
Quick Facts:

Leo can be viewed between the latitudes 90º N and 65º S.

It is near the constellations Ursa Major, Virgo, Cancer, and Hydra.

Leo is said to represent the Lion in Greek Mythology.

In total the Leo constellation has nine stars.

The MyTH Of The Constellation

"Leo had to do with the labors of Hercules. On Hercule's first task, he was sent to kill the Nemean Lion. This lion was savage and fearless as he couldn't be harmed by weapons. After attempting to kill the lion with arrows, which just bounced right off, Hercules wrestled the lion and strangled it to death. He didn't go away unharmed, though; the lion managed to bite off one of Hercules' fingers. After the lion was dead, Hercules skinned it with its own claws and made some wonderful armor from the pelt and jaw. The constellation Leo is said to honor the bravery of battle between the Nemean Lion and Hercules."

“Leo.” Greek Mythology, GreekMythology.com, 1997, www.greekmythology.com/Myths/Zodiac/Leo/leo.html