
Quick Facts:

Scorpio can be viewed between the latitudes 40º N and 90º S.

It is near the constellations Sagittarius, Libra, Lupus, and Ophiuchus.

Scorpio is said to represent the Scorpion in Greek Mythology.

In total the Scorpio constellation has 18 stars.

The MyTH Of The Constellation

"Scorpio, in Greek Mythology, comes from the story of Orion. This giant of a man was the son of Poseidon and Euryale and was also said to be the most handsome man alive. He and Artemis were hunting partners. This made her brother, Apollo, jealous. He went to Mother Earth and asked her to create a giant scorpion, which then stung and killed Orion. Zeus placed both of them in the heavens as a constellation. Scorpion is a pretty big constellation. The bright star, Antares, is the Scorpion's heart."

“Scorpio.” Greek Mythology,, 1997,