
Quick Facts:

Libra can be viewed between the latitudes 65º N and 90º S.

It is near the constellations Scorpio, Virgo, Hydra, and Ophiuchus.

Libra is said to represent the Scales in Greek Mythology.

In total the Libra constellation has six stars.

The MyTH Of The Constellation

"Libra represents balance and justice, harmony and equilibrium. In Greek Mythology, the Goddess of Justice is Themis. She is usually seen as a woman who is blindfolded holding the scale in her hands. She is the mother of Astraea. The constellations of Virgo and Libra shine side by side in the celestial sky. She is also said to return with her daughter when the Golden Age comes again."

“Libra.” Greek Mythology,, 1997,