Small World: The Metabletics of Size” in Privilege Through the Looking-glass, September 2022.
Julee Poole presented "Compassion Fatigue for Law Enforcement - When Helping Hurts the Helper" for Alabama law enforcement organizations, September 2022. She also presented “Utilizing the AAA Model to Promote Engagement and Critical Thinking in the Online Discussion Forum“ at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit, October 2022.
Rajanique Modeste served on the panel presentation "How To Propel More Women to the C-Suite" for the Grace Hopper Celebration, October 2022.
Fred Dombrowski presented “Total Telehealth: Tools for Effective Treatment” at the Connecticut Counselors Association, “Working with Servicewomen Post Deployment” at the Trauma and Recovery Conference, and “Dialectic Tools: Treating those with Co-occurring Substance Use and Personality Disorders” at the National Association for Addiction Professionals Annual Conference. He also won the award Addiction Educator of the Year by NAADAC, October 2022.
Cynthia DeVita-Cochrane presented "The DoD Cybersecurity Work Force Framework (DCWF) Refresh on Data, AI, and Software" at the USDA Cybersecurity EXPO 2022, October 2022.
October 2022
Education and Communication
Julia Nyberg co-presented “Los Angeles Unified School District Black Student Achievement Program Honors Pathway” at the Los Angeles Unified School District. She also co-presented “Making the “Invisible” Visible” and “SANKOFA: Gathering Lessons from our Past and Using them to Achieve Future Goals” and “American Psychological Associations Apology to People of Color and Inaccurate IQ Tests” at the Equity Symposium for Black and Brown Students, October 2022.
September 2022
Fred Dombrowski presented “From virtual to real life: Effective group treatment” at The National Association for Addictions Professionals
James McGinley co-authored a paper: McGinley, J. & Speyer, A. (2022, September). The Networked Urban Littoral. Marine Corps Gazette. 106(9), 14-19.
Kelly Rabenstein published a book: Rabenstein, K. (2022). Psychological Secrets for Emotional Success (It's All About Love). Koehler Books.
Ashley Jorgensen co-presented at a conference: Hainstock, H., & Jorgensen, A. (2022, August 1). Compassion fatigue: Let’s talk about it. [Conference presentation]. NCCHC Correctional Mental Health Care Conference. Denver, CO, United States. https://events.ncchc.org/mental-health-conference
Tom Alexander, Jacquelin Darby and Jill Kaplan co-presented "Hope in a time of Heaviness" at the SoGE Speaker Series Event.
Public Administration
Bill Campbell presented “Establishing a Proactive Ethics Program: Utilizing Assessments to Identify Problems, Increase Ethics and Reduce Corruption” at the American Society for Public Administration’s Annual Conference, March 2022.
Tosha Cantrell-Bruce published “Wicked Elephants in the Classroom” in American Society of Public Administration's PA Times, August 2022.
August 2022
Criminal Justice
Terry Campbell published “Women in Corrections & Corrections Challenges” in Corrections.com, July 2022.
Education and Communication
Julia Nyberg, Misty LaCour, and L. Dee published “Connecting Critical Thinking to Technology Usage in the Virtual Classroom” in the Virtual Classroom, Teaching for High Potential, August 2022.
Dena AuCoin and Misty LaCour presented “Recalculating: Helping First-Generation Students Navigate Online Higher Education” at the International Conference on Learning, July 2022.
Misty LaCour and graduate student Alexis Preciado presented a poster presentation “Language Proficiency: Critical Analysis of the Influence of Social and Contextual Factors” at the International Conference on Learning, July 2022.
Maggie Broderick presented and published “Navigating a Seismic Shift in Expectations: Building Online Teaching Strategies from Educators’ Lived Experiences During COVID-19” at the EdMedia, June 2022.
Legal Studies
Monique Chiacchia published “Practice and Procedure Before the Department of Industrial Accidents: The Employer's/Insurers Perspective” in the Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc., August 2022.
Jane McElligott and John Berube presented “"The Long Road to Voting Rights for African Americans: From John Lewis to Stacey Abrams and Beyond” at the Law and Society Association Conference, August 2022.
