

Dysphoric Isolation Sensibility (of perception of a state of isolation) Syndrome

dysphoric isolation sensibility syndrome

dysphoric involuntary social sequestration

While developing the page on Canadian hoxie it became painfully evident that we are doing very serious harm to each other and creating a health havoc by DISSing each other which we need to turn around with promoting connecting cohesiveness to lift the happiness level of each other and in the end the entire community. The selfish attitude is causing everyone to get hurt and suffer very serious untoward health effects from obesity to drug dependence. The ending of this propensity of DISSing each other is at the root of the epidemics of ADIDAS or Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) epidemic and the dementia tsunami ahead of us from Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementing conditions. The mandate of DISSending is compelled by the fact that morbidogenically lonely individuals range from 10% to 50% of perception of a painful state of social isolation. The morbidogenically lonely individuals tend to suffer mental wellness and physical disease conditions stemming from the fact of being socially sequestered which shortens their healthspan and longevity. The recklessness of allowing older adults to fall through the social support network therefore has substantial social cost and economic burden of treating mental illnesses and medical conditions.

Intensely perceived social isolation (IPSI) and perceived social isolation (PSI)

This discourse is inspired by the talk named Connected Minds Loneliness Social Brains and the Need for Community by Professor John Cacioppo of Royal Society for Encouragement of Association Arts. Social isolation or solitairism.


Steptoe et al

Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom

Edited by Kenneth Wachter, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and approved February 15, 2013 (received for review November 12, 2012).

GRCC Diversity Lecture John Cacioppo on Loneliness and Brain Health

Loneliness and social isolation are important health risks in the elderly

Apr 8, 2016 - McMaster University @www. bit.ly/socialisolationmcmaster

Social isolation, loneliness, and all-cause mortality in older men and women.

Steptoe et al 2012

Perissinotto et al Loneliness in Older Persons, A Predictor of Functional Decline and Death. Published in Archives of Internal Medicine 18 June 2012. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.1993

Luo et al Loneliness, health, and mortality in old age: A national longitudinal study

Social Sciences & Medicine 2012; 74: 907-14

Cacioppo et al, Building Social Resilience in Soldiers: a Doube Dissociative Randomized Controlled Study, published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2015;109: 90-107 .

The Social Muscles by John Cacioppo and Stephanie Cacioppo 2 October 2007.

John Cacioppo The lethality of loneliness


Obvious common-sense observations and untested intuition tends to be untrue and illusory. Science begins by attempting to refute or prove the obvious and the intuitive. Conflicting axiom based untested conflicting views tend to coexist in the minds of the laity like opposites attract and the birds of the same feather flock together; two heads are better than one but too many cooks spoil the broth. Fraction of one person households in the US from <15% in 1940s rose to 20-25% by 1970s and has exceeded 25% since 2000. Loneliness has doubled from 20% in 1980s to 40% since 2000. Reason for loneliness as denied or ignored as an issue is due to the social stigma of being a loser despite the fact that it is a factor underlying broad-based morbidity and mortality. While air pollution increases risk of premature death by 5% and obesity by 20%; alcoholism 30% loneliness increases the odds by 45%. Higher morbidity and mortality is observed in the isolated members of other species as well.

Professor John Cacioppo an expert on social neuroscience who has undertaken research on loneliness outlines a rapidly expanding global epidemic of loneliness synonyms of which include: sub optimal social integration & connectivity to kinsfolks (SOSICK), clinical loneliness, social isolation, perceived social isolation, neurotic perceived social isolation, social sequestration, and solitairism. Dr. Cacioppo the uncontested father of the discipline of social neuroscience that he named and launched in 1979 is the founding director of the Center for Social Neuroscience at University of Chicago and has authored of over 500 articles, chapters and reviews and author or editor of nearly two dozen books.

It is proposed that three intensities of disruption of social integration be recognized. I. Communal or common DISS, II. neurotic (depressive) DISS and III. psychopathic/psychotic DISS an acronym that expands to dysphoric isolation sensibility syndrome., whereby the afflicted person perceives having been marginalized by the community. Due to chronic anxiety state element being shared by DISS or SOSICK and the ADIDAS cluster, it is permissible to hold that the progressive social disconnect is contributing the Non-communicable Diseases (NCD) epidemic and the dementia tsunami with inflammaging as the shared pathway which is included in or overlaps with Cyclical Arteriosclerotic-Inflammaging Reverberating Operation (CAIRO) held to be a manifestation of the comprehensive theory of lethal trio of Inflammaging Assault cum Oxidative Damage cum Intercellular Miscommunications. (IACODCIM) given that even at the current stage of laboratory testing technological progress in understanding age and death, quantitative markers are available to establish each of these three major components of the theory of aging while each one of the three has 3 or 4 subordinate processes included in that. It is reasonable to view that social sequestration leads to a Hastened Arteriosclerotic Inflammaging Reactivity or Response (HAIR) that speeds up the rate of aging and bring about the demise faster than in the situation of optimal social integration. Solitairism is a powerful driver for the poor public health and world is noticing a relentless rise in physical, neurocognitive and mental illnesses as well as a myriad of ballooning out of control social evils from homelessness, gangster rule to human trafficking.

Companionship & Communication Continuation Comfort Craving (CCCCC) The widely accepted Gaussian distribution of the trait of “companionship comfort craving” among human which can be grasped by analogy to libido which also has a Gaussian distribution Perceived Social Isolation (PSI) becomes characterization of a deficit, significant paucity or depravity in warm, supportive and pleasurable human social interactions, such that cold, unsupportive (or critical) and unpleasant interactions fail to meet the biological need called companionship comfort craving. The “continuation” component of this biological need implies continuation of the life of the organism and also the gene pool through the survival of the offspring and preferably the grand-offspring and great-grand-offspring. Libido and coitus make up for a portion of that biological intimacy need but does not do so entirely. Companionship can be entirely asexual in nature or there can be a romantic-erotic overlay. Orgasms do fill in for this social craving to a fair extent. A common mode of fulfilment of the communication comfort need is through holding parties.

Legitimate basic biological needs or drives invariably serve a pro-survivalist function and must do so at personal survival at least to procreative maturation and successful procreation which in the circumstances of creatures whose newborns experience a protracted abject dependency makes the access to a supportive and friendly community integral for species survival thus a legitimate basic biological need. That renders companionship comfort craving a biological necessity at par with libido as a survival strategy for humans and other sexual reproducing animals.

