As a seasoned materials scientist /electrochemist with approximately 8+ years of experience, I bring a wealth of expertise in material synthesis, characterization, and precise physical /chemical property measurements. My proficiency extends to the development of cutting-edge sensors, exemplifying my passion for innovative research and technological advancements. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated a keen ability to design novel materials and optimize their properties for diverse applications, ranging from environmental sustainability to healthcare advancements. My track record of successful projects underscores my commitment to pushing the boundaries of materials science, and I am eager to leverage my skills and insights to contribute meaningfully to future research and development in this field.

Current work:

working as a Research Professor at the Center for Flexible Nanomaterials, University of Ulsan, South Korea. Acquired Doctoral of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in January 2021 under the guidance of Prof. Hwa-Yuan Kuo in PHYSICS with a specialization in Material Science (Organic & polymeric Materials). My research focuses on the synthesis of transition metal/Rare earth-based Aerogels, Novel metal oxides combined with green synthesized carbon sources for biosensors, functional application of polysaccharides, and related enzymes.  We have taken an integrated approach combining modern techniques in genomics and computational science to address the functional roles of polysaccharides and related enzymes.  The central theme of our research includes the following topics:

1.          Transition Metal Carbide - MXenes: Synthesis, Properties, and Analysis of its electrocatalytic performance for overall water splitting. 

2.          New application of synthetic and glycoconjugates in biotechnology.

3.     Synthesis of Novel-Organic solvent-based metal vanadates anchored with different carbon sources.

4.     Real-time monitoring of hazardous pollutants, COVID-19 effective drugs, and pharmaceutical drugs.

5.     Micro-nano needle preparation for rapid and sensitive electrochemical analysis.

Environmental pollutants are considered to be a significant problem for the global environment in the current state. Living organisms are threatened by overdosage and the improper discharge of pharmaceutical drugs into aquatic bodies. These pollutants directly interact with the surface and subsurface of aquatic and terrestrial bodies, severely damaging flora and fauna. Electrochemical sensors can be implied as a useful tool to analyze and monitor these pollutants. Electrochemical determination is based on electrode materials and their active interaction with the pollutants, where the electrode is explored according to novelty, performance, and cost-effectiveness, and must be environmentally friendly. 

Past work:

In Nanophotonics, new materials are constructed in which atoms are arranged in sophisticated ways on the nanometre scale. 

Assembling nano-chunks of matter into sophisticated structures creates nano-materials with emergent properties not found in their constituents but is a major technological challenge. 

This convergence of NanoScience/NanoTechnology with Photonics is highly interdisciplinary across all Physical Sciences and beyond, including NanoScience, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, Healthcare, Materials as well as Physics. 

Worked under Prof. Alexander Solntsev on deriving Lagrangian and Hamiltonian density by treating the parameters (like temperature, pressure, geo-potential, etc…) as the potential fields. The equations of motions derived from this lagrangian can be used to simulate the wind speed and time evolution of temperature, pressure, humidity, and other parameters in the regions above the boundary layer. The model was developed with ideal considerations and, hence had short temporal predictability.