La vie d'une famille de blaireaux habitant un terrier dans la Vienne (Dept. 86), France.

Des séquences vidéo (télésurveillance et piège-photo) de la vie des blaireaux et de leurs voisins.

Life around a Badger sett in the Vienne Region of France.

Including CCTV and Wildlife Camera footage of the Badgers' lives and of their neighbours.

Présentation Vienne Nature journée naturaliste

This video was first shown at the "Journée Naturaliste" of Vienne Nature which took place at Poitiers, France on the 25th November 2017.

The video begins by showing the first views we had of badger cubs emerging from the sett, which is located in the Vienne region of France, on the 26th March 2017. The limited amount of scientific literature that we as members of the general public have available to us would seem to suggest that badger cubs emerge after having spent the first 8 to 10 weeks of their life out of sight in the sett. So we can assume that the cubs were born around the middle to end of January. We have also read that mating takes place postpartum, i.e shortly after the birth of the cubs.

By looking back through our video record we were able to locate the first instance of mating which took place on the 23rd January 2017. We had assumed that post-partum mating might take place in the period of days or weeks following the birth of the cubs but in our case we believe we may have evidence that mating took place only minutes after the birth. On that particular night Pixie (our female) actively followed Nick (our male) whereas previously she seemed to avoid him and had denied him access to parts of the sett at times. She also appeared to deposit something because after mating, which lasted nearly an hour, Nick can be seen lapping from the ground where they had been. Our assumption is that this is the afterbirth and we therefore conclude that she had probably given birth earlier that same evening.

VN 25 nov 2017 v6.wmv

Présentation Vienne Nature journée naturaliste

25 novembre 2017

Live Stream 21 Nov 2017

Live Stream 27 Sep 2017