How can I help prepare my child for Year 5?

Starting Year 5 is a big step for you and your child to take and you can make it an exciting and happy one by encouraging your child to look forward to it and preparing them in different ways. You are your child’s first teacher and your support throughout their school life is an invaluable part of their continued learning.

Here are a few ways you can encourage your child to be ready for Year 5:

  1. Regular work on Times Tables. By Year 5, children are expected to know their 2-12 and 25 times tables. Make it fun with small rewards and incorporate them into part of daily life e.g. recite them on the way to school, as they eat their breakfast or as they walk to school.

  1. Reading is the best way to broaden your children's horizons and develop their vocabulary. Reading to them is fantastic but also encourage them to read aloud to you. This will help to develop their tone and inflexion as they read.

  2. Encourage your child to tie their own shoelaces.

  3. Encourage your child to dress/undress independently - practising with uniform and PE kit. This will help when they come to Swimming lessons.