I am very proud of my daughters, Nancy and Cathy and our five grandchildren and treasure the time I am able to spend with them. I am thankful for the forty six year long adventure Brenda and I shared, experiencing life together.
My Family
Mike, Nancy, Bill, Cathy, Dave
Ben, Tia, Mya, Mandy and Nathan
Brenda MacKay 1945 - 2013
My sweetheart, wife, mother to Nancy and Cathy and Grandmother to Nathan, Mandy, Tia, Mya and Ben. Also my RV travelling companion, seen here overlooking the Grand Canyon.
Family History
I have an interest in my family history and preserving information on Brenda's and my family history in a way that it can be passed on to our daughters and their families.
I created this family history collage, shown on the left, which goes back five generations, as a Christmas gift for our girls several years ago.
I am currently using Family Tree Maker software synchronized with in an attempt to collect and organize my collection of family history information, documents and pictures. A challenging task, to say the least.
Here is a link to my family tree on (You, unfortunately, have to set up a free Ancestry account to view my family tree.) There is still much work to be done but I believe I am off to a good start. Researching and building my family tree has been a rewarding project which has resulted in me learning a lot more about my family.