
Quick Facts:

Aquarius can be viewed between the latitudes 65º N and 90º S.

It is near the constellations Capricorn, Aquila, Pegasus, and Pisces.

Aquarius is said to represent the Water-Bearer in Greek Mythology.

In total the Aquarius constellation has 22 stars.

The MyTH Of The Constellation

Aquarius, the Water Bearer, comes from the story of the Deucalion Flood. Zeus poured all the waters from the heavens out onto the Earth to wash away and destroy the wicked and evil men. This brought forth a fresh start for Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha, who threw stones over their shoulders to create a new race of men and women. This sign is also associated with Ganymede, the cupbearer of Olympus.

“Aquarius.” Greek Mythology,, 1997,