Categorization of four quarantines of humans on the companionship comfort craving scale permits inferring that social Perceived Social Isolation (PSI) would be far stronger morbidity generator than those in the top quadrantile on the companionship comfort craving and those who fall in the lowest quadrantile would be immune and invulnerable to Perceived Social Isolation never succumbing to its adverse impacts and the middle 50% of the population fall between these two extremes. If split into three thirds along the gradient the third of population that rate as “high maintained” for this biological need would be vulnerable to Perceived Social Isolation (PSI) and that prediction is borne by epidemiological data. Among the high vulnerability to PSI cohort the neediest third of 9% would suffer from severe PSI and that too is statistically corroborated by 8-10% prevalence of severe, morbid, neurotic or clinical solitairism replete with mental, neurocognitive and physical ailment as the complications their severe PSI. Researchers have not yet succeeded in associating the intensity of the vulnerability or actual PSI to the personality trait of extroversion-introversion. While intuitively introversion would suggest higher vulnerability but n close observation it is possible also to view introversion as immunizing against PSI given the low or absent companionship craving. Extroverts who prefer life outdoors are fairly vulnerable to at least modest severity PSI.


Dysphoric isolation sensibility (of perception of a state of isolation) syndrome (DISS) (the acronym happens to be syntactically proximate because synonyms of word diss include - minimization, denigration, belittling, disrespect, affront, insult, criticize, being attacked etc.). Dysphoric isolation sensibility is therefore a synonym of perceived dysphoric or distressing social isolation and preferable for neuropsychological research because compared to ordinary perceived social isolation or PSI, it explicitly includes the affective term dysphoria into it and the syndromic description give it a medical condition flavour while loneliness tends to carry a negative moral characteristic depiction of being some sort of loser. The added depiction of three severities mild, moderate and sever given upper case Roman numeral helps with better depiction of the genesis and clinical features etc. The category I., being the a milder widely prevalent or communal social disconnect and category III., is the psychopathic or psychotic version and naturally rare the morbid and dangerous nature of which is characterized by its flagrantly psychopathic categorization with potential for those such afflicted to engage in reckless violence like going on shooting sprees. These extremes categories are clearly distinguishable it is intuitively possible to plot the entire cohort of sub optimal social integration & connectivity to kinsfolks (SOSICK) which gives legitimacy to the condition as a health problem, that constitute half of the entire human population of the 21st century, along a Gaussian or half-bell-shaped graph. While the undertaking of optimal social integration of half of the public would be a massive undertaking, any work done towards improving social integration of the masses would result in positive health outcomes thus strongly desirable for improvement in the status of the SOSICK.

OSIP are not SOSICK.

Those without any DISS would be termed optimally/adequately socially integrated/connected persons (OSIP) and form the control or comparison cohort. As social creatures’ humans are prone to create infrastructure for collective use by a community around the individual. In direct contrast with shellfish or clam whose survival depends on the creation of an individual shell, the optimal survival of the offspring of social creatures hugely relies upon availability of a supportive community or an amicable tribe and the infrastructure build for the communal use built by this amicable tribe.

Statistically neurotic dysphoric marginalization PSI (NDM PSI) could not be associated annual income, education level, gender, ethnicity and even the youth are not immune although the seniors have a higher vulnerability. The only two recognized variables predisposing to neurotic PSI are the genetically harboured high CCCCC status and the placement of the individuals in situations of poor sociability generally due to restraints like institutionalization or excessive vocational demands taking up most of the waking hours in that pursuit. Deprivation of the likelihood of procreative success is not a direct element for the elderly but their PSI is likely linked to the participation in the raising of the great-grand offspring. A mild to moderate infectious nature of PSI must be conceded by analogy to the infectious nature of smiling and is likely rooted in the “mirroring” propensity of humans.

Susceptibility to neurotic PSI has not been associated with any of the five personality characteristics:

1. Openness (non-privity); or extroversion (non-introversion).

2. Conscientiousness (high or outstanding personal morality);

3. Agreeability (congeniality, comprising);

4. Surgency;

5. Emotional stoicism (affective non-lability or affective buffering or non-neuroticism).

Disturbing data on single resident household proportion (SRHP) in the US shows that from 1940s SRHP that was near 10% which rose to 15-20% in 1970s and has exceeded 25% since 2000. Loneliness rates have doubled from 20% in 1980s to 40% in 2000 and on track to exceed 50% by 2030. A SRHP rate of over 50% would lead to a social catastrophe and while we are on course for that, it is an eventuality that must be stopped at any cost. Rates of single parent households are also on a sharp rise trajectory and would be costly social neglect.

Loneliness the #1 Public Health Issue Doctors Aren't Talking About Dr. Lissa Rankin

online at WWW.BIT.LY/SVNH20170717

17 July 2017 letter to Ms. Janet Quenneville Suite 203 - 1111 Lonsdale Ave N. Vancouver Tel: 604-988-5281 fax: 604-988-3961

McPherson et al on 1 June 2006 reported on the positive impacts of a trustable personal network size in their paper named Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades. The modal (typical) respondent reported 3 confidants in 1985 had already catastrophically dropped to zero in 2004. Residents of Blue Zomes seem generally blessed with at least half a dozen confidants. This is both a cause and outcome of poor mutual trust and trustworthiness and lies at the root of a number of modern social ills or evils. That makes cultivation of mutual trust among humans a direly needed objective.

Have the core discussion networks of Americans changed in the past two decades? In 1985, the General Social Survey (GSS) collected the first nationally representative data on the confidants with whom Americans discuss important matters. In the 2004 GSS the authors replicated those questions to assess social change in core network structures. Discussion networks are smaller in 2004 than in 1985. The number of people saying there is no one with whom they discuss important matters nearly tripled. The mean network size decreases by about a third (one confidant), from 2.94 in 1985 to 2.08 in 2004. The modal respondent now reports having no confidant; the modal respondent in 1985 had three confidants. Both kin and non-kin confidants were lost in the past two decades, but the greater decrease of non-kin ties leads to more confidant networks centered on spouses and parents, with fewer contacts through voluntary associations and neighborhoods. Most people have densely interconnected confidants similar to them. Some changes reflect the changing demographics of the U.S. population. Educational heterogeneity of social ties has decreased, racial heterogeneity has increased. The data may overestimate the number of social isolates, but these shrinking networks reflect an important social change in America

Ending the denialism over loneliness and addiction to solitairism.

· Recognizing or diagnosing solitairism.

