Week 11

WALT: make inferences from a text.


  1. Read the text with your teacher.

  2. Read the text again on your own.

  3. Complete the "alphabetical" task for this story that you have read.

  4. Complete the file and make a copy task.

Teacher Notes

Free Juice

Review task


Week 10: New Zealand

WALT: understand key New Zealanders and the role they have had in shaping our country.


Have you ever wondered what makes New Zealand a great country?

Not only do you live in this most extraordinary country in the universe (others would beg to differ) but many significant events and people before our time, has helped shape New Zealand to where it is today.

Click on the button below to find the week 10 learning.

Week 9: Camp Reflections

WALT: reflect on our week at camp

Year 5&6 Camp 2021 Highlights.mp4


Last week we held our Year 5&6 Camp on our school field. It was amazing! This is your chance to reflect on your camp experience. What were some of your highlights from camp? If you didn't go to camp, write about your experience last week anyway.

Click on the button below to find the week 9 learning.

Week 8: Camp

WALT: get ourselves ready for camp

Why Setting Goals is Crucial.mp4


This week on Wednesday we have our Year 5&6 Camp at our school. Are you ready for camp? Remember to bring your packed camp bag to school tomorrow and your packet of biscuits. Today you will be learning all about the importance of setting a SMART Goal. Setting achievable goals is an important part of learning. Setting goals can help you to achieve your dreams. What are your goals this year?

Click on the button below to find the week 8 learning.

Week 7

WALT: make connections to what I am reading.


  1. Read the text with your teacher.

  2. Read the text again on your own.

  3. Complete the 4 facts task.

  4. Complete the response to text task.

  5. Complete to making connections task.

  6. Fast finishers - Choose an extra task to complete.

Teacher Notes

Always Great, Never Late!

Key points task

Response to text task

Making connections task

Week 6

Covid Alert Level 2

Monday 8th March - Friday 12th March:
Auckland is in alert level 2, this means that it is safe for everyone to come back to school for learning. We will be making sure that we provide a socially distanced classroom to continue with our learning at school.

This week we will be looking at some of the wonders of the world.

Access your learning here:

Week 5

Covid Alert Level 3

Monday 1st March - Friday 5th March:Auckland is in alert level 3, this means unless you need to attend school you are being asked to complete remote learning from home.

This week for our learning we are going to be looking at different cultures around the world. We will also be looking at cultures within different continents.

Access your learning here:

Week 4

Covid Alert Level 2 and 1

Monday 22nd February:
Auckland is in alert level 2, this means that it is safe for everyone to come back to school for learning.

Tuesday 23rd February onwards
Auckland is back in alert level 1! We should all now be back at school for our learning.

We will keep our learning the same as last week just for this week you can access your learning here:

Week 3

Covid Alert Level 3 and 2

Monday 15th February - Wednesday 17th February:
Auckland is in alert level 3, this means unless you need to attend school you are being asked to complete remote learning from home.

Thursday 18th February - Friday 19th February:
Auckland is in alert level 2, this means that it is safe for everyone to come back to school for learning.

Access your learning here:

Week 2

WALT: know what the expectations and routines are for reading time.


  1. Read the text with your teacher.

  2. Read the text again on your own.

  3. Complete the "alphabetical" task for this story that you have read.

Teacher Notes


Alphabetical task

How to make a copy task

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Week 1

Treaty of Waitangi 13:2.dv


  1. Watch the video.

  2. Complete the template.

  3. Learn your new routines and expectations.

  4. See your teacher when called on.