Chrystal McIntosh

BS in Legal Support and Services - Paralegal

What motivated you to want to go to college and Purdue Global in particular?

To better my career choices for my family and me.

What is one challenge you have faced in continuing or completing your studies/degree? How did you overcome that challenge?

Time and financial issues have always stopped me from obtaining my degree.

What was your most positive experience at Purdue Global and why?

The Professors are amazing and the Student Advisors are on point at all times, making sure you are in it to succeed.

How has going to college impacted you and your family?

It has been hard financially as I am not able to work while going to school, and my spouse is the only one bringing in money for the family.

What advice would you give to first-generation college students thinking about attending Purdue Global?

Just do it. You never know when you will want a change and when they will want proof of degrees to work in society nowadays.