Teachers need to log in with Novatime and sign in Front Office

Verify your phone and email OFFICE 365

Copy of Office 365 Email Setup

Verify your phone and email OFFICE 365

Copy of Office 365 Email Setup

Two Important Resources for Classroom Readiness and Cleaning Expectations.

Health and Safety Guidance, which is aligned to CDC and RIDOH guidance and tailored to the needs of Providence Public Schools.

Health and Safety Guidance: Additional Employee Resources, additional information and guidance

(e.g., classroom setup and cleaning expectations, seating chart template) as well as answers some of the most frequently asked questions.

Zack Scott Deputy Superintendent of Operations Providence Public Schools

T: 401-456-9100 x11144

Stay Connected and Informed using Central Social Media.

Contact Main Office any questions, comments, or concerns 401-456-9111 Update cell phone number and email address to receive information via our Kinvolved messaging system and also be sure to create and/or update your Skyward Student Account too.

The schedule to the March PLEs can be found here. This month, we will begin to ask educators to sign-up for PLEs in Frontline.

PLEs are now live on Frontline. They are easy to locate if you are using the "calendar" option in Frontline.

Please Let Dr. Comella know if you have any questions.

For each PLC, please note the following:

  • The PLC will be recorded to ensure accuracy with attendance and to archive for future learning. Teachers must remain for the entire PLC and sign in/out to earn PLUs and pay.

  • Teachers must use their official name on Zoom, turn on their camera and be stationary.

  • Teachers may choose to attend up to 4 sessions per month based on needs (content, MLL and SpEd).

  • Teachers will be paid $40 per hour (pro-rated for support staff based on contract). All employees will earn PLUs.​

We hope you continue to benefit from this time together.



How to Cope with Job Stress and Build Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Whether you are going into work or working from home, the COVID-19 pandemic has probably changed the way you work. Fear and anxiety about this new disease and other strong emotions can be overwhelming, and workplace stress can lead to burnout

  1. How you cope with these emotions and stress can affect your well-being, the well-being of the people you care about, your workplace, and your community. During this pandemic, it is critical that you recognize what stress looks like, take steps to build your resilience and manage job stress, and know where to go if you need help.

More from the CDC

Password protected and updated with the most important resources you will need at CHS.

Teachers if you have discipline problems with a student

don't forget to refer to the Central Behavior tracking System in Google Forms.

This reporting system is being used to track individual student behavior and to gather data in order to best help with addressing and managing student behavior.

Tier 1 Offenses - Teachers are encouraged to address Level One behaviors directly, but may call upon an administrator to assist in the delivery of consequences or to model strategies for managing Level One issues in the classroom.

Tier 2 Offenses - are reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine the appropriate consequences and interventions. Level Three offenses may result in a suspension but should include an intervention or restorative practice as a means to model corrective behavior.

Tier 3 Offenses - are reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine the appropriate consequences and interventions. Level Three offenses may result in a suspension but should include an intervention or restorative practice as a means to model corrective behavior.

John Kavanagh Dean of Students

The Technology Department would like to inform you of the COVID-19 Malicious Cyber Actors briefing just released. This briefing outlines current assessment of malicious cyber actors increasingly will conduct ransomware attacks against schools during the 2021-22 school year. Such attacks probably will yield more disruption than past years, given schools’ reliance on online systems for virtual learning

We ask for all users to always be mindful, please do not open emails or attachments from unknown sources, click on links, respond to unknown email addresses or enter your credentials into any email links. Please forward suspicious emails to help@ppsd.org.

A Central Resource for our Central Community

Central Resource

What is a PLU?

Jennifer Copeland presented a slideshow that explains it for us. Use as a guide.

Extra Help Virtually from Jennifer Copeland.

Digital Teaching Resources She created a curated list of some resources that you may find helpful. Please do not be overwhelmed. Use them if and when you feel ready. Remember, you don't have to use everything at once.

Continued Social Emotional Support for Central Students

Many teachers have expressed concerns about our students and supports for their social-emotional needs. The Target team has a plan for the remainder of our Distant Learning.

If you think a student needs/wants to speak to someone:

Submit their name, ID# and a brief synopsis of your specific concern to me. I will pass it along and the team will be able to determine which team member is best to address the need.

The team will then reach out to the student directly by phone, Hangout or email.


Support for English Language Learners

Please see a High School ELA Distance Learning Support link below that the ELA specialists created. The specialists will be sharing this with all teacher leaders. Please make sure all your English teachers receive this resource to support them with distance learning. If you have any questions, please reach out to Bethany and Gail.

HS ELA Distance Learning Support

Attendance Team Leader Assistant Principal Dimuccio

Assistant Principal Dimuccio is creating a team of clerical, assistants, guidance and classroom teachers to support our day to day attendance. Direct any questions or concerns about attendance his way.


Professional Learning

Providence School’s Teaching and Learning team has been offering professional learning opportunities to bring staff up to speed. For more information on learning opportunities, visit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16D-vxxVd-AqyxpJLHZ-8uZ20BG3XgBGIpwNae70harw/edit#gid=952987075.