Život u doba bolesti COVID-19 – socijalne implikacije za sigurnost i dobrobit ranjivih skupina u europskom kontekstu
Life in the time of COVID-19 - social implications on the security and well-being of vulnerable groups in the European context
Pravni fakultet u Rijeci / Faculty of Law in Rijeka / 7 - 8 July 2022
Pozivamo Vas na međunarodnu znanstvenu konferenciju Život u doba bolesti COVID-19 – socijalne implikacije za sigurnost i dobrobit ranjivih skupina u europskom kontekstu, koja će se održati 7. i 8. srpnja 2022. godine na Pravnom fakultetu u Rijeci u sklopu projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost IP-CORONA-04-2086.
We are pleased to invite you to the international scientific conference Life in the time of COVID-19 - social implications on the security and well-being of vulnerable groups in the European context that will be held in a hybrid format at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka on 7 and 8 of July, 2022. The conference is organised under the Croatian Science Foundation project IP-CORONA-04-2086.
Cilj & Svrha
U zadnje dvije godine, svijet je iskusio razarajuće posljedice COVID-19 krize u svakom segmentu društvenog života. Izjava UN-ovoga glavnog tajnika Antónia Guterresa kako je pandemija prouzročila neviđenu ljudsku patnju i ekonomsku devastaciju širom svijeta pokazala se, nažalost, točnim pokazateljem razmjera i težine njezinih posljedica. I dok se bitka s pandemijom primarno vodila na polju medicinske znanosti, postalo je očito da ograničenja socijalnih prava i usluga i mjere zabrane kretanja mogu dovesti do teških, neželjenih posljedica po ranjive članove društva. Ispostavilo se da ranjivost ranjivih nikada nije bila veća i ostaje otvorenim pitanje može li se država nositi sa socijalnim teretom i može li ih primjereno zaštititi. Upravo zbog toga znanstvena zajednica ima moralnu, etičku i profesionalnu dužnost odgovoriti na novonastalu krizu, a projekt Život u doba bolesti COVID-19 izravan je odgovor na tu obvezu.
Na završnoj međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji predstavit će se projektni rezultati i kroz interdisciplinarni pristup otvorit će se rasprava s istraživačima, znanstvenicima, kreatorima javnih politika, organizacijama civilnog društva i građanima u europskom kontekstu. Razmijenit će se iskustva i znanja na teorijskoj i praktičnoj razini kako bi se predložila rješenja o osnaženju sustava za zaštitu prava ranjivih u vrijeme kriza koje nas tek očekuju.
Aim & Scope
In the last two years, humanity has experienced devastating effects of COVID-19 crisis in every segment of social life. The UN Secretary-General António Guterres' statement that COVID-19 pandemic is causing untold human suffering and economic devastation worldwide is, unfortunately, a correct predictor of extent and severity of its effects. While state officials are predominately focused on fighting the pandemic in the medical battlefield, there has been a strong indication that the state reduction of previously attained level of social security rights and services combined with mandatory lockdown measures have severe, unwanted consequences for the most vulnerable members of society. Recent research has shown that these who were vulnerable are now more vulnerable than ever and question remains whether the state may bear the COVID-19 social burden and adequately protect them. Scientific community has a moral, ethical and professional obligation to respond to the crisis. The project Life in the time of COVID-19 is a direct response to this obligation.
The project final conference will be an occasion to comprehensivly present project results and through an interdisciplinary approach to open a discussion with researchers, scientists, creators of public policies, nongovernmental organisations and citizens in the European context. Conference participants will exchange knowledge and experiences on theoretical and practical level to propose solutions for strengthening the system for the protection of the rights of the vulnerable in time of crisis that await us.
Glavne teme konferencije:
Ranjivost u različitim znanstvenim disciplinama
Zaštita prava ranjivih skupina u europskom kontekstu: komparativni pristup
Ustavnost ograničenja prava građana uslijed COVID-19 pandemije
COVID-19 kao kriminogeni čimbenik
Obiteljsko nasilje u doba bolesti COVID-19
Zaštita prava djece i pandemijski izazovi
Nasilje nad djecom iza zatvorenih vrata
COVID-19 i mentalno zdravlje
Zaštita prava osoba s duševnim smetnjama u vrijeme pandemije
Otpornost i transformacija sustava zaštite prava ranjivih uslijed COVID-19 krize
Preventivne mjere i budući krizni udari u društvu
Uloga organizacija civilnog društva u zaštiti prava ranjivih
Utjecaj COVID-19 krize i razvoj društva u budućnosti
Krizna komunikacija u digitalnom dobu
Relevantna informacija u digitalnom dobu
Širenje lažnih vijesti u doba bolesti COVID-19
Važnost relevantne informacije i ranjive skupine
Informacijska pismenost za različite skupine (ranjive osobe)
Main topics of the Conference:
Vulnerability in Different Scientific Disciplines
Protection of the Vulnerable Groups in the European Context: A Comparative Approach
Constitutionality of the Restrictions on Citizens' Rights Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 as a Criminogenic Factor
Family Violence in the Time of COVID-19
Protection of Children’s Right and Pandemic Challenges
Violence Against Children Behind Closed Doors
COVID-19 and Mental Health
Protection of the Rights of Persons with Mental Difficulties in the Time of Pandemic
Resilience and Transformation of the System of Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Persons Due to the COVID-19 Crisis
Preventive Measures and Future Crisis in Society
Role of NGOs in Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Persons
Influence of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Future Development of Society
Crisis Communication in the Digital Age
Relevant Information in the Digital Age
Spreading Fake News During COVID-19 Pandemic
Importance of Relevant Information and Vulnerable Groups
Information Literacy For Different Groups (Vulnerable People)
Conference Programme Committee
Assoc. Prof. Dalida Rittossa, Ph.D., president, Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Full Prof. Sanja Barić, Ph.D., Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Full Prof. Marissabell Škorić, Ph.D. Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Prof. Goran Arbanas, MD, Ph.D. ,University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče, Department of Forensic Psychiatry, Croatia
Assist. Prof. Mojca M. Plesničar, Ph.D., University of Ljubljana, Institute of Criminology, Faculty of Law, Slovenia
Francesco Trapella, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Department of Legal and Social Sciences D'Annunzio University of Chieti – Pescara, Italy
Dejana Golenko, Scientific Associate, Ph.D., Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Lokacija: Pravni fakultet u Rijeci + online / Location: Faculty of Law in Rijeka + online
Prijava za sudjelovanje: Besplatno / Registration fees: Free of Charge
Prijave otvorene od 30. lipnja 2022. / Registration starts: 30 June 2022
Prijave otvorene od 30. lipnja 2022. / Registration starts: 30 June 2022
Osobe za kontakt / Contact Persons
Osobe za kontakt / Contact Persons
Dalida Rittossa, T: + 385 51 359 500 ; E: dalida.rittossa@pravri.uniri.hr
Dejana Golenko, T: + 385 51 359 500 ; E: dejana.golenko@pravri.uniri.hr
Dejana Golenko, T: + 385 51 359 500 ; E: dejana.golenko@pravri.uniri.hr
Prijava / Registration