Math at PS 29
Building Thinking Classrooms at PS 29
Students are loving a new structure for math learning that PS 29 teachers are trying out this year in several grades! Based on the research of Dr. Peter Liljedahl, author of Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, students are working in randomized groups of 2 or 3 to solve problems together on big whiteboards. This structure gives students a chance to collaborate, learn from each other, and move at a pace that works for them and their partners through collections of increasingly challenging problems from our curriculum.
Enjoy these photos from a 4th grade class, working on solving addition problems using the standard algorithm for the first time. Some groups challenged themselves to create the hardest type of addition problem they could imagine - including lots of 9s and digits up to the ten billions place!
Lunchtime Math Club!
Lunchtime Math Club!
Each grade K-5 had a 3-week cycle of math enrichment in the Spring of 2024, in the form of a lunchtime math club. All students were offered the opportunity to participate in their grade’s lunchtime math club - teachers collected a list of interested students, and any students who were interested had the chance to either attend a lunchtime session, or engage with the activities during a special choice time in their own classroom. The activities introduced during lunchtime math club were specially selected because they foster perseverance, problem solving, STEM-related skills, and joy! Check out these photos for proof of math joy!
Math Parent Workshops
Slides from all of our past workshops are available on our Parent Workshops page.
Once again this year, we will host "Helping with Math Homework" workshops for families in every grade, 1-5. Math Coach Office Hours, every Friday morning from 9-10 am, also offer an opportunity for parents to learn more about the math their children are encountering across the grades.
To register for the upcoming parent workshops, see this flyer and register here.
Meet the Math Coach!
Who is the PS 29 math coach, and what does a math coach do, anyway?
Read this to find out more!