Social Studies

American Hero Research Project

The students will be researching a person who has made a difference in United States history, per the Utah State Social Studies curriculum. 

Pick an American Hero

The students will pick three people from the list of names. They will submit the names and I will do my best to make sure they can get one of the people that they choose. Below are a few lists of people that the Wasatch Library has books about:

If your child would like to research someone who is not on the list, they need to fill out a "request form" to be approved. 

Begin Research

We will be working on research in the classroom Tuesday-Thursday during our Social Studies time (please see the calendar below). I will be teaching mini lessons explaining how to research and then the students will be given time. 

Expectations for students:

*If students get behind on work they may work on it at home as homework, but only if the date has passed for specific research or writing of essay per calendar below).

How We Will Be Taking Notes

We will be using an online document to take notes. I chose to do it this way so students can copy and paste information, pictures, and bibliography information per instructions from the Utah State Standards. This helps to prepare them for future research in middle school and high school. Also, when students use their notes digitally they can keep track of their notes and it takes less time.  

Students can get overwhelmed with researching a topic this large so we are chunking what we research each week (see calendar below). On the students' notes, there is a place for them to drop or type information they may need. This document also had the dates that we will be gathering the information. If students do not finish or are absent they are expected to make it up as homework. Students will access the document via Canvas. 

Only Use Approved Websites

If the students want to use any other website they need to have it approved by Mrs. Anderson. Wikipedia IS NOT an approved website. 

*If your child is struggling to find information, they might need to choose a different person to research.

Write Essay

All of the information will be on Canvas for the students to access. We will be using time on and off the computer for our research. We will be spending several weeks gathering information to take notes. A few weeks before our presentation we will be having lessons to discuss how to write an informational essay. The students will then take the information they collected and transfer it into their own words in their essays.

Writing Process:

The final draft will be due a week after our presentations as homework for students who need more time. The Essay is due via Canvas

Essay Helps

Trifold Expectations

The trifolds should be student-made. Students can purchase trifolds from the office or you can purchase one at the store. I will be planning on teaching students how to gather pictures and print them (if needed from the school, but I cannot promise colored ink), and we will be having a lesson about how to use a ruler to trace and cut a straight line. We will also be learning how to use construction paper cut slightly larger than the pictures so the students can learn how to use backgrounds. Parents may give suggestions and tools, but the students need to be doing the work. 

Trifold Expectations:

*Please refrain from putting any memes. This is supposed to be more professional.  

Please see the example below of trifold and presentation examples. 

Wax Museum Presentation

*We encourage parents and students to borrow anything they may need for presentations. Please do not feel that you need to purchase an exhorbatent amount for outfits or examples. 


We encourage students to please either dress up as their American Hero or to dress up in their best outfit. In the "Trifold Examples" below you can see both examples of dress up or best dress. 

Small Display

If your child has a few items they would like to display for the Wax Museum presentation they may. Please no large items. I will be providing cut cloth of blue or red for table cloths, no table cloths from home. 


The students will also have a STEM requirement tie-in using Micro:bits that we will work on in class. They will not be graded on it but will have it as an activity that aligns with their presentation. 


In class, the students will be writing and practicing their speech for the presentation. We encourage students to have it memorized, but I will also be teaching them that if they have a notecard with bullet points that is fine too. 

Speech Expectations

Parent and School Visit for Presentation

Please look for an email as the date gets closer of a dedicated time (soon after school starts) for parents to come and view the class Wax Museum. It is a time for pictures and praise.  There will also be a time for an open house for other classes in the school to come and visit. Parents may come during that time as well, but it is a little more crowded and noisy. 


Students will be graded based on their essay and their presentation per the rubric. I will be grading the students during the Wax Museum portions.

Trifold Examples