Virtues of a Knight

Building a culture that rewards success beyond grades!


Treat everyone kindly.

To admire someone or something. To think highly of another and treat them favorably, based on the honorable qualities they possess. A positive feeling or action shown towards someone that you consider important. To be courteous and polite. To have respect means you appreciate and accept individual differences. You have respect towards not only others but also SELF respect. You have a sense of worth that you attach to yourself, Love yourself.



Place your energy OUTWARD by showing interest in others.

The quality and state of being humble. Having an accurate view of one’s own role. Admitting limitations, making amends and relying on a higher power. Being truly genuine. Someone who reflects, expresses, or offers a spirit of respect. Humility is the opposite of pride. “Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues”. ~ Confucius



Avoid doing things that you may end up being ashamed of.

The true meaning of honor, is how we conduct ourselves when no one is watching. Having a keen sense of ethical conduct. A good character, or reputation for honesty. If you make a mistake, simply fix it. Honor is living with a sense of respect for what you believe is right. Showing great respect for yourself, others, and the rules. People respect and look up to people that are honorable.


Having strong morals and principles.

Choosing to hold oneself to a set of moral standards. Being upright and righteous. Being consistent in character, never switching up. Having integrity means doing the right thing in a dependable way, unwavering. Integrity means you are true to yourself, and would do nothing to dishonor that. Integrity is believing what you say and integrating what you say with what you do.


Recover quickly from difficulties.

The ability to recover quickly from difficulties. Going from crisis back to a pre-crises state, in a healthy matter of time. Bouncing back into shape. Toughness. Ones ability to persevere despite obstacles, boredom or any other circumstances. Never giving up. The ability to cope with stress, and adversity. Keeping a positive attitude. Being optimistic, seeing the glass half full as opposed to half empty. Resilience is having the power to fall and get back up ten feet taller.


Persistence in doing something despite delay in achieving success.

A continued effort to do or achieve something, especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement. To be persistent when sticking to a plan. Perseverance is NOT giving up. The effort required to do something and keep going till the end, even if it’s hard. The determination to keep trying no matter how long it takes. Perseverance is the drive that helps you get past the hard stuff and get to what you want.


Be selective, be careful, and LISTEN. Listen to everything and then decide what choice to make.

To judge well. The essence of discernment is stillness. In order to obtain proper understanding and direction, you have to find peace and quiet in the midst of the storm. Knowing right from wrong, good from bad. Having the ability to make the right choice, morally. Discernment is being able to see issues clearly and to not be easily misled.


Give time to benefit your school and community. Have school pride and show school spirit. Participate. Be helpful and considerate,

The character of an individual, viewed by members of the community. Carrying out the duties and responsibilities that a citizen is responsible for. Qualities that a Person is expected to have. Being a part of a particular community and behaving the part that members of that community expect of you. Respecting authority and obeying the rules. Protecting your environment, being a servant leader.


Authentic, your TRUE self. Lead with passion, make communication priority, commit to being a part of a team, and lead with discernment.

Leadership is the action of leading others towards achieving a desired goal. A leader formally or informally, nurtures abilities in themselves and others, in order to make a social or ethical impact in the community. Leadership is the ability to inspire people through your own actions. A leader is a coach. A leader is a role model. A leader is Confident.


Always strive to do your best. Persevere and be resilient. Show humility, lead with honor, integrity and respect. Be discerning, Have the wisdom to know the difference. Exemplify citizenship and take pride in all that you do. Achieve excellence in your education, knowledge is power. Go beyond what is expected of you and define the standard of excellence. BE THE GOLD STANDARD!

Do your best with all that you have. Excellence is more than just good, it is achieving on the highest level. Outstanding and exceptional. Excellence is greater than the regular standards. To do better than ever before.