
We are now at alert Level 3 step 2.

We will be returning back to school on Monday 22nd November. Before you arrive to school, please check with your whanau/aiga that this google form has been completed OR refer to our school website. This is to help us plan a safe return to school.

Your learning is available online check out this link to find todays work.

Ata Marie Team 4! Nau mai Haere Mai!

Welcome to Week 7 - Both face to face and online learning. So good to have you here!

We are still at Alert level 3 step 2 here in Auckland. Stay vigilant!

This weeks topic is 'Artists'. Each day, we will be introducing a different artist for you to learn about. You may have heard of these artists before but in the form of the Teenage Ninja Turtles! Their names in fact come from famous renaissance artists.

Blog post what you've learnt. Use the links on the Team 4 site to join your class Google Meet. If you have any questions, let your teachers know.

If you are working online - 'Check the change of time & number of Google Meets'.

See you soon either face to face or online learning.

#Stay safe, stay kind #Ka Kite! Kia Kaha!

At School Reminders!

What to bring:

  • a mask (wear one to school. It will be worn during class time)

  • a water bottle with your name on it & morning tea (lunch will be provided)

  • your school jumper or something warm to wear

  • a fully charged chrome book

  • Google Meeting for everyone (at home and at school) at 9am and at 12pm.