Purdue Global Generative AI Statement 

Purdue Global is monitoring the global discussion around the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) content in and outside of academia. The university recognizes that AI technology has the potential to change how students, faculty, and staff produce academic content. Therefore, the following statement is intended to provide initial support to individuals who are interested in using tools like ChatGPT. 

Purdue Global students, faculty, and staff may already use AI tools such as Grammarly, Turnitin, and Photomath. However, with the introduction of ChatGPT, there is a new level in the potential of AI to impact academic work. Guidance in the development of skills that leverage the use of AI in the 21st century career marketplace is needed. Therefore, PG acknowledges that ChatGPT, like other AI resources, can–when used appropriately–help users with analysis, generate new ideas and practice critical thinking. For more details, please visit the AI & Writing page to review resources on how to use ChatGPT. 

As this technology evolves, Purdue Global will generate new resources and share follow-up statements with students, faculty, and staff. In the meantime, the following summarizes some basic parameters to observe when using generative AI to create new written content: 

Appropriate uses of AI-generated content include, but are not limited to: 

● Writing assistance: AI can help organize writing. 

● Research assistance: AI can access billions of internet resources. 

● Study assistance: AI can help summarize academic content for additional examples. 

● Circumstances where AI use is expressly permitted. 

Inappropriate uses of AI-generated content: 

● Plagiarism: Attempting to take credit for AI-generated content as your own work (students would follow PG Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity guidance). 


● Generative AI, like ChatGPT, often makes mistakes. Verify all generative AI content.

Jon Harbor | Provost 

February 9, 2023

© 2023 PG AI Task Force | Webmaster: William Ashley Johnson | Contact: wjohnson3@purdueglobal.edu