Christine Nordeen

BS in Legal Support and Services - Paralegal

What motivated you to want to go to college and Purdue Global in particular?

Reputation, reviews, credentials, and ratings.

What is one challenge you have faced in continuing or completing your studies/degree? How did you overcome that challenge?

Balancing work, family, and school.

What was your most positive experience at Purdue Global and why?

The responsiveness of the instructors when I emailed them a question, and also how they involve you in the seminars. It took me a long time to feel like I was really in school Now it's as real as a traditional classroom.

How has going to college impacted you and your family?

My daughter has realized the importance of a higher education and how attainable it can be now a days.

What advice would you give to first-generation college students thinking about attending Purdue Global?

Go to your instructors if you need help, and hang in there it does get easier.