Bridget Rivera presented “Faculty Coaching to Support Online Students” at the Distance Learning Administration Conference, July 2022.
Stephen Russell co-presented “Empowering and Educating Family Members and Caregivers Toward Supporting Veterans’ Mental Health Care” at the American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, August 2022.
July 2022
Education and Communication
Julia Nyberg and J. Manzone presented “Designing Instruction using the Home and Community Connections Model: Activating the Funds of Knowledge of Plurilingual Learners using the Home and Community Connections Prompts” at the XXIX International Conference on Learning, July 2022.
Jacquelin Darby co-presented “Passing the Torch: Viewing Intergenerational Dynamics in Group” at the Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society Spring Conference, May 2022.
Julee Poole presented “Nightmares of my Past” and “The Field of Sunshine” at the PG Literary Festival, June 2022.
Ken Martz presented “The Emotional Roller Coaster: Family Support” at the National Conference of Gambling Addiction and Responsible Gambling 2022, June 2022.
June 2022
Education and Communication
Julia Nyberg and J. Manzone published “Creating Culturally Sustainable Literacy Experiences Through Home and Community Connections” in Disciplinary Literacy as a Support for Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning, May 2022.
Misty LaCour served as Editor for the ArATE Electronic Journal, spring 2022 edition.
Jeff Bailie published “Online Learner Reticence in Response to Faculty Corrective Feedback on APA Style” in Research in Higher Education Journal, June 2022.
Human Services
Nicki Bond presented “Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Appreciation: How to Inclusively Celebrate Juneteenth” at PG DEI Juneteenth, June 2022.
Miranda Brand, Sara Sander and Maggie Morgan presented “Promoting a University-Wide Approach to Enrich Multicultural and Diversity Content” at the UPCEA Annual Conference May, 2022.
Undergraduate Public Safety
Kristi Pitts served as moderator for “Student Life: Black Student Experiences in Higher Ed” for the PG DEI Juneteenth, June 2022.
Chrystal Ayala presented “Structuring Leisure Time: Beyond the iPad” at the Family Cafe Statewide Conference, June 2022.
Yolanda King published Hip Hop Affirmations: Giving Life to Lyrics - A Self-Care Nurturing Journal, June 2022
Lisa Phillips presented “Creating Connections: Personal Conversations of Overcoming Adversity Looking at the Italian Immigrant and the Multi-Ethnic Pacific Islander Experience” at the Diversity Professional Learning Community, June 2022.
Danielle Hadeed de Silva presented "Beating the Blues" and "Anxiety & Stress Management" at the John E. Sabga Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer, March 2022.
Eric Lavalle presented "Mental Health Stigmas and Myths" for the PG Mental Health Series, June 2022.
Ken Martz presented "Easy Way to Meditate" at the International Take Care of You Conference, “Treating the Heart of Addiction” at the 2022 Nevada State Council on Problem Gambling, “Treatment the Evolving Gold Standard" at the 2022 Pennsylvania Certification Board Conference, June 2022. He presented a panel discussion “Cannabis” at NAADAC's Advocacy in Action Conference, April 2022. He also published Manage My Emotions, May 2022.
Lisa Phillips presented "Creativity and Wellness" for the PG Mental Health Series, June 2022.
Julee Poole presented "Turning Obstacles into Opportunities” for the PG Mental Health Series. She was interviewed by Fortune.com for “Is an Online Master’s Degree in Psychology Worth it?”, May 2022.
Bridget Rivera presented "The Importance of Self Care: Because You Can't Pour from an Empty Cup" for the PG Mental Health Series, June 2022.
May 2022
Education and Communication
Julia Nyberg and Misty LaCour presented "Get Happy! A Happiness Workshop" at the ASCD Emerging Leader Event , April 2022.
Graduate Public Safety
Holli Vah Seliskar published “Harnessing Grit: Strategies for Building Resilience in Students” in Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences' ACJS Today, May 2022.
Legal Studies
Jane McElligott won the Faculty Scholarship Award for April 2022.
James Hazel presented "Judging Common Traffic Violations" at the Arizona Judicial College of the Arizona Supreme Court, May 2022.
