August 28, 2023

University Spotlight

Purdue G.L.O.B.A.L. Distinction Awards Nominations

The annual Purdue G.L.O.B.A.L. Distinction Awards nomination period is now open. These awards highlight excellence and honor the achievements of Purdue University Global faculty and staff. Most importantly, these awards are given by colleagues to colleagues you recognize for innovative work that impacts our students and our success as a university serving working adults. Nominations for the annual awards (representing the academic year July 2022 - June 2023) are now welcome. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, September 6. Submit a nomination today! 

PG News and Updates

Artificial Intelligence in the PG Classroom 

From the desk of Jon Harbor, Provost:

As we navigate the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the PG classroom, it is important that we are consistent in our approach to AI use in student work. It is critical that we are all implementing the procedures outlined in the April 21st email about AI in the classroom - procedures recommended by PG faculty and staff who are leading our AI efforts. 

This is a new dynamic for both faculty and students, and a learning experience, so consistency is important in our efforts to support student learning and academic integrity. If we don’t follow these procedures, it becomes more difficult to uphold our academic integrity/plagiarism standards. Read more from Provost Harbor.

Jon Harbor

Update on Shared Mailbox Access

As part of our ongoing commitment to safeguarding Purdue Global data, we are restructuring how we use shared mailboxes within our business processes. Traditionally, shared mailboxes are accessed by switching profiles within your email account, and some shared mailboxes are even accessed using a common shared password. However, this practice presents a notable security risk due to the common practice of maintaining uniform passwords for shared mailboxes, rendering them susceptible to unauthorized access. 

Beginning Oct 16, 2023, access protocols for shared mailboxes will change. This enhancement will solely affect shared mailboxes accessed using a password. Shared mailbox passwords are not de-provisioned like user accounts, and the passwords remain the same because they are shared with a group. This new access protocol ensures that only authorized personnel can log into shared mailboxes by the following methods:

Users who require access to shared mailboxes can do so confidently and securely, primarily through VPN connectivity.  Moreover, it's worth noting that some of these shared mailboxes contain important files and documents. In alignment with this change, the service desk will no longer provide passwords for shared mailboxes. 

What to Expect

Most of our PG users will connect via VPN. The change in access protocols will require shared mailbox users to sign into VPN first and then sign into their shared mailbox. There will be no change to current passwords. For more information on VPNs, please visit the PGIT home page

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or require assistance post-implementation, please contact Purdue Global IT (

Zoom Client Update Reminder 

Updating your Zoom client app to the latest version is highly recommended. Zoom frequently releases updated versions with new meeting features, bug fixes, and security updates. Using the latest version is essential to ensure you have the best seminar experience when using Zoom.

To update the Zoom client, follow these steps.

Across the University

Frank Dooley

Register for Next Global Chat - Wednesday, Sept. 13

In these informal meetings, faculty, and staff engage with Chancellor Frank Dooley and Provost Jon Harbor in Google Meet. The Wednesday, September 13, 2:00 pm ET Global Chat will be with Chancellor Dooley. Register here by Tuesday, September 12 at 12 pm ET. 

Global Chats were created in response to feedback from a Purdue Global Town Hall. They were primarily designed to allow employees to get to know Dr. Dooley and Dr. Harbor, as well as each other, and they have welcomed more than 200 employees since October 2020. 

These meetings are casual, interactive, and open to all Purdue Global employees. Topics vary; participants typically learn about new initiatives, exchange ideas, and make connections with colleagues across the university. Participants may also have the opportunity to ask questions of the Chancellor and Provost. Bring your questions and ideas! Casual business attire and webcam capability are strongly encouraged. Email with any questions. 

Ashley Flood to Present at Student Success US Conference

Ashley Flood, Manager of Student Success Coaching, will be presenting at the Student Success US Conference at UCLA on November 8. Ashley will be discussing personalized support for adult learners, and the different kinds and modes of support those groups may need. Ashley is a member of the Student Success team at Purdue Global that focuses on a relational approach to student success by providing more intensive support. Learn more about the Student Success team, their resources, and how you can get involved.

Ashley Flood
Chris Bentley

Earning a Purdue Global Degree and Teaching Courses Now, Too

Chris Bentley saw value in a Purdue Global degree to help move his career forward. He’s sharing how earning an online master’s degree in information technology has contributed to success.  

I didn’t hesitate to jump in and earn my degree with Purdue Global. It’s given me the confidence that I needed to move forward in my career, and it’s even opened doors to new opportunities. 

I’m the senior information technology project manager at Purdue University, but I began my career in education. My background as a teacher has given me some strengths that I’m still using today. Project management is a big one. I learned how to focus on what’s going on, what’s coming up, what’s been completed – that still comes in handy – but I was looking to sharpen my technical skills while I was the IT support and service manager for the College of Health and Human Sciences. I felt like I didn’t have the competitive edge that other people who had always been in IT have. Read more about Chris' Purdue Global journey.

Upcoming Events

Check out more information about upcoming events on the Purdue Global Calendar

Monday, August 28

11:00 am ET


Join this Purdue Global-wide meditation session to help foster self-care to better serve your family, students, and colleagues. Meditation sessions are open to all at Purdue Global; experience is not required. Students may access the link to enter via announcements in PG411 Help! Student Success Connection.

Tuesday, August 29

1:00 pm ET

New Brightspace Instructor Permissions

This session will provide an overview of the new instructor permissions in Brightspace that launched on August 23, 2023. The new permissions provide faculty the ability to create and edit content modules/items and discussion forums/topics. The permissions are a part of the Classroom of the Future Purdue Global Move. The change will empower faculty with new ways to support student success in their Brightspace classrooms. Students will benefit from the added perspective of faculty expertise shared within unique content items and discussion topics in their classes.

Wednesday, August 30

1:30 pm ET

AI Guidance for Faculty

Join this session to discuss best practices and guidance around the use of AI tools. Topics include consideration for AI detection tools, steps for suspected misuse of AI tools, recommendations for student interactions, and resources for faculty and students.

Purdue Global Calendars