· Understanding the cognitive neuropsychic and neuroendocrinology of solitairism.

· Responding to the global threat being posed by solitairism

We are all “Alone Together” – The troubling techno-tragedy! Why we expect so much from technology but so little from each other? [ @www.bit.ly/alonetogether]; the paper by Dr. Verena Menec Director of the Centre on Aging at the University of Manitoba named Loneliness and social isolation are important health risks in the elderly @www. bit.ly/socialisolationmcmaster ; And further oversight of the material outlined in the online post by Sandra Levy of 20 February 2014 entitled Loneliness IS a Serious Health Risk for Seniors @www.bit.ly/alone2overweight outlining that feeling of extreme loneliness can be deadlier for older people than being severely overweight or being can be twice as unhealthy and twice as lethal as obesity; reports a link between hypertension and chronic feelings of loneliness reported by Louise Hawkley, senior research scientist with the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, and ignoring the warning of Professor John Cacioppo of the University of Chicago Department of Psychology “People are becoming more isolated, and this health problem is likely to grow” deliberately and maliciously failing to understand the root causes of loneliness and deprivation of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Steptoe, et al described Social isolation, loneliness, and all-cause mortality in older men and women and published it in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Apr 9; 110(15): 5797–5801. 2013 Mar 25. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1219686110 and after assessing social isolation in terms of contact with family and friends and participation in civic organizations in 6,500 men and women aged 52 and older who took part in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing in 2004–2005 and found that mortality was higher among more socially isolated and more lonely participants. Both social isolation and loneliness were associated with increased mortality and that both isolation and loneliness impair quality of life and well-being, efforts to reduce isolation are likely to be more relevant to mortality than quality of life.

An accelerated decline of physiological resilience and weaker immunity with aging is another adverse impact of solitairism that underlies the higher morbidity prevalence among the lonely.

“Changes in social network size over two decades”

Reason for loneliness as denied or ignored as an issue is due to the social stigma of being a loser despite the fact that it is a factor underlying broad-based morbidity and mortality. While air pollution increases risk of premature death by 5% and obesity by 20%; alcoholism 30% loneliness increases the odds by 45%. Higher morbidity and mortality is observed in the isolated members of other species as well.

Escalation of defensiveness and blame shifting among the lonely.

While the targets of social disconnect who also suffer from perceived social isolation (PSI) tend to display a greater susceptibility to unhealthy behaviours than

Compared with optimally/adequately socially integrated/connected person (OSIP). A similar distinction also happens in ecological conscientiousness given that members of social groups would tend to protect the surroundings while the lonely are driven strongly by selfishness.

Vulnerability to loneliness is not uniform and there is a gradient. Half of the propensity is deemed to be genetic half environmental. There are some gender differences as well given that social cohesion is more important for women than for men due to the differences in their reproductive roles which gets topped up with social conditioning and demands. Obvious common-sense observations and untested intuition tends to be untrue and illusory. Science begins by attempting to refute or prove the obvious and the intuitive. Conflicting axiom based untested conflicting views tend to coexist in the minds of the laity like opposites attract and the birds of the same feather flock together; two heads are better than one but too many cooks spoil the broth.

Psychosocial cognitive neuroscience targets for research the neuroendocrine substrate of the behavior of a cohort of humans and evaluates the impact of social interactivity on the cellular health at the molecular level. Among recent discoveries is the observation that in addition to the fact that gene expression controls the neuroendocrine function, the neuroendocrine and psychosocial interactions also impact the gene expression such that social activity too impacts the genetic functioning.

A potentially catastrophic public health importance of solitairism requires urgent attention to this crisis. Rationale for viewing solitairism and its variations as a serious public health crisis is the grave statistics outlining a broad-based morbidity (coronary disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, cancers, dementias etc.) and mortality associated with this epidemic and the remedy for which is going to need a major transition in human mindset through boosting the level of mutual trust. This is not a crisis that politicians can solve by throwing cash on it although the price tag of the wide variety of health issues stemming from solitairism is sizable, ballooning rapidly and on course to run healthcare budgets of nations into bankruptcy through Non-communicable Diseases (NCD) epidemic, dementia epidemic or Alzheimer’s disease tsunami etc.

Sleep is the quintessential anabolic biological process during which repair and cleansing of the metabolic wastes proceeds particularly in the brain and it erases the injurious impact of stress experienced during the daytime during which tissue damage and waste generation is at its peak. Neosynaptogenesis and neurogenesis also proceed well during square sleep and explains the Alzheimer’s disease preventive power of square sleep. For adequate square sleep the metabolic status of the body must be optimal and that is attained through restful repose, physical (aerobic) activity, balanced nutrition and refraining from intake or exposure to toxins and pollutants and high cortisol levels. While daytime rest or 20 minutes of mindful meditation, a massage or hot bath etc., might feel like a luxury and potential threat to good sleep, these steps help with square sleep.

Saw-tooth sleep pattern (STSP) characterized by multiple lowering of the depth of sleep or micro-awakenings or abolition of “square sleep” with ample stage IV and REM sleep content can be viewed as the hallmark of pathophysiology or neuroendocrine substrate of solitairism. These micro-awakenings tend to be linked with hypertension, obesity floppy pharynx obstructive sleep apnea (HOFPOSA) and ensuing from it. Sufferers of STSP and HOFPOSA tend to be unaware of their multiple nocturnal awakenings and bouts of apneas which affect nearly a quarter of the older adults but the tell-tale symptom is daytime drowsiness, daytime fatigue and sedentariness or lack of drive to engage in physical activity, propensity towards caloric overloading and JUNK food addiction.

Suboptimal cognitive function (neurocognitive dulling) and poor productivity are common accompaniments and often the consequences of the STSP which accentuates the solitairism thus the situation operates on a self-feeding vicious cycle of progressive worsening of the situation. Neurophysiological and neuroendocrine rationale behind the generation of STSP due to loneliness is programming of human brain to awaken itself intermittently to scout for potential carnivore predator in vicinity if there is no one else on guard for providing security. Sleep pattern of post-partum mothers is usually of STSP pattern and underlies their daytime drowsiness and sense of fatigue unless they take steps to obtain square sleep.

Evolutionary history of solitairism and cohesionless. Solitairism as a psychological element of the brain has evolved as an aversive signal to trigger pursuit of remediation of the solitary status intended to serve survival function not merely at the short term or immediate personal security but also of creation of a tiny tribe or a village to insure the offspring safety which a set of human parents is incapable of due to the protracted abject dependency of human infants that far exceeds the offspring of other species including the subhuman primates. Sleep studies show poorer sleep efficiency or more STSP for an individual who has spent a day experiencing rejection and loneliness compared to days when happily socially engaged. A similar effect on sleep quality also ensues from sexual activity for similar reasons.

