Jenn Owens

BS in Psychology in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

What motivated you to want to go to college and Purdue Global in particular?

I have always wanted to complete my degree since leaving college the first time. I chose Purdue Global because it was one of several highlighted programs from my employer.

What is one challenge you have faced in continuing or completing your studies/degree? How did you overcome that challenge?

Working full time while managing a household, raising kids, sitting on the local school board, and being an equal partner to my husband. This was difficult enough and then the pandemic hit - once we hit crisis mode at work, stress and workload more than doubled. This required COVID taskforces to support our front-line workers, stand-up testing sites in partnership with HHS/CDC, through vaccine distribution. My role on the school board required the same attention as we prepared the district for remote learning and handling state mandates.

To be honest, I don't know how I overcame these challenges any other way than realizing that I had no other choice.

What was your most positive experience at Purdue Global and why?

Completing the program!

How has going to college impacted you and your family?

As an adult student, I feel like I am leading by example for my kids. They see first hand what it takes to reach your goals.

What advice would you give to first-generation college students thinking about attending Purdue Global?

Make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. When you know your motivation you are willing to make the appropriate sacrifices to commit to success.