Brian Craig was interviewed by Grace Tatter, a producer with NPR/WBUR's Here & Now, to discuss his book, Stringfellow Acid Pitts, May 2022.
April 2022
Education and Communication
Misty LaCour presented “The Impact of Student Response Systems Technology in the University Classroom: Increasing Student Engagement and Retention for At-Risk Learners” at the International Conference on eLearning and Innovation, April 2022.
Julia Nyberg, Miranda Brand and Sara Sander presented "Promoting a University-wide Approach to Enrich Multicultural and Diversity Content“ at the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Conference, April 2022.
Maggie Broderick, A. Babcok, and A. Lynn presented “Challenges and Opportunities for Secondary Students and Teachers During COVID-19: Teachers' Lived Experiences” at the Innovate Online Conference (OLC), April 2022.
Legal Studies
John Berube published "Social Media and the Communications Decency Act" in the Paralegal Association of Florida's In Brief, April 2022.
Josh Dalrymple published “New Tax Implications for Hobbyist Sales Using Payment Apps (Correct)" in Bloomberg Tax, April 2022.
Caryn Andrews presented “Neurobiology of Trauma & PTSD” and “Interacting with Persons with Disabilities” at the Suburban Law Enforcement Academy (SLEA), April 2022.
Natasha Chung, Tara Matthews and K. Barrett published “Multicultural Perspectives in Co-occurring Treatment” in Routledge, April 2022.
Natasha Chung, Fred Dombrowski and Tara Matthews published “Co-occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: Evidence-based Integrative Treatment and Multicultural Application” and “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Review of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder]. in Routledge, April 2022.
Timothy Legg presented “Eating Disorders in Persons with Substance Use Disorders” at Banyan Treatment Center, March 2022.
Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones presented “Understanding Psychological Evaluations in Civil and Criminal Cases” at the Orange County Bar Association. She also presented “Parenting Coordination Training, Center for Cooperative Parenting” at NCPA and “What Psychologists Need to Know about Duty to Warn Obligations” and “Psychology, Money, and Divorce” at the NC Bar Association, February – March, 2022.
Public Administration
Bill Campbell presented “Establishing a Proactive Ethics Program: Utilizing Assessments to Identify Problems, Increase Ethics and Reduce Corruption” at the American Society for Public Administration’s Annual Conference, March 2022.
March 2022
Education and Communication
Misty LaCour participated on the Careers in Higher Education Panel at the ASCD Emerging Leader Event, February 2022.
Julia Nyberg, S. N. Kaplan, J. Manzone published “Professional Learning Standards” in NAGC Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Education Programming Standards, February 2022. Julia also authored the bill “Gifted and Talented Equitable Access Act” for California, March 2022.
Kelvin Beckett published “Everyone Teaches, Everyone Learns: Rediscovering Communities of Inquiry” in International Journal of Educational Media and Technology, March 2022.
Erin Berman presented “Don’t Get Trapped Inside: Time to Think Outside the Box (A Course Design Approach).” at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, February 2022.
Legal Studies
Brian Craig reviewed “Burton’s Legal Thesaurus: The Legal Reference Book Every Lawyer Should Have” in Federal Lawyer, March 2022.
Jane McElligott published “The Fur Flies as Fur Farming Bans Proliferate Around the Globe" in the ABA Animal Law Committee Newsletter, March 2022.
Nancy Fioritto and K. Khakimova co-authored “Restorative Justice: A Global Evolution in Conflict Resolution through the Lens of Uzbekistan and the United States” in the European Journal of Innovation in Nonformal Education, March 2022.
Marilyn Smith was featured in the podcast “Transitioning to Work in Delaware, the Crucial Role of Transportation Planning, and the Opportunities Resented by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” at the Institute for Public Administration, Biden School of Public Policy & Administration, University of Delaware, March 2022.
Fred Dombrowski and Tara Matthew published the textbook Co-occurring Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders: Evidence-based Integrative Treatment and Multicultural Application, Routledge, March 2022.
Katia Araujo presented “Time Management for Busy Students: Resisting Distortive Thinking Patterns and Achieving Success” for the PG ASC, March 2022.
Delores Harrell presented “Family Engagement and Health & Wellness Workshops” at the DeKalb Council of PTAs, March 2022.