ADIDAS (anxiety, depression, insomnia, dementia, alcoholism, & solitude-sedentariness-smoking triggered strokes) is an easy to remember acronym that lists five epidemics that are already or on a verge to get out of control: 1. anxiety, depression and related mental health disorders; 2. cardiometabolic syndrome with diabetes+obesity as manifest and hypertension as more silent component 3, immunopathic insomnia disorder (e. g. allergies, asthma, arthritis etc.) with ischemic heart disease 4. dementias including Alzheimer’s disease 5. strokes and vascular encephalopathy seen as white matter densities happening in the backdrop of climate change which threatens to accentuate all of the five health epidemics. The ADIDAS cluster is causing serious ballooning of the healthcare costs such that serious attention is deserved by chronic anxiety state or anxiety disorders that tend to be ignored by the physicians and the patients alike. Sadly, society views anxiety as a manifestation of moral weakness.

Force of solitairism alone as a chronic disease and dementia risk factor equals that of other major health risks like sedentariness, smoking, alcoholism, salt-sugar addition (sugar sweetened soda addiction), JUNK food addiction, hypertension, obesity etc. Some authors report social isolation twice as potent and others three times more potent in generation of chronic disability and premature mortality. On top of that solitairism operates as a powerful propeller for each one of them such that having triggered four to six of other chronic disease propellers solitairism can become five-fold more powerful than any of the other risk factors alone.

Evidence of interference with the hypophyseal-pituitary-adrenocortical response from solitairism which drives the intercellular miscommunication component of the tri of aging and demise drivers is provided by several researchers on loneliness.

Dronjak et al have reported in Physiology and behaviour 2004. Increase in activation of sumpatho-adrenomedullary response to an acute immobilization or cold pressor test in rats in a paper entitled: Immobilization and cold stress affect sympatho–adrenomedullary system and pituitary–adrenocortical axis of rats exposed to long-term isolation and crowding.

Long-term isolation produced a significant elevation of basal plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone levels, but did not affect that of NA and AD, while long-term crowding conditions did not elevate the basal plasma levels of these hormones. Long-term isolation of rats exposed to 2 hrs of immobilization or cold led to a greater elevation of stress hormones like ACTH and cortisol in. Even though plasma ACTH was significantly more elevated in long-term crowded than in long-term isolated rats long-term crowding exposed rats who were previously immobilized or cold exposed also resulted in an increase in stress hormone levels, but to a lesser extent in comparison with the long-term isolation. Both kinds of long-term psychosocial stresses (isolation and crowding) had similar but less pronounced effects on cytosol GR and Hsp 70 concentrations in hippocampus comparing to acute immobilization and cold stress. Individual sequestered housing of rats seems to act as a stronger stressor than overcrowding. When the animals suffering a long-term isolation were exposed to either acute immobilization or cold, a stronger activation of the sympatho–adrenomedullary system (SAS) was recorded in comparison with that found in the long-term crowded group subjected to short-term immobilization or cold. No significant differences in the activity of hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis were observed between long-term isolated and long-term crowded rats.

Stranahan et al in Nature Neuroscience 2006. Reported that Social isolation delays the positive effects of running on adult neurogenesis. This is interpreted as an adverse impact of stress increase the risk of developing psychopathology from neurotic PSI. Individual sequestered housing tends to prevent emergence of positive influence of short-term running on adult neurogenesis in the rat hippocampi and, in the presence of chronic anxiety state, halts neurogenesis. Impact of stress amelioration however is so powerful that lowering corticosterone levels converts the influence of short-term running on neurogenesis in sequestered individually housed animals from negative to positive. These results suggest that, the possibly square sleep mediated anabolic effect of supportive socialization is such that normally beneficial experiences can paradoxically exert deleterious influence on neurogenesis and neosynaptogenesis in the backdrop of neurotic PSI. While caution is required in extrapolating rodent physiology data to humans, it is intuitively tempting to predict that humans would tend to benefit from fitness training better if that is practiced in group setting. It certainly improves compliance or fosters participation in the fitness program due to the bait of peer presence or the factor of peer pressure.

Lyons et al published their research in Hormones and Behaviour 1995.that demonstrates an amplified morning cortisol spikes in lonely squirrel monkeys when compared to socially integrated animals.

Dr. Sandra Black Brill Chair in Neurology, of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center at Univ. of Toronto cites the work of Barnes et al published in Neurology 2004 on resilience building role of social networking in brain health concluding that access to ample social resources, consisting of multiple social networks and ongoing social engagement, tend to reduce rate of cognitive decline in old age, reported in the paper entitled Social resources and cognitive decline in a population of older African Americans and whites published in Neurology 28 Dec 2004; 63 (12)

Dr. Sandra Black in her keynote presentation for Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation, has painted a grim picture and made a strong case for enhancement of public’s cerebrovascular fitness in her talk named Optimizing Brain Health and Preventing Cognitive Decline, emphasizing the need for building up ample cognitive reserve which can facilitate the task of preventive cognitive decline. The idea being helping people become wealthy renders them resilient against impoverishment such that those who can ill-afford to lose their cognitive capacity are most vulnerable to lose it fast. She begins by pointing out that cognitive enrichment helps with the retention of an inquisitive-observing mind and an insatiable lust for novel information acquisition and storage.

Meaning making and rationalizing characteristics of humans with the longest abject dependency of the offspring.

All the lonely people. Our Landmark survey uncovers and epidemic of loneliness. by Brad Edmondson AARP magazine Nov-Dec 2010

1. Thirst for water-based beverages.

2. Thirst for ethanol-based drinks.

3. Thirst for human connection and human touch or verbal contact with humans,

4. Thirst for companionship of domesticated animals (pets),

5. Thirst for knowledge or cognitive gratification with novel information acquisition.

The pair of Saw-tooth sleep pattern (STSP) and solitairism Disease (NCD) epidemic via inflammaging amplification and the accentuation of the prevalence of dementia.

DISS aversion, dissipation mitigation protocol targeting need to be placed among the top public health objectives.

