Welcome to the Purdue Global Student Resources page dedicated to generative artificial intelligence (AI)! Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of resources designed to support your learning journey and enhance your understanding of AI concepts and applications. From gaining a foundational understanding of AI, to leveraging AI technologies for learning and enhancing your skills through hands-on projects, these resources will empower you in your exploration of generative AI. Discover the basics, learn from reliable sources, and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in this rapidly evolving field. Get ready to dive into the exciting world of generative AI and unlock its potential for your academic and professional pursuits.

Note: The introduction and accompanying video were both created using generative-AI tools.

Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In basic terms AI, or artificial intelligence, is a technology that makes computers and machines smart. It helps them perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, like understanding speech, recognizing objects, or making decisions. AI uses algorithms and data to learn from examples and improve over time. You can find AI in things like voice assistants, self-driving cars, and recommendation systems. It has the potential to transform various aspects of our lives and make machines more helpful and capable. As a college student, AI can empower you by enhancing your learning, productivity, and academic success.  For instance, you may use it to create tailored study plans, get real-time tutoring assistance, or find explanations for complex concepts. AI tools can also assist with time management, language learning, and translation, as well as facilitate teamwork on group projects. For a few more tips related to engaging with AI, check out the short presentation below.

Understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI).pptx

Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses of AI in College Coursework




Below is a current example of an acceptable use of generative AI in a discussion board from an American Government course. 

Step 1: Student asks the generative-AI tool to provide references related to the discussion prompt topic. 

For example: 

 “Briefly explain the US executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and explain: What Article within the Constitution explains how the Constitution can be changed? - Please provide sources”

Step 2: Student checks if the sources are real and if they correspond to their research. 

Step 3: Student compares generative-AI sources to the unit readings provided. Note: generative AI is not always accurate. 

Step 4: Student then writes and submits their own response and cite their sources following APA guidelines


Finally, feel free to check out this handout for additional tips.


Below is a current example of an unacceptable use of generative-AI tool in a discussion board from an American Government course. 

Step 1: Student copies and pastes the following discussion prompt into a generative-AI tool:

For example:

“Briefly explain the US executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and explain: What Article within the Constitution explains how the Constitution can be changed?”

Step 2: Student copies and pastes AI response directly into the discussion board as if they wrote it.

Why is this not an acceptable use of AI? 

In this case, the student plagiarized by attempting to take credit for the AI-generated text as their own work (students should follow PG Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity guidance).

Featured Articles

Practical Applications of AI

Guidance for the Ethical Use of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in various aspects of our lives, from personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to advanced data analytics in business and healthcare. As students, it is important to understand the ethical implications of AI in order to use it responsibly. Also, as future professionals and innovators, you play a vital role in shaping the ethical landscape of AI. By understanding and addressing the following ethical considerations, you can contribute to the responsible and beneficial use of AI.

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