Into the Breach - The Cornerstone

*Into the Breach: The Cornerstone

Christ is the rock that does not move; he is stationary, from this world into the next. He's the only foundation that will take us through death.

  1. The saints are exemplars of those who have built their lives on Christ. They lived so as to prefer nothing whatsoever to God -and did everything for his sake

What does it mean to build your life on Christ? What sort of things does this entail doing or not doing? What does a life built on Christ look like?

  1. To be a saint ultimately means to be with God in heaven. So, God's plan for every man is that he get to heaven. Today, the question, "What is the meaning or purpose of life?" is often treated as an unanswerable question, a futile query. Going back to the Baltimore Catechism, the purpose of life is to know him, to love him, to serve him in this life, so that we can be happy with him in the life to come.

What are some specific and concrete things we can do to grow in the three areas of knowing, loving and serving God?

  1. The saints are holy, which means they practice “heroic virtue" pursuing and upholding Faith, hope, charity, justice, fortitude, temperance, and prudence.

What does it mean to practice virtues in a "heroic" way?

  1. In the film, Matthew James Christoff stresses the need for men to discipline themselves to a life of prayer, examination of conscience1 reading Scripture, attending Mass, going to confession and building fraternity with other men of faith.

Which aspects of these disciplines would you find most difficult or challenging, and why?

What concrete steps can you take to "build up" to this level and rhythm of attention to prayer nd the interior life?

*Into the Breach is a groundbreaking video series inspirec by Bishop thomas J. Olmsted's apostolic exhortation to Catholic men from the Knights of Columbus that seeks to answer what it means to be a Catholic man in today's world. For more information, study guides and video series please visit Into the Breach webpage.