1. Aiming for a reduction of single parent household amelioration. (SPHA)

2. Aiming for a reduction of single resident household proportion amelioration (SRHPA)

3. Raising children at home and in schools in a cohesive circumstances or culture.

4. Reducing the social burden of divorces.

5. Reducing the dissipation of resources and allocating them for DISSending.

Epidemiological research on loneliness shows serious social deterioration over the past five decades, a trend that would culminate in a global catastrophe if not averted with affirmative action that would need work on the line of promoting the values of Denmark the happiest nation of world.

Objective isolation either voluntary or involuntary is distinguished from psychologically perceived or clinical social isolation (characterized by suboptimal social integration and connectivity) and the latter is the type of solitairism that is observed to be associated with or travels with traits like shyness, poor social skills, weak social circle, anxiety, poor esteem, fear of negative evolutions, pessimism, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, higher propensity to anger, suspiciousness, depressive symptoms, sleep problems, higher proneness to URIs etc. While involuntary solitary confinement is stated to be a form of cruelty, exceptional individuals manage to thrive under such circumstances such that isolation per se is not the sole predictor of outcome.

Solitairism adversely impacts personality traits as it changes personality traits. Test subjects with high susceptibility for being hypnotized when induced to experience states of high loneliness or low loneliness,

Survival capacity and prosperity propensity reduction from solitairism. Solitairism ordinarily tends to threaten one's capacity to survive and prosper. Rare exceptions to powerfully adaptive and thriving behaviours from solitairism also exist. Because the personal state of optimism and anticipatory behaviour powerfully impact outcomes of social interactions there remains sizable power with individuals to induce the desired, feared or predicted results based on the law of attraction or doctrine of visualization. A person suffering in isolated tends to behave in adversarial-confrontational and annoying manner with others and aggravates the level of solitairism. Optimism, extroversion and gregariousness therefore tends to travel together and are the hallmarks of chronically happy people while chronically unhappy experience their converse. Urbanization with a lengthy daily to do list dictating brief interactions with a much greater number of individuals at an impersonal level, often via telephone or via internet, is a drastic shift from the human evolutionary background of tribal living in limited geographic space with a limited number of individuals with long stretches of face to face integrations. A huge task for human species therefore is to move away from the connected lifestyle and spend a much greater face to face interaction time with others.

Poverty solitairism vicious cycle. Given that the status of being socially isolated impedes prosperity and leads to poverty which accentuates social isolation, breaking this vicious cycle becomes a nightmare without external assistance. Those with poor education and disability tend to be hit harder with this vicious cycle and need protection. Manipulation of expectancies and the law of attraction of outcomes consistent with expectancy. Because the poor expect to be lonely that expectancy materializes.

Stroop syntactic interference delay test to estimate the level of hypervigilance for and dwelling upon social threats. Being literate species with an innate propensity to derive meaning out of letters that appear to be text and an extensive experience of text shape significance such that even significantly misspelled words are given meanings fairly accurately only with a propensity to misread or infer meanings from correctly or incorrectly spelled words based on the internal mental process it is possible to draw inferences on the through cloud in the mind of an individual asked to name the colors of words that act as different psychologic triggers when deciphered. The test of color naming when the text contaminates or confuses the test subject is based on psychologic interference. The meaning or significance of the text interferes and delays the naming of the color in which the text is printed and must be stated. Given that lonely individuals harbour a darker version of the world and carry that negative interpretation in their mind at all times, they experience greater interference from negative social words that convey social threats or rejection. The negative non-social words tend not to operate as powerfully with their ability to interfere. This experiment establishes that solitairism is linked with a vigilance for and amplification of negative social interactions because upon noting the negative social environment the lonely individuals act with anger, aggression, hostility etc., not with amicable trends. Lonely individuals exhibit higher susceptibility to notice adverse social signals and find them and act upon them in an adverse manner. These findings are corroborated with neuroimaging studies using unpleasant social and unpleasant non-social visual inputs where the lonely individuals show higher interference or interest in the unpleasant social graphics. The activity at the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) of the brain which is noted to be the seat of empathy shows distinction between the lonely and non-lonely test subjects such that there is poor empathetic activation of the temporo-parietal junction of the brain among the lonely who tend to lean towards selfishness, antisocial or psychopathic traits. Generosity therefore is a characteristic of those with stable social circles not lonely.

The havoc of human negativity bias. Due to the survival in a hostile environment riddled with predators, famines, natural catastrophes and the ability to retain memories of these events, human mind as an inevitable or inescapable and fairly strong negativity bias. One manifestation of this negativity bias is that the neuroendocrine impacts of negative social interactions are more enduring then positive social interactions. The effect of good news wears out much faster while a comparable negative news tends to keep troubling the individual longer. There is a link between optimism levels and social cohesiveness and the mindset of residents of the six blue zomes of the planet corroborates that association. Inducing optimism is therefore another highly desirable public health objective.

Contagiousness of loneliness has now become a driver of the epidemic of loneliness given the observation that loneliness tends to spreads across social circles. While some clusters of foci around the globe which also tend to be marked a blue zome have managed to escape its wrath the vast expanse of the planet is now tightly in the grip of this widening loneliness epidemic with no remedy in sight. A simple explanation for the infectious across the society contagious nature of loneliness is that irritant and antisocial behaviour of the lonely person induces others to replicate that behaviour and that spreads like cold virus. Longitudinal studies that establish loneliness among the drivers of the depression epidemic is also worthy of attention in the dementia epidemic context and efforts to boost the level of sociability of public would help with lowering of the clinical burden of dementia.

Solitairism Alzheimer’s disease nexus. Loneliness induces depressive symptomatology and higher Loneliness is linked to higher susceptibility to depression which operating in conjunction with a higher saw-tooth sleep pattern proportion (SSPP), is another risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Successful management of global dementia tsunami therefore needs immediately addressing the widening social isolation epidemic. Loneliness interrupts sleep with micro-awakenings and a poor sleep efficiency a synonym of SSPP whereby the fraction of actual time spent sleeping is lower than 96% of the time spent in the bed. There is some decline in sleep efficiency with aging alone but it is magnified among the lonely elderly and this leads to chronic daytime fatigue and daytime drowsiness and operates as a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.

Empathy training of the lonely individuals. Overly self preservation driven lonely individuals tend to show little or no empathy towards others which accentuates their own solitairism because due to their harsh and cruel treatment of others they drive people away.

