
Next meeting:

June 11, 2015 @ 6:30

1. Welcome (6:35PM call to order)

2. Attendance: Jeni Kingston, Emma Hauser, Chris & Tom Macisso, Andrea Mulcahy, Karen Quigley, Ben Potvin, Nate Menifield

3. Updates from:

Ben Potvin

A. Funtown Festival - thank you to the Boosters for sponsoring at least two students to attend this music event

B. Request: Personal reimbursement for sheet music/festival fees

Discussion to follow

C. Numbers are good for course sign-ups on the instrumental side (band, steel pans, guitar, IB Music)


Would like to do a combined choir and band trip next spring...either to New York City or Boston.

Group consensus to go with the NYC option.

Ben will gather further pricing from the three main companies and Jeni will look at the itinerary as well.

There will be a presentation made on June 11th meeting to inform parents and hopefully get more people involved with the Boosters.

Nate Menifield

A. Chamber Choir auditions - same numbers in the ensemble as last year

B. All-Chorus Night date clarification - May 20th @ 7PM (not the 27th)

C. Funtown Festival - not all concert chorus students are able to attend, but the other students are excited to go

Performance time @ 10:15am

D. Choral sign-up numbers are fairly consistent, small dip in Concert Chorus

E. Request: $210 for All-State Registration for one student

Motion carries

F. Chamber choir invitation to perform at Carnegie Hall from Rob Westerburg (York) and Dr. Rick Nickerson (Windham) April 14-18, 2016

April 17: Shared concert with the collective Maine Choir & World Choir

Price cost: Reception dinner, Registration, hotel, taxes/fess = $1,085 per student

Doesn't include: food, extra entertainment/events, transportation

Group decided not to pursue this event at this time.

QUESTION: What is the VPA Booster 501C(3) status?

Val Reid

(via Ben)

A. There will be a gate/money taker at the musical/plays going forward

The group had many questions about this position - Ben will look into it and report back.

B. Jeni - We need to coordinate play/musical performance dates to accommodate music students

Art Department

No requests at this time

4. Ticket Process for Musical

A. Possibly moving to online ticket sales - Ben will look into different companies

Do we need permission from the District to do this?

Can we sell tickets in stores?

Thank you Jeni for offering to help with tickets again

5. Fundraising Ideas for 2015-16

A. We need to do at least one fundraiser next year! - TBD

6. VPA Scholarship criteria

A. Four scholarships at $750 each, given directly to the family at Class Night

B. Seniors have already been given scholarship information

C. Scholarships for current high school students (Ben Walker-Dubay, Gabby White)

We need to come up with a protocol/proposal form for future requests.

7. Leadership for VPA Boosters for 2015-16

A. Tabled until next meeting

8. Additions for the Ad Sales Team

A. Lisa Crimp, Chris and Tom did a lot of ad sales this year. Looking for 1 or more people to work on this.

B. Mrs. Hauser - We need to connect with 8th grade parents...there is a lot of interested individuals. They should be invited to the June meeting.

9. Meeting adjourned: 8:14PM