Music with Jay Sager

Hi everyone! I hope that you are doing well. Let's have some fun and make some music with our computers!

We are going to use Incredibox to make some music.

I've attached a video below to show you what to do:

Incredibox Lesson MP4.mp4

If you are having trouble watching the video, here are the directions:

1) Go to

2) Click “Try Web Version”.

3) Click on the picture that says “Sunrise” (you can try the other pictures another time).

4) You will see a picture of three people. Click on the button right below the word “Sunrise”.

5) Now you're ready to make music! Use your mouse to click on a colored icon, drag it on top of one of people, and let go. Once you do, you're hear some sounds.

a) Drag another icon on top of another person. You're hear more sounds.

6) Take a few minutes (2-3) to play with sounds.

7) Hover over a person that is making a sound with your mouse: you'll see three buttons.

1. The first will mute a sound.

2. The second will solo a sound.

3. The third will take it away. This is helpful if you don't like a sound.

8) Now it's time to record! Click the botton on the top left (it is a circle with three lines).

a) Click the red button that say “REC” (that means record).

9) You will have 3:03 to record after you drag the first icon on a person. This is your chance to make music! There is no right or wrong so have fun!

10) Once you are finished, here is what you should do:

1. Hit the “Save” button.

2. Fill in the information. It can be anything you want! Click the “check” to the right.

3. Click the “Share” button.

4. Click the “Mail” button.

5. Type your name (your real name, not a fake name). Send it to

6. That's it! Stay healthy and remember that you are awesome. Have fun and let me know if you have any questions.