Greater morning cortisol peaks among the lonely show that their adrenocortical axis is hyperactive. The high circulating levels of cortisol lower the immunity of the subject to infections. There are glucocorticoid receptors on leukocytes and in the lonely individuals they become less sensitive to cortisol causing a loss of their functionality resulting from a glucocorticoid receptors insensitivity as a result of downregulation of gene expression. That has been advanced as the explanation for higher susceptibility to infections among the lonely who can be viewed as having weakened immune system and explain the high resistance of the socially active individuals to becoming sick.

Morbid or pathological DISS (dysphoric isolation sense state) underlies the acquired psychopathic personality. Innate or genetic psychopathy is rare and constitutes about half of the cohort of psychopaths the remaining half emerge as a result of major psychological trauma like traumatic death of a loved one esp. an offspring (“the unthinkable”. “the tsunami” or “the life crash”) often a parent or sibling or being subject to severe abuse often via victim of sex trafficking. The acquired pathological DISS or acquired psychopathy is facilitated by the general social apathy and common reclusiveness. Genesis of pathological DISS is rooted in the self-denial, memory suppression and affect alienation where the person essentially acquires a different personal identity distinct from the identity of the trauma victim the person was in the past. In severe cases it manifests as fugue state or a conversion reaction, hallmarks of which are emotional numbing, self-neglect, reclusiveness etc. While the enormity of the pain drives reclusiveness and human contact avoidance, that is what is critically required for effective healing such that the unguided and socially neglected victim adopts a maladaptive route. Blame on the society there lies in acquiescing to the request of the severe psychological trauma to be left alone to recover, which the victim fails to do and instead acquires pathological DISS. Rationale of the victim behind reclusiveness is as flawed as that of the pain suffered during the pulling of the band-aid or the pain of the flu shot which is better willingly endured. Becoming estranged from own identity and the social support brings about the undesirable outcome of pathological DISS and shows overlap with features of post traumatic stress disorder or post traumatic embitterment state (PTES).

Dr. Megan McElheran’s quote about this is: "it's in the process of re-engagement that healing starts to occur. She expressly emphasizes the therapeutic or healing power of sociability or social re-integration. Society renders itself serious disservice through denial of re-engagement or re-connection to the severe trauma victims.” Crux of healing is empathetic connection, sense of security, genuine understanding and interpersonal bonding. All it takes is one human being that the victim can completely relate to and trust.

1. Any human is capable of any offence including theft, rape, homicide etc. and raping and killing is not within the exclusive domain of psychopaths. In fact, with female victims or the victims who are career criminals, the offender committing rape or homicide is more like to be familiar face than a random stranger.

2. It is convenient and cast of violence perpetrator as non-human or beastly which solidifies the disconnect, precludes reintegration and leads to exacerbation of pathological DISS.

3. Humanity needs to master empathy a fair bit more as well as abandon “the happiness myth.” of a compulsion to be happy at all time.

4. It is better to presume others to be unfair, unjust, irrational, cruel, selfish and uncaring than otherwise given that self interest promotion is imprinted on the human gene during the past five decades.

5. It is crucial to be empathetic and compassionate to other humans who are less cognitively sophisticated even while personally being the target of injustice and unfairness because the eye for an eye doctrine would leave few people with both eyes intact.

Factors rendering auto-reversal of common DISS state problematic and implausible and promoting run-away progression or worsening and the deep unwillingness to become socially re-integrated.

1. High suspiciousness tainted hypervigilance for adverse social interactions

2. Excessively or disproportionally greater negative (hostility tainted) interpretation of the actions of others.

3. Confrontational, irritant, hostile, aggressive and segregation propensity and other negative social behaviours without clear triggers that call for such behaviour.

4.Greater retention of memories of adverse social interactions creating and overly evil perspective of humans in the community.

5. Paranoid tainted or malice tainting interpretation and intent assigning of the positive or assimilative actions of others causing their rejection and restriction into solitude.

Given that the community is too busy somehow managing their own lives, any theory of a sizable segment of society conspiring to targeting an individual for marginalization (with rare exception of being accused of an immoral act etc.) the victim of DISS is predominantly responsible for cumulatively perpetrating blunders that cause him or her to descend into that state and stay there. The descent into deep DISS state often follows a major adverse life event or a trigger event, subsequent to which the descent into DISS continues unrelentingly. While the victims do not plan for and design their lives to make it filled with DISS, they end up becoming isolated subsequent to that traumatic trigger event. That post major trauma (e.g. death of a loved one) forces the victim of DISS to seclude himself or herself in order to reduce the pain of the trauma because in that post-traumatic state socializing causes the suffering to escalate but that is a maladaptive strategy as outlined by Dr. Megan McElheran in her TED talk Trauma Change Resilience who specializes in management of Extreme abuse survivors who adds that those who choose to thrive end up overcoming the entire event well.

Common DISS is a growing and already a major public health crisis, and it is thrice as powerful a morbidity generator and lethal than obesity; thus, despite the fact that obesity has a prevalence three times that of DISS with the amplified adverse health effect its magnitude is comparable to obesity. On top of that often they coexist and amplify each other.

Bhatti and Haq The Pathophysiology of Perceived Social Isolation: Effects on Health and Mortality. Published in Cureus 2017 Jan; 9(1): e994.

Perceived social isolation (PSI) is a deficit in normal human social interaction, which has been associated with negative health outcomes. However, the precise mechanisms through which PSI influences human health are not fully known. There are clear linkages between PSI and the cardiovascular system, neuroendocrine system, and cognitive functioning. PSI also leads to depression, cognitive decline, and sleep problems. The mechanisms through which PSI causes these effects are neural, hormonal, genetic, emotional, and behavioral. The effects of PSI on health are both direct and indirect. There is a complex interconnected network of pathways through which PSI negatively influences health. These hypothetical pathways using which the effects of PSI have been explained form the base on which further analyses can be carried out.

Preventive management of neurotic PSI.

1. Raising children in the midst of an environment of sympathetic-supportive social synergistic collaboration and team-play activities in place of intensive stoic pursuit of individualistic excellence after emphasizing upon them that pursuit of collective greater public good is far superior and a lot more preferable than pursuit of personal materialistic gains that bring several drawbacks with them. Acquisition of personal scholastic or neurocognitive talents and skills does not fall within this prohibition against person proficiency gains. In the societal context it translates to a far more homogeneous wealth distribution and less perceptible wealth gap.

2. Shifting the emphasis towards cultivating cohort competence and away from the current competitive propensity of near-total self sufficiency and personal capacity building.

3. Replacing the reflective blame-shifting towards personal responsibility taking propensity and participation in problem solving without belaboring the task of finding who to blame.

