Josephine King

AAS in Criminal Justice and Criminology

What motivated you to want to go to college and Purdue Global in particular?

I wanted to go to college because it was always my dream to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice, but I had kids at a young age. My son was born with a heart defect and my daughter has autism. My dreams changed and I placed myself on the back burner for many years while I raised my children. They are doing fine and are 9, 15, and 17...great kids! I chose Purdue Global because it seemed like it had great reviews. Also, when I signed up, I had low hopes because I didn't really have any money for school. The lady who I spoke to on the phone said, "That's not a problem, we have great financial aid." Y'all do!

What is one challenge you have faced in continuing or completing your studies/degree? How did you overcome that challenge?

Time. Having a great husband and kids helped, but I work full time and it was still a struggle. My priorities had to change quite a bit over two years. Our home was destroyed, not by one, but two hurricanes. My sister found out she had cancer. She lives 4 hours away. My sister-in-law passed away, leaving behind our little niece and nephew (11 & 9). In this time period my mother moved out of state. I felt lost and alone, but had no time to stop and absorb any of it.

I overcame this by being grateful for the support I did have. My coworkers and boss were super supportive. I also cried. A lot. I am crying right now because I am so proud of myself. And yes, every single time I had to, I reached out to my professors and they reassured me that they were there to help with whatever I needed.

What was your most positive experience at Purdue Global and why?

The live seminars. Eventually I wasn't able to attend as many as I wanted to, but even watching them later was fun. My husband and kids would listen in and laugh with the class or ask me questions. It was engaging and insightful!

How has going to college impacted you and your family?

Going to college has made a positive impact on my life. I feel educated and confident. I encouraged two of my coworkers to go back to school. I feel like I owed this to myself and it was a little harder than I thought it would be, but I obviously chose the best school to attend.

Going to college has impacted my family in many ways. It has made my husband and kids more independent, because although I was home, I wasn't available to do much on most days. It has impacted my kids in positive ways. My oldest is excited to continue his education and my youngest continues to ask questions and show interest in my schoolwork. My husband's patience has really been tested and he was so extremely helpful and supportive this whole time. I am still trying to think of ways to pay him back for all he has done.

What advice would you give to first-generation college students thinking about attending Purdue Global?

Do it! You owe it to yourself. You owe it to your family. And you owe it to your future. If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done...this is completely attainable!!!