Student Success Faculty and Staff Resources


This site was created to be a hub for student success resources for faculty and staff at Purdue Global. As an internal resource, we ask you not to share this website with students.  However, you are welcome to use the resources here to connect students with student success resources and support.  When a link or resource is shareable, we will include that in the text. 

This site will help you learn more about success coaching!

Note: This link can be shared with students!

Click here to learn ways to engage with student success, including how to make a referral  to success coaching and join the success coaches for Power Hour.

Internal Resource Sites

This site contains info on supporting students struggling with basic needs security at Purdue Global. 

Note: This site is only for faculty and staff. 

This site contains resources for GetSet, our student-facing socal media site.  Learn more about GetSet and find some slide you can include in your PowerPoint to get students more involved.

 Note: This site is only for faculty and staff. 

This site is for faculty teaching in the Business Education Start Track  (BEST). 

Note: This site is only for faculty and staff.