Shannon Evans

BS in Health Care Administration

What motivated you to want to go to college and Purdue Global in particular?

I started college right out of high school nearly a decade ago, but I dropped out for financial reasons. I started online college two years later at Kaplan University, but dropped out again because of financial reasons in relation to my mother not wanting to cosign on student loans. I enrolled at Purdue Global in the summer of 2018 and have been on an adventurous journey to graduate. My motivation comes from my amazingly supportive husband, my best friend of 22 years, and my parents, who are very happy to not be cosigned on any loans for me.

What is one challenge you have faced in continuing or completing your studies/degree? How did you overcome that challenge?

I have had many challenges in continuing and/or completing my degree, but the main challenge I had was procrastination. I found myself struggling, especially during COVID, to be motivated to complete certain assignments. On top of COVID I was planning my wedding over the last year and because of COVID, I had to make many sacrifices. I lost a couple loved ones from health related problems (not COVID) and the toll of their losses really hit me hard. I felt that those instances greatly affected my ability to complete assignments. I procrastinated due to wanting to spend every moment with my loved ones, in fear that something bad might happen to them. Procrastination is a struggle and I recommend finding time to set aside for school work, no matter what is happening in your life.

What was your most positive experience at Purdue Global and why?

My most positive experience at Purdue Global has to have been working with my Student Advisor, Robin Farrin. She has been so supportive throughout my entire journey at Purdue Global. She makes an effort to reach out whenever she can, and her efforts are what have kept me sane throughout the entire experience. College can be scary and overwhelming, but with the proper assistance and support team, anything is possible. Students are very lucky if they get to have Robin as their Student Advisor. She will go above and beyond and will certainly have an impact on each student.

How has going to college impacted you and your family?

It has been difficult. I had to sacrifice spending time with my family because of classes. I had to miss out on certain things because I had a paper due the next morning. I missed many bingo games at the carnival with my grandmother because of Thursday night seminars. Everyone understood what I was trying to accomplish, so the burden on my friends and family wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. However, I struggled a lot. Being a first-generation college student there was no one I could turn to for advice or for structure and guidance. I relied solely on myself and every now and then, I would reach out to my best friend and ask for counseling and motivation. It often helped, more than she will ever realize.

What advice would you give to first-generation college students thinking about attending Purdue Global?

Study. Read the textbook often. Prioritize your time. Being a first-generation college student is hard in itself. Everyone expect you to do well and accomplish great things, but no one tells you how hard it actually is. Online college is no joke.