4. Empathy training, compassion cultivation, fostering forgiveness and stoicism and tolerance training.

5. Compassionate-empathetic and perspective driven leadership training and fostering.

Neurotic PSI midst overcrowding. Rising population density and overcrowding that is proceeding at a fast pace in urban centers is operative as a propeller of neurotic PSI. The satiety of the contact cravings to preclude the emergence of thirst for human contact and interaction is a time duration dependent in a manner analogous to massage, aerobics etc., and not subject to abbreviation. Volitional or involuntary interacting with dozens of individuals during the awake hours of each week, mandates excessive abbreviation of the interaction time to less than 5 minutes. A threshold duration of 20 to 60 minutes seems essential (the range is based on individual variability) for a gratifying social satiety. Voice linkage through a telephone conversation or video conversation is less satisfactory than contact in the physical presence of the person where opportunity for physical contact exists and is often availed. Although an interactive digital contact via online chat or text exchanges carries far better opportunity of social satiety, digital text-based communication is far less satisfactory as the sole mode of social contact. For it to be satisfactory the theme of the transactions must be amicable, supportive etc., not argumentative, hostile, depreciative and critical. A greater likelihood of online transactions to be bitter, hostile and plain toxic tends to render online contact undesirable.

Obesity solitairism nexus. Neurotic PSI shares a key characteristic with obesity in that it is far superior to avert or prevent falling into the loneliness trap because it is nearly impossible to emerge out of it as is true of the affliction with obesity. Obese adolescents and adults both are far more susceptible to loneliness than non-obese. Obesity and loneliness tend to accentuate each other setting up a vicious cycle, such that a major component of management of either component of the obesity-loneliness coupling is to attend to both concurrently such that cognitive behaviour therapy is the choice intervention. Genetic predisposition to both obesity and solitairism requires a systematic study.

Role of human aberration of an arbitrary aspects of social companion selection. A uniquely distinctive feature of human sociability and solitairism is that while animals proceed to interact (and potentially mate, if that is a likelihood in the context) with any available member of their species) humans arbitrarily pick or reject their potential friends and ongoing acquaintances. It proceeds along the lines of the undesirable or desirable contact or approach from other members of the species in the personal context. This perverse seeming selectivity of the social mates becomes a serious hurdle and the issue gets compounded by the need to interact with dozens other humans each week. Promotion of a proclivity towards a greater inclusiveness and lesser selectivity in this context is strongly desirable. The trust factor operates as a huge hurdle given the reluctance to converse with someone who cannot be trusted or one choose not to trust.

DISS is associated with weakening of DANSE.

There is a widely recognized association with high vulnerability to PSI with traits like aggressiveness, anxiety, esteem corrosion, shyness, fear or ridicule (gelatophobia), ubiquitous inhibition and it is permissible based on studies that the higher vulnerability to PSI amplifies these negative traits and is not their product or outcome.

Neuroendocrine substrate of the pathophysiology triggered by neurotic PSI.

Neurotic PSI which is interpreted and handled by the brain and the neuroendocrine systems as chronic anxiety state tends to exacerbate the adverse health impact of chronic anxiety state stemming from other sources of stress increasing the odds of developing psychopathology and cognitive decline etc. The impact tends to be super-additive. The plasma ACTH and Cortisol elevation effects of chronic anxiety state and of neurotic PSI tend to be super-additive and in the absence of other stressors mild to moderate PSI may fail to produce adverse effect if there is no elevation of the plasma ACTH and Cortisol levels and adverse impacts would manifest only if the CCCCC is to intense that renders the individual genetically or constitutionally highly vulnerable. The role of environmental factors of life circumstances of the victims of neurotic PSI operate through the triggering of chronic anxiety state and elevation of plasma ACTH and Cortisol levels. Higher susceptibility among seniors to adverse impacts of neurotic PSI ensue from their higher vulnerability to the adverse effects of ACTH and Cortisol elevation due to the more intense state of inflammaging that gets fuelled by these hormones such that accelerated aging operates akin to a stressor. Octogenarians without accelerated inflammaging would exhibit relative immunity to the adverse impacts of even neurotic PSI although they tend not to be afflicted with PSI because their aerobic and intellectual pursuits which keep inflammaging under check also engages the effect of social isolation.

Layden et al in Neuroimaging 2017 report resting fMRI study exhibiting higher activation of cingulo-opercular region in those afflicted with neurotic PSI. By contrast supramarginal gyrus activity is the dominant fMRI pattern in those without neurotic PSI which is suggestive of engaging in overlearning behaviour and absence of hypervigilance.

Cacioppo et al in JOCN 2008 reported lower empathy response as estimated by the activity at the fronto-temporal junction in the lonely brain with high level of PSI.

Rationality cognitive bias. After adequate functional maturity the operation of no more than 4 to 5 trillion dendro-axonal synapses can be processed at conscious level and some 99% of the synaptic operation proceeds subliminally. While it impacts, adjusts or corrects the conscious interpretation of reality and affect it does so in an autonomic manner considering a sizable data that have preciously been inserted into these synapses unless thus synapses have not vanished during regeneration and pruning. What remains in the synaptic memory and what has been erased is impossible to determine. In the result the perceived reality is a heavily bias tainted and corrected version of reality and subject to myriads of illusions, delusions, desires etc.

Denialism over all overshadowing human negativity bias. Sizable dysfunction or faulty decision-making proceeds among humans due to the folly of failure to recognize and correct for the overwhelming human negativity bias. Because species survival depended heavenly upon its human mind continues to operate in the vice like grip of this negativity bias that taints the predictions with excessive and inappropriate pessimism. This phenomenon is contained in the popular overly cautious axiom, “better safe than sorry.” Which makes humans dysfunction ally timid as detailed in the timidity taming discussion. Remarkable success of humans of seemingly unattainable feats from being able to travel by air to climb the insurmountable peak of Mt. Everest, space travel, intrauterine fetal surgery, genetic engineering etc., are attestations to the colossal power of collaborative human effort in acquisition of apparently impossible results.

Learnt skill of negativity bias dilution or mitigation. Emergence of a 10,000 higher sensitivity (1 in 2,000,000 parts of water) to dissolved bitter and spicy compounds in the tongue that is capable of sweet taste sensation only at the concentration of 1 in 200 parts of water is one such example of human brain having evolved to exhibit a lot higher sensitive to hazards or negativity. This taste-based negativity bias happens to underlie the aversion of children to vegetables that contain traces of bitter and spicy compounds. However, under a special narrow set of circumstances the bitter and spicy compounds serve survival needs through brown fat activity amplification such that it is adaptive to master the skill of negativity bias dilution or mitigation which is commonly called courage and its paucity as cowardice.

