SEL for Adults

This page offers some resources to help support the wellness of caregivers

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence Webinars

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence: Managing Emotions through Self-Care & Building Resilience Recorded Webinar. Life has become more complicated, but self-care doesn’t have to be. There are steps you can take to keep your emotional and physical well-being in check while overcoming the challenges that surround us. Click the link for a webinar on managing emotions and building resilience through self-care. In this webinar, Dr. Robin Stern, associate director, and Nikki Elbertson, director of content and communications at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, explores strategies you can use to care for yourself and build your capacity to cope.

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence: Managing Anxiety Around COVID-19: Tips for You and Your School Community Recorded Webinar. In this webinar, Dr. Robin Stern, associate director, and Nikki Elbertson, director of content and communications at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, discusses emotion management tips during this time of uncertainty.

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence: Ideas for Practice & Play with Emotional Intelligence Recorded Webinar. In this webinar, Robin Stern, associate director, Jessica Hoffmann, director of high school initiatives, and Kathryn Lee, director of RULER for Families explore ways we can develop our emotional skills together using the Mood Meter, RULER games, and prompts to get everyone talking about their emotions.

UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC)

Free Guided Meditation Podcasts at the Hammer Museum

Every Thursday at 12:30 pm, MARC holds a free, drop-in, 30-minute guided meditation session at UCLA's Hammer Museum. You can download previously recorded podcasts by following this link or join live each Thursday at 12:30 pm via Zoom.

Each week has a different theme and usually includes introductory comments, guided meditation, silent practice time, and closing comments. Each also offers a new daily life practice for the week.

Sessions are led by Diana Winston, Director of Mindfulness Education at MARC, and by guest leaders.

Studio Recorded Guided Meditations can be found by clicking this link (English and Spanish versions):

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

CASEL CARES: Strategies for Being Your Best Possible 'SEL'f with Dr. Marc Brackett Recorded Webinar

CASEL CARES is a new initiative that connects the SEL community with experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to today’s circumstances. Link to the recorded webinar:

Managing Stress (2.06 min video)

Our crazy busy lives can be stressful. Here are three tips for managing your stress year-round.

Published by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

This webinar on Mindfulness is part of the CASEL Cares Webinar Series. This webinar guides you through self-care and mindfulness exercises for adults.