OCT - DEC 2022

Thank you for taking the time to read about what is happening in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 

This issue of the SBS Quarterly Newsletter has information on events, news, and more from our college. 

If you have any questions or would like additional information added to this newsletter, please feel free to reach out to me at 

At this time of Thanksgiving, we express our gratitude for each and every member of our SBS team. 

Wishing you happiness, joyful hearts, (and full bellies) this Thanksgiving and always.

With sincere appreciation,

Your SBS Family

What's Happening?

" I had the privilege of attending the Purdue Global graduation ceremony on October 22 with two of our distinguished faculty, Dr. Susan Wilson (right) and John Berube (left), who have had integral roles in our students' successes. Together we celebrated our SBS graduates and welcomed several hundred new alumni. " 

~ Dr. Sara Sander

Program News: Psychology

Recently, one of our 2019 M.S. Psych (ABA concentration) graduates Megan MacKellar, along with the assistance of several of our Psychology Faculty, completed a 3-year-long study of behavior analytics on killer whales and published an article in a well known ABA journal.  

Program Spotlight: Aviation

These two classmates, both from Italy, did not know each other prior to coming to Purdue Global. Both recently completed their bachelor's through the professional flight program and are full-time airline pilots. Read more about this amazing duo and why they chose Purdue Global's Aviation degree! 

See the Article: Purdue Global connects classmates in Milan, Rome pursuing same degree

Purdue Global Village

Thank you to those who Presented and/or Attended! If you were not able to attend or would like to review the conferences, we invite you to: 

Please contact with any questions.

From the Dean


November 17 @ 2pm EST

FILL OUT the form below to attend individual and small group sessions with Dr. Sara Sander! 


Tues, Dec 6 @ 2p EST

Just for Fun! 

Did you know... 

No word in the English
language rhymes with month, orange, silver and purple.

(and no, murple is not a word)