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Published Articles: 

Conference papers:

1. ICTAM-AMF 10, 2016: „Structural and Optical Studies of Baso4:Eu2+ Phosphor Prepared by Co-Precipitation Method‟

2. ICANME-16, „Synthesis and Characterization of Ni2+ doped cadmium sulfide nanoparticles‟

3. IJATIR- „Improved FLC of MC-UPQC for two Feeder Distribution System‟ ISSN 2348-2370, vol.08, issue.10, pages: 1997-2004.

4.“Characterization principles of Ni+2 in co precipitation method. „International conference on Nanophysics and materials‟ 2014 RRCAT, Indore.

5. “Self-organization in granular rods and self-propelled particles,” On pattern creation in nature and materials, IIT BHU, Oct. 2013.

6. “Pearling and arching instabilities in granular suspensions,” 56th New England Complex Fluids Workshop, Amity University, Sept. 2013.

7. “Experiments on sheared granular flow with direct particle tracking,” Workshop on Frontiers in Nonequilibrium Physics, SRM University, Chennai, July 2012.

8. “Hamilton and jacobian equation of variation in equal mode of variation with gradual viscol system”, Walker International Seminar, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, 2011.

Research in the News: 

• “Not So Faulty Towers,” Science - Editor‟s Choice, November 2013 

• “Packing it all in for the Holidays,” Inside Science News Service, reported in AIP And several mass media outlets December 2011. 

• “What Holds the World Together? The Cheerios Effect,” Inside Science News Service, reported in AIP and several mass media outlets September 2010. 

• “Nutty ideas spark Clark grain trust - Sand stirs new study,” Telegram and Gazette Newspaper, July 2010. 

• “Outa my way!” New Scientist, Oct 2010. 

• “Ultraviolet and rings of bacteria,” The Boston Globe, Oct. 2010 

• “Ultraviolet prompts bacterial trek,” Physics News Update,