

Our curriculum is shaped by our school vision. We place great importance on ensuring that it is fully inclusive and provides children with opportunities to develop their musical knowledge and skills to the best of their ability. We place high value upon live performances and endeavour to offer drama, music and theatre to our children throughout the year. We support and promote opportunities to perform in front of an audience, within groups and as part of whole school performances to wider audiences of family and friends.

We use the Charanga Music Scheme which supports the aims of the National Curriculum for Music:

            National Curriculum Music (2014)

The learning within this Scheme is based on: Listening and Appraising; Musical Activities, including creating and exploring; Singing and Performing. A clear progression of skills is built in across the year groups. 

Alongside this comprehensive resource, we are also have weekly singing or music assemblies. We are seeking to update and increase our repertoire of songs, including introducing a greater number from different cultures. 

We have a number of peripatetic teachers who visit the school on a weekly basis to provide specialist tuition on the piano, violin, recorder, guitar, trumpet, trombone and singing. We are able to offer the opportunity for our Pupil Premium children to access tuition or therapeutic intervention. The school puts on an annual Summer Concert where the children are able to experience the excitement of performing for an audience and to showcase what they have learnt.

All of our instrumentalists and singers have the opportunity to experience a ‘live’ orchestra in action at the annual Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra Schools Concert.

The school maintains strong links with the Dorset Area Schools Partnership (DASP) and our Year 4 children take part in the annual DASP Singing Festival. We also access musical activities and staff CPD via the Dorset Music Hub.