
Guidance and Social Emotional Questions Carmen Colon (401) 456-9111 EXT 62535

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· We are happy to announce the new addition to the Guidance Staff.

· Mr. Jimps Jean-Louis will be the new College and Career Counselor.

· He will be working with the Juniors and Seniors.

· If you see him in the hallway please welcome him as a New Central Knight.

ARE YOU Stressed OUT?

RI Student Loan Authority Expands Scholarship Opportunities

Thursday, April 08, 2021 GoLocalProv News Team

To be eligible to win one of the $2,000 scholarships students merely need to read short passages on Paying for College, Budgeting, and Credit, then take a quick, online three question quiz on these topics.

The Rhode Island Student Loan Authority (RISLA) has expanded its monthly financial literacy scholarship program to allow 50 students the opportunity to win $2,000 by answering financial literacy questions pertaining to credit, budgeting, not over borrowing to pay for college and other financial topics.

Find out more -- and enter -- at RISLA's website HERE.

Continued Social Emotional Support for Central Students

Many teachers have expressed concerns about our students and supports for their social-emotional needs. The Target team has a plan for the remainder of our Distant Learning.

If you think a student needs/wants to speak to someone:

Submit their name, ID# and a brief synopsis of your specific concern to me. I will pass it along and the team will be able to determine which team member is best to address the need.

The team will then reach out to the student directly by phone, Hangout or email.

Central Needs help!

Assistant Principal Renee Walker is raising money for Hydration Stations.

Currently Central High is the largest high school in Providence serving 1300 students and often our antiquated plumbing is insufficient in providing clean drinking water. We would like to have at minimum one station for each of our 4 floors

Please help us by contributing and/or sharing this donation campaign to your network of friends and family so we can reach our goal! every little bit helps us get closer to our goal!

click here for more information.