Middle School Counseling

Kalyn Abel, MA, PLPC

Middle School Counselor


(314) 645-9600 ext 412

Morgan Fuemmeler

Middle School Counselor


(314) 645-9600 ext 427

How to Cope with Stress & Anxiety

Regulating Emotions

Your child may still be little, but middle school brings new hormones with big emotions.  Teaching your child about the A, B, C's of emotional regulation can help them, and you, navigate this critical period of their social-emotional development.

Self-Care in Middle School

Feeling stressed?  You're not alone.  We're here to help.  Check out these self-care tips from real middle schoolers and explore our mindfulness resources too!

The Science Behind Mindfulness Meditation

Did you know how you think can literally change the way your brain is shaped?  Learn how to strengthen your mind with these tips.

Self-Care Menu

Anxiety-Reducing Hobbies

3 Minute Meditation

5 Minute Meditation

Contact a Counselor