Google Support

ETC can provide you with many different forms of Google support.

  1. 1 on 1 Support
  2. Group Lunch 'n Learn Sessions with Instructors
  3. Workflow Process Streamlining

We can work with you 1 on 1, or in a group setting in order to make you feel more comfortable using Google Apps, and to learn more about what Google has to offer. Andrea Mix has completed her training for "Certified Google Trainer" as well as a "Certified Educator - Level 1." Please contact Andrea if you would like any training in the Google Apps for Education.

Amanda Fitzgerald has been embedded in multiple departments across campus in order to help streamline workflow processes. Using Google Apps, Gmail, Calendar, and other useful tools, Amanda has helped to create efficient time tracking methods, boost administrative processes such as minute-taking, build Google Sites in order to host and organize information, and much more. Contract Amanda if you would like to learn more.

Google Apps Tips and Support:!/

You can subscribe to get weekly tips on Using Google Apps:

G Suite Tips from the Monitor Academy:

Force Users to make a Copy

So that students aren't making edits in the original document:

  • Create document
  • Click "Share" and ensure that it is set up as "anyone at Olds College" can view, then copy link
  • Compose an email, and insert the link
  • At the end of the link, delete "/edit" and all text after that, and then replace it with "/copy"
  • This will force students to make a copy of the original - they can change the name and share it back with you for marking

The following videos are tape recorded Google sessions. If you would like to attend something similar, please contact any of us at ETC. We want to hear from you!