1. Number of persons I feel emotionally close to

2. Number of persons who understand me well

3. Number of persons to whom I can talk freely

4. Number of persons I can trust with sensitive information.

5. Number of persons who I can turn to for help

Lonely individuals rate themselves artefactually lower on social skills.

The machete incident.

Robert Pickton, the Port coquitlam Pig farmer, Ted Kazinski, Russell Westin - shooter in the congress. - the Loner

The Hutterites exhibit the most tightly and strongly socially integrated communes in the U. S.

Coupling of the Perceived Social Isolation (PSI) and negativity bias dilution failure. With contrast to the fact that a hungry individual would engage in pursuit of securing food and a libido driven seek a potential copulation mate, those with Perceived Social Isolation succumb to neurotic loneliness because of the hold of negativity bias on their minds and lack of courage to socialize and interact with others. Weak esteem, agoraphobia, gelatophobia etc., play a role there. Having been temporarily marginalized from the herd proves to be threat only if the herd continues on with its rejection of the target victim who is often morally stigmatized with the scarlet letter A for example. The victim contributed through making faulty choice by failing to secure social reintegration. A non judicious socialization mate selection can prove to be hazardous result of imprudent negativity bias dilution. A common example of this is vulnerable young girls picking out and staying with exploitive and abusive boyfriends who contribute to the PSI of the victim girls. Entering into abusive marriages operates similarly. Elderly parents and grandparents who become victims of financial exploitation by the members of their family also fall prey to similar PSI.

Neurocognitive features of neurotic PSI.

Cognitive operation of sufferers of PSI is characterized by an unconscious hypervigilance for social threats or adverse social transactions especially rejection and further isolation.

Humans like other social animals depend on mutually protective collaborative behaviour for personal and species survival.

Aversion towards solitairism operates analogous to physiological needs like thirst for water, sexual gratification.

Protracted or chronic neurotic PSI. The transient or acute neurotic PSI tends to be reversible upon removal of the subject from the social isolation provoking environment unless the CCCCC is so intense that it renders the individual genetically or constitutionally highly vulnerable to neurotic PSI. Such individuals constitute the rare cases for pharmacological intervention.

PSI fosters a cautious drive to contact others for supportive interactions with emphasis on self preservation and self-centeredness. Removal of element of mutuality in the transactions tends to lead to untoward outcomes.

There appears a preponderance of selfish over altruistic behaviour, such that the victim is reluctant to volunteerism.

Allopregnanolol as a pharmacotherapy for neurotic PSI.

ADIDAS common DISS coupling. The widespread social disconnect or the common DISS is fostered by and is causally linked with anxiety, depression, insomnia, dementia, alcoholism, & strokes. (ADIDAS).

A strong rationale for taking steps to reduce the social disconnect or the common DISS is that it would offer a buffer and help reduce the propensity for thus prevalent of pathological DISS or psychotic PSI

The machete incident death penalty case

Robert Pickton, Ted Kazinski, Russell Westin - shooter in the congress. - the Loner

The Hutterites exhibit the most tightly and strongly socially integrated communes.

Common DISS is a growing and already a major public health crisis, and it is thrice as powerful a morbidity generator and lethal than obesity; thus, despite the fact that obesity has a prevalence three times that of DISS with the amplified adverse health effect its magnitude is comparable to obesity. On top of that often they coexist and amplify each other.

All the lonely people. Our Landmark survey uncovers and epidemic of loneliness. by Brad Edmondson AARP magazine Nov-Dec 2010

Morbid or pathological DISS (dysphoric isolation sense state) underlies the acquired psychopathic personality. Innate or genetic psychopathy is rare and constitutes about half of the cohort of psychopaths the remaining half emerge as a result of major psychological trauma like traumatic death of a loved one esp. an offspring (“the unthinkable”. “the tsunami” or “the life crash”) often a parent or sibling or being subject to severe abuse often via victim of sex trafficking. The acquired pathological DISS or acquired psychopathy is facilitated by the general social apathy and common reclusiveness. Genesis of pathological DISS is rooted in the self-denial, memory suppression and affect alienation where the person essentially acquires a different personal identity distinct from the identity of the trauma victim the person was in the past. In severe cases it manifests as fugue state or a conversion reaction, hallmarks of which are emotional numbing, self-neglect, reclusiveness etc. While the enormity of the pain drives reclusiveness and human contact avoidance, that is what is critically required for effective healing such that the unguided and socially neglected victim adopts a maladaptive route. Blame on the society there lies in acquiescing to the request of the severe psychological trauma to be left alone to recover, which the victim fails to do and instead acquires pathological DISS. Rationale of the victim behind reclusiveness is as flawed as that of the pain suffered during the pulling of the band-aid or the pain of the flu shot which is better willingly endured. Becoming estranged from own identity and the social support brings about the undesirable outcome of pathological DISS and shows overlap with features of post traumatic stress disorder or post traumatic embitterment state (PTES). Dr. Megan McElheran’s quote about this is: "it's in the process of re-engagement that healing starts to occur. She expressly emphasizes the therapeutic or healing power of sociability or social re-integration. Society renders itself serious disservice through denial of re-engagement or re-connection to the severe trauma victims.” Crux of healing is empathetic connection, sense of security, genuine understanding and interpersonal bonding. All it takes is one human being that the victim can completely relate to and trust.

1. Any human is capable of any offence including theft, rape, homicide etc. and raping and killing is not within the exclusive domain of psychopaths. In fact, with female victims or the victims who are career criminals, the offender committing rape or homicide is more like to be familiar face than a random stranger.

2. It is convenient and cast of violence perpetrator as non-human or beastly which solidifies the disconnect, precludes reintegration and leads to exacerbation of pathological DISS.

3. Humanity needs to master empathy a fair bit more as well as abandon “the happiness myth.” of a compulsion to be happy at all time.

4. It is better to presume others to be unfair, unjust, irrational, cruel, selfish and uncaring than otherwise given that self interest promotion is imprinted on the human gene during the past five decades.

5. It is crucial to be empathetic and compassionate to other humans who are less cognitively sophisticated even while personally being the target of injustice and unfairness because the eye for an eye doctrine would leave few people with both eyes intact.