Jill Kaplan presented “Increase Your Resilience and Grit to Meet Every Challenge of Your Legal Career” at the Florida Bar Association, March 2022.
Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones presented “Psychology, Money, and Divorce” at the North Carolina Bar Association, March 2022, and “Parenting Coordination Training” at the Center for Cooperative Parenting, February 2022.
February 2022
Fredrick Dombrowski presented “Navigating Gender Differences Between Counselor and Client” at NAADAC, January 2022.
Suzanne Robison presented “Providing Basic DBT Skills with Treatment Integrity” at the Cognitive Behavioral Institute, February 2022.
Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones presented “Tarasoff and Child Abuse Reporting Requirements” and “How to Deal with Subpoenas, Attorneys, and other Matters Related to Working as a Therapist in a Family Law Case” at the North Carolina Psychological Association. She also presented “Psychology of Money in Family Law Cases” at the North Carolina Bar Association, February 2022.
January 2022
Education and Communication
Lisa Wright and Dena AuCoin presented a poster session "Faculty Mentoring of Students for Professional Development in an Online Environment” at NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) National Virtual Conference, December 2021.
Suzanne Gellens and Lois Wachtel presented “Techniques to Make Virtual Early Childhood Education Equal to In-Person Teacher Preparation” at NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) National Virtual Conference, December 2021.
Kelvin Beckett peer-reviewed "The Implicit Epistemology of White Fragility" for Educational Philosophy and Theory, October 2021.
Julia Nyberg and J.A. Manzone published “The Home and Community Connections Model: Shifting the Power From Teacher Differentiation to Learner Personalization” in the Handbook of Research on Challenging Deficit Thinking for Exceptional Education Improvement. They also published “Constructing Culturally-Authentic Differentiated Access Points Using the Content Imperatives” in Creating Equitable Services for the Gifted: Protocols for Identification, Implementation, and Evaluation, January 2022.
Misty LaCour published "The Impact of Student Response Systems Technology in the University Classroom: Increasing Student Engagement and Retention
Tom Alexander created “Introduction to Trauma-informed Care; Trauma-informed Care and the Aging population; Trauma-informed Care and Substance Use Disorder; Chronic Pain; Restrictive Interventions; Critical Incident Reporting; Local Mental Health Authorities 101; Harm Reduction; Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation; Motivational Interviewing” for the Professional Trainings for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission Centralized Training Infrastructure, December 2021.
Ryan Bable published “Delay Discounting, Dating Applications, and Risky Sexual Behavior: An Exploratory Study” for The Psychological Record, January 2022.
Gabrielle Blackman published book chapters “Planning to Address Ethical Challenges of International Leadership Research and Social Media and Crowdsourcing” for International Leadership Research: Untapped Potential in Handbook for International and Cross-Cultural Leadership Research Processes, December 2021.
Fredrick Dombrowski published “You are a Resource: Connecting with your Passion and Standing Out” in Counseling Today, January 2022.
Lisa Jackson presented “Inspiring Student Engagement” at the Mercy College of Ohio Conference, January 2022.
Tara Matthews and Fredrick Dombrowski presented “Perspectives: Navigating Gender Differences Between Counselor and Client” at the NAADAC Webinar, January 2022.
Ken Martz presented “Clear Your Mind, Change Your Life!” at the Gut Health Immunity Summit and "Transform Your Mind Change Your Life!” at the Second Chance Virtual Summit, December 2021 and January 2022.
Susan Zukowski presented “Moving the Workforce Forward through Professional Development and Academic Pathways” at CAEL (Council for Adult and Experiential Learning), December 2021.
Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones presented “Discernment Counseling” at the NCPA (North Carolina Psychological Association), December 2021.
Public Administration
Karla Drenner published “Faith-based Influences on Legislative Decision Making: Emerging Research and Opportunities” in the Information Science Reference, November 2021. She also published the following chapters “The Future of LGBT Politics; Public Accommodations: Discrimination and Sexual Orientation; Social Change: The Power of Place” in the Research Anthology on Inclusivity and Equity for the LGBTQ+ Community, January 2022.