Splitting Your Screen

Splitting a Screen on Windows

In this screenshot we used the the Windows Key and Left Arrow keys while in Zoom to put Zoom on the left side of the screen here. 

2. Hover over the program of the other window you want open. In this tutorial a Google Slide in Chrome will be Screen #2. 

We hover over Chrome and click on the window we want to be Screen #2

3. Screen #2 has now opened. Within the other screen you will now use "Windows Key" and an "arrow key" of the other direction to place it on the other half.

In this specific example, Screen #2 will go on the right side of the screen, so we will hold "Windows Key" and the "Right Arrow Key".

After moving Screen #2 to the right, mini versions of all windows open may pop up on the side. From there you can choose your other screen and it will place it on the opposite side. 

4. This is what your final split screen will look like. You can use your mouse to hover over the halfway point of the screen and make one bigger than the other as well. When you're done with split screen use the maximize button in the top right corner to go back to full screen. 

Still Having Trouble?

How to Split Your Screen

Splitting My Screen.mp4